Tuesday 26 September 2006


Mystery SALs are always problematic, as you don't know how the design will look like in the end.

I joined Halloween Gameboard MSAL at Tanya Meehan Designs, but I've to admit that I'm just lurking and have no idea will I ever actually join it (not that there were room in my rotation) or will I stitch the design later - as her style doesn't appeal to me that much, but as you know you can never know... And then... it's free so I don't lose anything even if I decide not to stitch it - and new designs to my pattern stash are always welcomed.

And when it comes to SAL of this day (Silhouettes) we'll have to see about it as I'm on my way to clean (cats didn't like my absence over weekend) and do the dishes. (Woke up after 2 pm today (antihistamine does that to me) so I haven't got the time to do anything yet...)

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