Saturday, 30 September 2006

Goals for October; setting

Could you believe it's almost October?

  1. Work with Panda.
  2. At least half of Jaffa done in the end of the month. (This will depend on the amount of daylight.)
  3. Finish and send OE item.
  4. Finish 1st and 2nd part of Alter Echo.
  5. Finish The Greatest Treasure.
  6. Finish Small Needlebook.
  7. Finish at least one ornament.
  8. Stitch-A-Thon at The Robin's Nest.
Angela, happy now? I gave you not one, but two entries. (And that promised entry with picture(s) will follow later.... *grin*)

Goals for September; set and actualized

Goals for September were:

  1. Stitch as much Panda as possible (preferably finish it).
  2. Stitcher's Tools SAL at EMS BB; keep on blabbering, and stitch at least Small Needlebook.
  3. Stitch at least half of Jaffa.
  4. Stitch, finish and send Crazy Cat Lady Exchange item in time.
  5. Finish first part of Alter Echo.
  6. Stitch mother's birthday card.
  7. Kit Ornament Exchange ornament.
  8. Stitch-A-Thon at The Robin's Nest
  9. Decide design for Scissor Fob Exchange.
And actualized version:
  1. Panda will be about half done when month changes.
  2. I've stitched about half of Small Needlebook, I was attacked by nasty frog yesterday...
  3. 1/5 done.
  4. Stitched, finished and sent in schedule. Waiting to hear of its arrival from $NAME.
  5. Due another nasty frog attack I didn't reach my goal, but I'd say it had been realistic otherwise.
  6. Done.
  7. Kitted, and stitched.
  8. Participated.
  9. Decided, and it's about half done.

Must resist temptation...

...must stay in rotation...

But Kristine (Herber) did it again! She designed few blackwork ornaments as complimentary designs for stitchers in her Yahoo group.
I had got to bed, but got up to have a cup of tea, checked my email and... well, after I saw the design I had to kit up "a bit"...


Now I just need time to stitch! (I think I can tweak little holes into my rotation... *grin*)

Plans, plans, plans.... and mail!

Fact 1: my sewing machine needs better cover.
Fact 2: I've enough black denim to sew one.
Fact 3: I'm a crazy stitcher...
Fact 4: ... I'll stitch something on it.

Something being this:
(c) Ellen Maurer-Stroh

As I'm know around in net as a female demon, as it's for sewing machine cover and as my surname refers to a winged creature.... perfect choice, don't you think?

And when it comes to designs, this has certain attitude you just got to love - and those sheeps are cute. ^^

Guess That Theme Secret Pal

My parcel arrived today from Belgium, and what could be better than some new stash?
I got

  • Two buttons: box of crayons and school books.
  • Three pieces of chrome yellow aida (that's soft, not like aida usually is) - I love the colour in them.
  • Point de Croix magazine, issue September/October

My wild guess was autumn.

Stitching wise

Nothing much to show, been drooping, translating (this), sleeping (it's end of September and I can sleep again... interesting, don't you think?), sewing, sleeping some more... and stitching, a bit, but stitching nevertheless.

At the moment I try to decide do I want to eat, sleep or both... Decisions, decisions.

Friday, 29 September 2006

I am art.

You Are Surrealism

Dreamy and idealistic, you've created a world that is all your own.

It's very likely that you've either dabbled in drugs or are naturally trippy. You are always trying to push beyond the boundaries of your culture and society. You believe that art, love, and freedom can change the world.

What Art Movement Are You?

Naturally trippy, thanks for asking, but otherwise I'd say there are people who'd agree with this... (Cross posted to ...Testing, testing...)

SBQ; It happens even in the best of the families...


Stitching Bloggers' Question

was suggested by Sharon and is:
When you find yourself making a lot of mistakes in various stitching projects do you find it better to muddle your way through or do you take a brief break from stitching? If you do take a break, how long do you take?
It's better to take a break, as otherwise I get frustrated and irritated and make even more mistakes. How long it is depends on my level of frustration and on length of queue of other stitchy projects.
Sometimes coffee break is enough, sometimes it's months... sometimes I won't lay my needle on it in years and then ditch it...

Thursday, 28 September 2006

Crazy Cat Lady, and cats, got mail!

We (cats and I) got mail from U.S.A. today... Jo sent gorgeous little pillow with one of the Brittercup's kitties (according to her it looks just like her Nicky) in it and in addition to that we got 2007 Mousepad Calendar (with cat pictures, of course!) and the cutest kitty card (I think I've to frame that)! Rest your eyes in these pretties!


Jo so made my day! Thank you!

Cure for insomnia?

This happened last year, with Mozart though.. I need to listen something to be able to fall asleep. This year it's not Mozart, but The Men From The Ministry (Finnish version).

Scent of a woman

Youngest of my cats has good taste with scents.
Last night I was laying in my bed, half asleep when I felt someone sniffing my neck... 1. None of them never does that, and, 2. it was one of those spots where I spray scent-of-the-day (I'm very inconsistent with my scents, and therefore may change them daily). So, it seems to me that unneutered tomcats like Calvin Klein's Be (and why wouldn't they: bergamot, sandalwood, mandarin, musk, vanilla..).

Repetitio est mater studiorum

Due the frog attack I've no visible progress since last week, even I've stitched few repeats today - but fact is that I had to frog because this thing is based on symmetry.

I frogged border from D to P due the miscalculation and when I get to bed I'm more or less from where I started to frog... So progress without progress. I'd do great civil servant.

P.S. As you may notice that is same picture which I used in last week.

Wednesday, 27 September 2006

It's raining frogs, oy vey...

Any guesses on who had to frog almost half of the upper border of Alter Echo?

Yes, it was me. I had miscounted and then repeated my mistake in every single repeat I had stitched... *sigh*
I just love frogging red floss as it leaves visible lint - fortunately we have sticky tape.

Other life-related notions

  1. I haven't slept since I woke up yesterday (~2:30 pm, those antihistamines...), and my plan is to keep myself going next 11- 12 hours... I've to, in order to get my sleeping back in order again. (It seems to normalize when ever I've company while sleeping - curious, don't you think?)
  2. I got surprising promotion in certain forum... Not complaining: power to me^Wthe people!

Stitchy ramblings

For some reason I think that one of my 2-dos in near future is Loy Krathong.

I've had my eyes on it since I bought it in one of my trips to Kinokuniya and lately I've been thinking what would be suitable fabric for it.

It's just too inviting, too much of a dream scene not to stitch it, but it also needs The Perfect Fabric to be stitched on (something hand-dyed, I'd say). Blue or violet, maybe purple with blue accents.

Edited-To-Add; Great Scissor Giveaway

I won! (Ok, I wasn't the only one, but I won!) These beauties are coming to live with me, thanks for Jenna's overwhelming generosity!

I am not worthy!

'Release of any teddy bears into the fish hatchery water is not permitted.'

I realised something while doing dishes: existence of N. has done good to me.

Anyhow, due ovary pains I decided to ditch cleaning (actually I just decided to do it tomorrow) and concentrate on stitching... Though I only placed few stitches on Jaffa as for some reason my eyes just begun to hurt after first stitches - and I don't want to conjure migraine - so I decided to concentrate on SFE. And therefore, no pictures... (anyway my camera's batteries are almost dead so it's possible there won't be any pictures before Thursday evening.)

Ever wondered what teddy bears do at night?

Maybe this explains it...

Tuesday, 26 September 2006


Mystery SALs are always problematic, as you don't know how the design will look like in the end.

I joined Halloween Gameboard MSAL at Tanya Meehan Designs, but I've to admit that I'm just lurking and have no idea will I ever actually join it (not that there were room in my rotation) or will I stitch the design later - as her style doesn't appeal to me that much, but as you know you can never know... And then... it's free so I don't lose anything even if I decide not to stitch it - and new designs to my pattern stash are always welcomed.

And when it comes to SAL of this day (Silhouettes) we'll have to see about it as I'm on my way to clean (cats didn't like my absence over weekend) and do the dishes. (Woke up after 2 pm today (antihistamine does that to me) so I haven't got the time to do anything yet...)

Here be dragons

As said MW will have to give its day to TGT because TGT has a deadline. And even design changed Monday seems to be day of Dragon Dreams.

Baby dragon had an arm when I begun to stitch this today and here's how it looks like now (I've had busy night because we had/have problems with one forum user... ended up being banned, and I'd really love to see that report of an offence she promised to make (there's no base for it, just one's paranoid illusions)):

I've to say that I'm quite happy with my conversion from greens to purples. (Angela, I can hear you drooling. )

In other news

CCLE is mailed, as is one leaflet from my unwanted list. It'll immigrate to live with Cindy as she is/was in dire need of Christmas ornament designs and as I want to give loving homes to stash I don't want to live with...
And Sabine should get something from me in one of these days. (I really love to make those parcels, even my finances limit them quite a bit, but IMO I can still make it quite well.)

And my chilis really could use some therapy. It's end of September and they look like this:

Monday, 25 September 2006

Secret happy dance

I decided not to work on Panda during this weekend, as when I got home I was quite tired for reason or another and not in the mood for holding my frame. But as I itched to stitch I decided to start Ornament Exchange item, and, in fact, I managed to finish it stitching wise.

As it is an exchange item I won't show you how gorgeous it is, but... how about a teaser?

Evil, aren't I?

Sunday, 24 September 2006

Unconscious Mutterings

Missed me?

I had signs of life during weekend (and loads of fun) so I wasn't 1. at home, 2. stitching (ok, I stitched SFE item a bit yesterday, but you know..). Anyway, to the meme of the day.

Week 190

  1. Bell :: Alexander Graham
  2. Abuse :: Inhumanity
  3. Relief :: Ending
  4. List :: Notes
  5. Concern :: Worry
  6. Absolute :: Nothing is...
  7. Cling :: Fling
  8. Dump :: Garbage
  9. Terminate :: To destroy
  10. Wine :: White

Friday, 22 September 2006

SBQ; Projects count

This week''s

Stitching Bloggers Question

was suggested by Elisabeth and is:
How many pieces have you stitched? Out of these, how many have:
  1. Been for you?
  2. Had specialty stitches or other techniques besides cross stitch?
Let me see... approximately 60 (Not bad noticing that most of those have been stitched during past 16 months) pieces all together. Out of these
  1. about five have been for me. (Shocking. O_o)
  2. Approximately 5 had contained specialty stitches or other techniques. (I don't include French knots.)
As we see I'm quite philanthropic stitcher, but that is changing. I want to stitch things for me once in a while. But fact is that I can't stay away from exchanges, and I'm sure I'll get into round robins next year so there's always something on my schedule which is not meant to stay with me.

Men, can't live with them, can't understand them... can't live without them.

Regardless of the fact that N. has said to me that he's not ready for a relationship, and regardless the fact that we have agreed to be just friends with benefits I can't help the impression that he has other plans for me.

Or maybe I just haven't got used to someone who wants to give me gifts just out of the fact that I am so wonderful, maybe I'm odd when I consider it odd that your FWB tells how much he enjoyed that moment when I kissed his face in one morning when I woke up next to him "...because it felt like you had made love to me...".

That word bothers me, that term bothers me. He wants someone who loves him, or at least acts like she loves him (easy for me as I am very affectionate), but he's afraid of committing.
Of course I don't know how it is, but I've got that impression from him.

But fact is that I'm prepared to that day when he leaves the country in the end of this year, and even I'm not very fond of the thought out of my own egoistic needs I can live with it without bigger problems.
He's good conversationalist, he's cute, he adores me, he's kinky, well-educated, he wants to have a herd of kids... he carries traits I appreciate in a man, but still I'm afraid that he thinks that we have something more than friendship spiced with physical relationship.

Maybe I am paranoid, or maybe... just maybe I'm the one out of two of us who's able to separate sex from love.

Actually this situation wouldn't bother me if there weren't one person who may get too interesting. Because I don't want to hurt anyone, not even "just" FWB as I really do like N., and as I see no reason to hurt anyone.
Though I know that solution with less possibilities to hurt anyone would be keeping N. as a friend without any additional spices.

But then, he has said to me what he has said, and we have agreed what we have. I'll live according to that reality as I'm not a foreteller and I refuse to know what others have in mind without them telling me.

It's official...

...I've lost my mind.

I've been stitching my fob for SFE and as I am loving it, stitching over one (even I say it myself it'll look gorgeous when finished), I have been thinking of Ezmeralda's House again.
It'd be incredibly, amazingly cute over one on 40 count fabric (its finished size would be approximately 10cm x16cm). And in certain sense it'd also be insane project noticing that my eyesight isn't best one ever, I suffer from migraines etc., but... you know how it is: crazy stitcher doesn't really care about facts is she has a good idea.

When it comes to backstitched texts in that design I've an idea which might work, or might not (I think I should actually stitch a test piece): backstitching over one. I did it on my CCLE item, and it was rather fun, and it looks great.

Official crafty link for the day

For a cat who has everything: Kitty Pi.

Thursday, 21 September 2006

Hidden happy dance

CCLE item is completely finished!
I did some simplifying for the original design as I didn't see how certain thing would have improved it, and I also adapted finishing a bit from the given directions.
Anyhow, I'm very pleased with how it turned out and I hope my partner will love it as much as I do.

Pictures will follow when it's received.

Wednesday, 20 September 2006

Now I know my ABC... *humming*

It has been two months and 13 days since I worked on AE last time...
Anyway, my progress may not look like much, but those letters do take time even they seem to be so simple. But all that starting and ending takes time - as I don't want to have any travelling threads in its back.

But from this to this... (Colour of the fabric is closer to reality in new picture.)

I'm quite sure I won't reach my goal with AE in this month (which was finishing first part), but I'll get pretty close. Therefore I think that realistic goal with AE is to finish one part/ month which would mean that we'll have sampler HD in late March/ early April.

And now, some more tea, idling around and then I'll concentrate on CCLE item once again. (I want to finish it as I'm itching to start/ do my first over one project (which is scissor fob for an exchange)! )

Where the time went?!

I just realised that CCLE's send out date is coming Monday! O_o (Not that I had any problems with it, but my inner calendar seems to be out of order.) Even I wasn't able to finish it last night (Passion flower decided to tangle badly in several occasions (it's wonderful floss to stitch with when using shorter lengths, and it looks delicious)) I'd say I can finish it in Thursday as I need only to stitch few stitches, attach some beads to it and finish it.
And I've to admit that I'm very pleased to those changes I made with its colours, and I can only hope my receiver likes it as much as I do.

But now/today I should wake up and take my monthly clearing to SSI, make a reservation to laundry, clean and stitch AE a bit.

Oranges anyone?

It has been Silhouettes day (decided to call it off for today because it strains my eyes to stitch on black when there's no daylight (I'm getting old, I used to be able to stitch on black in artificial light...)), and as Jaffa was next in my list I worked on it. (Aren't I queen of obvious or something?)

While stitching I noticed that I've slight *ahem* counting mistake. Its width seems to be, instead of 45 stitches, which is actual width of this design, 47 stitches...
I won't frog this thing or start it again, but as long as I remember this when I'm framing these it'll be easily fixed: I've been planning to frame these with passepartouts (For some reason I see double passepartouts: burgundy and gold to give the depth - but I've to see with the colour, in theory black would be better..) so those two excess vertical rows will be hidden by matting.

I also realised that MW will have to wait for better days, as I need to start with The Greatest Treasure as it has a deadline, which MW doesn't have.

And...'s very much possible that I'll concentrate on stitching instead of sleeping in coming night. I should stay away from news, they have never brought anything good, and I'm known worrywart (I know I shouldn't worry over things I can't affect to)...
Only some frantic stitching can help me relax and therefore... I decided to concentrate on CCLE item and stitch it before getting to bed. I think I'll put finishing stitches to it today.

Tuesday, 19 September 2006

In other words...; Art of digressing

Quote for September 19th

Where we have strong emotions, we’re liable to fool ourselves.
— Carl Sagan

They say love is blind. Same with hate, happiness, sorrow... when we feel something strongly we can't see the whole image. We only see those things which prove our point of view, not those which may shatter it. (How many of you can say that they never have been in a relationship in which they've sensed the doom long before the end actually came, but which we didn't want to see and admit out of love, or fear?) Because we are fooled by our emotions, because we hate to lose, be it our faith or our credibility. Don't we all want to save our face?
I think being 'fooled' by your emotions comes with being a human, and I'm sure it has its meaning as otherwise evolution would probably have destroyed that quality from us.
Think of sense of self-protection. If you're in danger only thing in your mind is to save your own a*s, no matter the cost. Fear of dying drives us to save ourselves, even in the end you may have no possibility to survive, but your fear of death or love for life keeps you fighting - even it'd be fight already lost.

Humans do odd things for love, or greed, or for any other reason. Mostly they just try to give reasonable excuses to their deeds. But mostly... we are just mammals, our instincts/emotions drive us, not our sense.
There's nothing wrong in acting by your emotions and/or urges, but at least we could admit doing so.


I seem to get sick again. Oh joy.
Anyway, I happened to read Daily WTF last night and found this rather amusing selection: Pop-up Potpourri: Perpetually In Beta


I was playing around a bit with my camera day before yesterday and came up with this.

Honestly, that is about only picture of Neko which actually looks like him. Usually he either looks extremely cute or extremely, erm, drunk. (And it's practically impossible to get decent face shots (*coughs*) out of him because he wants to 'push' the camera.)
In this picture he was concentrated on fly on balcony door...

Official quote

I think this would do a good sampler (and I'm person who says she dislikes samplers *ahem*):

    "A room without books is like a body without a soul."

Life during first days of rotation

In Friday I managed to put few stitches on Small Needlebook. Yesterday I put Panda down ~22:30 and when day changed to Monday I dug Morning Wizard (MW) from a drawer and spent two hours with it before realising that sleeping might actually be good idea...
This may be bad for me, you know? I sense piles of finishes thanks to rotation, but I also sense addiction getting worse. I sense some sleep deprivation due rotation... "Day changed, I'm allowed to change the project! I'll just do few stitches..."

What seems to be good in this, though I can't talk out of experience yet, is that I have found new enthusiasm for stitching. My WIPs represent variety of styles so I won't get bored, and I've to admit that I'm eagerly waiting that moment when I finish my CCLE piece and start Scissor Fob Exchange (know as SFE from now on) piece.

When it comes to MW I think that it's destiny is to end up being part of a tea cosy - when ever I find suitable fabric to finish it with. (Some delicious purple would be good, I think.)

This is what we have after this week's dose of MW:

Monday, 18 September 2006



On a scale of 1-10, how _____________ are you? (Feel free to elaborate on why you chose your answer).

  1. Extroverted
    From 1 to 10, depending on a case. Those people I know would never say that I'm not extroverted deducing from my behaviour around them, but then... they know me.
    I can be completely closed down or bubbly, open person so I can't say anything precise. Usually I make it easy by saying that I am either extroverted introvert or introverted extrovert.

  2. Evil
    'Evil' is such a relative aspect. To some people I am evil bitch, and I know why it is so, but some people like me, even love me, as I am and they think I'm kind and sweet.
    So, it may be better to get into my mind and have a view to those things people seem to think as impure or evil... I'd say 8.

  3. Stressed
    9. In my case it's completely financial. I hate insecurity.

  4. Strong
    Physically, mentally or both? And compared to what?
    Physically I'd say I'm average woman, but I give impression of strength because of my muscularity.
    Mentally... well, if we think everything I've gone trough in my life in general, and lately, I can't say that I weren't strong, but I am not saying I am strong... I'd say 7.

  5. Weird
    Compared to what and according to whom? Compared to stereotypes of a female in my society I'd say 8.


And while I remember, thank you for all the nice comments on my latest finishes and WIPs. ^^

SAT epilogue, exchanges and other things

I decided to call it off for today, so here comes before and after:

Noticing that I only stitched it today I'm very pleased on my progress.

On scissor fobs

I checked my partner's blog and her wishlist. Can you imagine my thrill when I realised that she loves same colours as I do? I've already kitted her fob, and decided that I'll stitch design I had in mind as I'd love it over one with my chosen floss and fabric.

'Guess That Theme' Secret Pal

I just heard that my little envelope has found its way to Canada, and, as I thought, Elaine loved what I sent to her (Sometimes these things are wonderfully easy).
My theme was simply hand-dyed:


And in the end I did met N. this weekend. He sent me SMS and asked if I happen to be around and would I like to go for a cup of coffee with him.
I was (I was on my way home) and I did, and, as usual, I really enjoyed our little chatting session. Honestly speaking he is one of those persons with whom you rarely have a silent moment. And I enjoy it.
And first bag-related compliment came from him. Good taste he has.

On hot liquids

As it's a herbal infusion I prefer not to use word 'tea'. Anyway, True Blueberry by Celestial Seasonings is good choice if you want something good and warm (I'm sure it'd make good cold drink too), but aren't in the mood for tea/coffee.


    "Do your work with your whole heart, and you will succeed--there's so little competition.
    Elbert Hubbard

    "When we love a person, we accept him or her exactly as is: the lovely with the unlovely, the strong with the fearful, the true mixed in with the facade, and of course, the only way we can do it is by accepting ourselves that way."
    Fred Rogers

Sunday, 17 September 2006

Unconscious Mutterings

Week 189

I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. Running :: Sweat
  2. Alternative :: Lifestyle
  3. Cope :: Survive
  4. Lots :: A lot
  5. Sympathetic :: Cute
  6. Barn :: Hay
  7. Totally :: Completely
  8. Baby :: Beautiful
  9. Undeniable :: Fact
  10. Watermelon :: Sweet


After hiding the truth from my dear readers for so long I can now reveal my latest finish, and what's even more important, wish all the luck for those two who I made it for... Congratulations once again Selina and Andy! I hope all the best to your life together, and wish that all your dreams will be fulfilled!
*gets a hanky* I'm getting old and mushy... (I admit that I was as excited for them than I'd been if I had been one getting married. *grin*) *sighs* And then to second most important thing...

And I'm quite proud of the card too. Simple, but nice.

Comment changes

Due my first spammer attack all anonymous comments will be screened from this day forward.

Hey, it took 2½ years before it happened so actually I should be surprised that it lasted this long...

Saturday, 16 September 2006

Models and other stitchy things

In headlines today...

I got email from that designer yesterday, and other one this morning and it seems to me that... I'll be model stitcher. And what is best, with her I can choose the pattern from given possibilities and I can keep the project when it's finished (in addition that she pays supplies and gives the pattern)! She just wants pictures from progress and finished object.

Sounds good or what?!

And... now my rotation will be very useful as by using it I can get time for my own projects while working with models.


I'll get more time with Panda as I won't be seeing N. this weekend. It's a pity, but there's silver lining in every cloud, which in this case is the fact that I'll get closer to finish with Panda than I'd otherwise got.

Scissor Fob Exchange

Partner info has been mailed, and I got mine. When I'll get home I'll sneak in her blog a bit and play around with possibilities. Actually I've one design in mind, and I've been planning to stitch it over one, which I've never ever done before.

The design itself is very suitable for scissor fob, but I try to find her favourite colour(s) to work it with.

It'll be fun!

Friday, 15 September 2006

View in life with a latex allergy

Imagine how it feels to get allergic reaction out of the air you breathe. I'm quite sure this is how people in gas chambers felt like... "This can't be happening! Breathing makes me feel worse..!"

As said, I felt that I was suffocating when I was seeing the doctor and getting the blood tests done, but it was over two hours and one antihistamine ago and I still feel like there's elephant sitting on my chest, my skin is itching, my tongue is about 1½ times its normal size, my head aches, I'm coughing, my eyes itch... Why? Just because I visited my doctor, just because there's latex molecules in air... just because I breathe.

As an occasional incident this is not that much, but think of it from the view that I'll very probably live 50-60 years still and during those years I need to visit dentist, doctor and I'll surely get in to a hospital for reason or another.
All those places have latex molecules in air. What the heck they're going to do with me? Every doctor's appointment will be an adventure, my hospital visits have to be carefully planned, and I've one more reason to be afraid of dentists.

At the moment I can only hope to be able to avoid accidents and hospitalization before my allergy is officially diagnosed, and I've to hope that they'll prescribe adrenaline injector for me... just in case.
And once again I remember why I don't like to live alone. In theory I could get anaphylactic shock almost out of the blue and no one would notice before it'd be too late.


Medicational use of cross stitching

Maybe it's September as a month (I had sleeping problems last year in September), maybe it's about hormones (shouldn't be at this phase of my cycle), maybe it's stress, maybe it's something else... but I've realised that cross stitching is a wonder drug when you suffer from insomnia. One length of nicely coloured floss stitched on nicely coloured fabric and voilá we have a good night sleep.

And btw, my doctor is an idiot and in her opinion if I want the diagnose I should go to the private sector... well, if it what I've to do I'll go and get the missive from private sector, but I'll also file a complaint about her. She has no expertise and therefore she can't decide who'll get the missive and who won't.
But on the brighter note, she ordered basic allergy tests to be taken and I'll get the results 10th of October, after which I get the missive to latex allergy test. (Which I surely have (latex allergy, not the test *grin*), I almost suffocated during my brief visit..).

I think I need to sooth my nerves a bit by stitching...

Devil Bear; Final HD

From this day on I'll have absolutely coolest bag in whole planet.

Though I've to admit that seam which keeps lining and outer bag together is not completely ok (from inside, from outside it's perfect), but I'll fix it some other day. Firstly I need to get to bed soon (I've that doctor's appointment at 9 am) and secondly I want to use that bag over the weekend. It's just so... ah!

I'm so great, best and and and...

Btw, nerdy me? View from earlier today...

Thursday, 14 September 2006

Do we see cows flying?!

Gah, I itch to stitch Alter Echo! Though I haven't touched it since... in two months, it seems, so it's understandable. Which leads to... I really think I need a rotation.

*thinks a bit*

So, my WIPs are:

  1. Silhouettes (SAL)
  2. Stitcher's Tools (SAL)
  3. Alter Echo
  4. Morning Wizard
  5. Panda
And when we remember that I am exchange addicted more or less (though I try to reduce amount of exchanges in coming year) I need day or so for exchange items. Therefore... it seems to me that I've thing called weekly rotation in making.
So, lets see...
    Monday: Morning Wizard
    Tuesday: Silhouettes
    Wednesday: Alter Echo
    Thursday: exchange item
    Friday: Small Needlebook
    Saturday: Panda
    Sunday: Panda
Panda has two days because it has a deadline, even it's only before Yule. Better sooner than later. (And when I've finished it I let myself begin with Ezmeralda's House.)

Da daa! Here we have something I only dreamed of before. Now we just have to see can I stay in it.

Stitch-A-Thon, socializing and more socializing

I just realised that this one'll be one busy weekend for me.

Firstly, it is third weekend of this month (doesn't time fly?) and time for Stitch-A-Thon at The Robin's Nest.

Secondly, snowprincipessa will go to Korkeasaari (our 'local' zoo) with bits_2_whole, our mother and mirol in Friday evening because they're having Big Cats' Night (they'll be open to 11 pm instead of regular 8 pm). Cat craziness combined to mom's birthday (which also means that we're having her birthday picnic in there (Picnic in mid September, in Finland, in island... sounds tempting, doesn't it? *grin*)) equals very likely good time.
And as I live in middle of nowhere and it's pretty difficult to get back home at night (It'd mean in train with drunkards and walking 2 kms from station in the middle of the night, alone (though I'm not against that in any sense, trait which most people consider odd)) I'll go to my mom's after it.

So, in Saturday... I get home, sit down, and go again. This time to meet N. And G-d knows when I get back from there. Some time in Sunday, that's for sure.

All this means that time I'll use for this month's SAT is very limited, but I'll participate it anyway. Any progress is progress and that is what I need with Panda.

SAT goaling

Panda's current state is as seen here, and my goal is to finally finish that #&@%£! second quarter. Though honestly my goal is to make even one stitch to it.

Window shopping and a test

I love window shopping as any decent stash-a-holic does, and once again I found few nice ones...

It seems to me that my taste has changed in many ways lately, but I don't think it's a bad thing as my taste has also broadened.

Why this sounds so familiar?

Your Personality Cluster is Introverted Thinking

You are:

  • Objective, honest, and credible.
  • Intellectually curious, with many diverse interests.
  • More inclined toward ideas than people.
  • Fiercely independent and unapologetically unconventional.

    What's Your Personality Cluster?

    (Cross posted to ...testing, testing...)

  • The Persistence of Memory

    Once again I remember why I ceased to listen any music in last autumn. Because it hurt so much, everything reminded me of someone I knew I'd never have in my life for real, even I had to live in hope out of love for him.

    Alegría is not a sad song, but it brings tears to my eyes. It reminds me of the happiness I (/we) had (not so long ago), it reminds me everything I (/we) lost. It reminds me of love I was able to feel, an the courage it gave me.
    And I can't get one sentence out of my mind: "When will my dear Princess cry her cute eyes out because of me?"

    On a less teary note: I was actually thinking connection between music and memories last night when I was listening Pain Of Salvation.
    Second Love is song which connects to two different individuals in my personal history. Sonnenschein introduced that song to me, and Wolfie... well, listens PoS too.
    I've always loved that song because of its melancholy, because of the lost love and the pain it brings.

    Lost love has always attracted me, maybe that is why I seem to be unable to have steady relationship with anyone. Maybe my unconscious self is driven by melancholy and sorrow, maybe I'm not meant for lasting happiness.
    It might explain my love for black, it might explain my attraction towards horror and darker side of human mind. I get my satisfaction from there where it feels like home...

    But I digress...

    Every time I hear Undertow I have the same image in my mind... His phone waking him up in the morning with that tune. It's sunny outside, I lay on my (right) side, wrapped in blanket and I see that phone (orange and white) on the chest of drawers. I even remember the scent of that room...

    Love is frail, but memories are persistent. And sometimes memories give you strength, sometimes they make you want to bury yourself under blankets and never come out.
    Actually I'd like to bury myself in someone's arms at the moment and just be there. But it's just me and cats - and the music. Some day I can listen this song with smile on my face, but that day is not this one.

    Wednesday, 13 September 2006

    We're getting there

    I found this while checking Bloglines:

      "To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly broken....
      ....The only place outside Heaven where you can be safe from all the dangers and perturbations of love is Hell.
      (C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves)
    Otherwise life is same old. I think DB will be finished tomorrow, though it depends on do I want to able to close it or not - and I need to decide length of its shoulder strap.

    I found rather nice decorative stitch from my sewing machine, by accident, and played a bit with it. It's quite effective when sewn on red with black. Pictures will follow when my little baggy is finished and ready to be used.
    But I've to say that I'm quite proud of myself. I've outrun myself finishing wise even it's not finished yet - my bag, that is.

    Tuesday, 12 September 2006

    Mail and devilish bag

    Well, I got my overdyed from Sew and So and therefore I've everything I need to finish my CCLE item. Let me tell you, that floss is beautiful, it looks silky even it's 100% cotton and the colours...

    And I've once again supported Finnish Postal Services financially... one little something is flying to somewhere. It should arrive within few days and then... there'll be pictures for your viewing pleasure.


    You still remember her?

    She's going to be bag in one of these days, as I've already sew the outer bag (out of black denim), and after this mug (or should I rather say bowl as it's about 5-6 dl) of tea I'll concentrate on the lining.
    Actually my sewing machine has surprised me positively: only reason to buy that particular model was its price (read: it was cheap), but it seems to me that I actually bought much better machine than I ever could imagine... It sews denim on basic settings without any problems.

    And I think I'm more advanced in art of sewing than I thought I was. (Remember, I am a weaver, not a seamstress.) Or maybe it's just ability to figure things out, who knows.