Monday 18 September 2006

SAT epilogue, exchanges and other things

I decided to call it off for today, so here comes before and after:

Noticing that I only stitched it today I'm very pleased on my progress.

On scissor fobs

I checked my partner's blog and her wishlist. Can you imagine my thrill when I realised that she loves same colours as I do? I've already kitted her fob, and decided that I'll stitch design I had in mind as I'd love it over one with my chosen floss and fabric.

'Guess That Theme' Secret Pal

I just heard that my little envelope has found its way to Canada, and, as I thought, Elaine loved what I sent to her (Sometimes these things are wonderfully easy).
My theme was simply hand-dyed:


And in the end I did met N. this weekend. He sent me SMS and asked if I happen to be around and would I like to go for a cup of coffee with him.
I was (I was on my way home) and I did, and, as usual, I really enjoyed our little chatting session. Honestly speaking he is one of those persons with whom you rarely have a silent moment. And I enjoy it.
And first bag-related compliment came from him. Good taste he has.

On hot liquids

As it's a herbal infusion I prefer not to use word 'tea'. Anyway, True Blueberry by Celestial Seasonings is good choice if you want something good and warm (I'm sure it'd make good cold drink too), but aren't in the mood for tea/coffee.


    "Do your work with your whole heart, and you will succeed--there's so little competition.
    Elbert Hubbard

    "When we love a person, we accept him or her exactly as is: the lovely with the unlovely, the strong with the fearful, the true mixed in with the facade, and of course, the only way we can do it is by accepting ourselves that way."
    Fred Rogers

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