Memes again
Stolen from Ash (click):
- Time started: 17:17 or 5:17 pm
- Name: Snoop around and do the maths....
- Single or Taken: Single edition
- Sex: Yes, please.
- Birthday: I've one, yes. In July.
- Siblings: Two elder ones.
- Eye color: Greyish blue with brown circle around the iris.
- Shoe size: 40-42, depends on a shoe.
- Height: ~168cm or ~5''7
- Innie or Outie: Ermh? Do this really mean bellybuttons as Ash asked? In that case.... a bellybutton? Does it bite?! O_o (Ok, innie.)
- What are you wearing right now: Clothes. *evil grin* Corduroys and T-shirt.
- Job: That sounds dangerous.... None.
- Where do you live: At home, duh. *grin* Third rock from the Sun, Northern hemisphere.
- Righty or lefty: Officially righty, actually ambidextrous.
- Can you make a dollar in change right now: Will euros do?
Relationships- Who are your closest friends: I don't categorize my friends.
- Do you have a BF or GF?: Relationships are bad for you.

- Did you send this to your crush?: Are we 13 or something? No. And no crushes in my life. Crashes maybe. *grin*
- Best place to go for a date: Depends on person to meet.
Favorites- Favorite place to shop: Net.
- Favorite kind of pants: Black, straight legs.
- Color: Black, burgundy, burnt orange, lime green... and black.

- Number(s): Anything goes, I'm not picky.
- Boys Name: Eli.
- Girls Name: Oona.
- Animal: A cat.
- Drink: Water or coffee.
- Sport(s): Horizontal mambo.

- Fast-food place: I don't eat fast food.
- Month: October.
- Movie: Anything good.
- Juice: Mango.
- Finger: Pointing is so very rude... Index finger.
- Breakfast: Coffee. Sea buckthorn yoghurt.
- Favorite cartoon character?: Peep.
Have you ever..?- Given anyone a bath: Yup.
- Smoked: I prefer not to set myself on fire, thank you for asking. *grin*
- Bungee: No
- Made yourself throw up: Yup.
- Gone skinny dipping: Just ask how many times. *grin*
- Eaten a dog: Not as far as I know.
- Put your tongue on a frozen pole: Not on frozen one... *devilish giggle*
- Loved someone so much it made you cry?: No. Love doesn't make you cry, missing does.
- Broken a bone: Never.
- Played truth or dare: Ages ago.
- Been in a physical fight: Depends on aspect of fight. Yes.
- Been in a police car: Never.
- Been on a plane: Few times.
- Come close to dying: Apparently yes.
- Been in a sauna: Now, I'm a Finn... Make a guess.

- Been in a hot tub: No.
- Swam in the ocean: Yes.
- Fallen asleep in school: I admit that. It was some designing class...
- Ran away?: Nah.
- Broken someone's heart: Possibly.
- Cried when someone died: Yes.
- Cried in school: Never.
- Fell off your chair: Possibly. Can't recall though.
- Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call?: Cell phones anyone?
- Saved AIM conversations: Not AIM, but others though. And I admit that my Trillian logs everything possible...
- Saved e-mails: Yup.
- Fallen for one of your best friends?: I've.
- Made out with JUST a friend?: No.
- Used someone: Not intentionally.
- Been cheated on?: Yup.
What is..?- Your good luck charm?: Don't have any.
- Best song you ever heard: I don't do that... categorizing. Next question.
- Stupidest thing you have ever done: Define stupid.
- What's your room like: Which one?
- Last thing you said: Something to some of the cats, I presume.
- What is beside you: Stash.
- What kind of shampoo do you use?: Balancing. If you need to know the brand... can't recall without checking.
- Best thing(s) that has happened to you this year: Meeting Wolfie, no matter what happened.
- Worst thing(s) that has happened to you this year: " matter what happened" part.
Have I hads/ Do Is/ Could Is/ What ifs- Chicken pox?: No.
- Sore throat: Yes.
- Stitches: None as far as I know,
- Broken nose: No.
- Believed in love at first sight: I think I've. (Attraction at first sight is very much possible, though.)
- Liked picnics: Nah.
- Like school: Yup. Though it lacked challenge.
- What schools have you gone to: Check my profile...
- Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000: Why?
- If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: "What people"? Erm... that hurts, really.
- Who was the last person that called you: My mother.
- Who was the last person you slow danced with: Really can't recall...
- What makes you laugh the most?: Witty humour. Sarcasm, irony...
- What makes you smile?: Life.
Who is the last person..?- You Kissed?: N.
- You yelled at: Can't recall.
- Who broke your heart: *sighs* No one, love and shattered dreams did.
- Who told you they loved you: Those who matter(ed).
- Who is your loudest friend?: Ermh...
Do you..?/ Are You..?- Do you like filling these out: Depends... I prefer filling those memes etc. which don't need to be proof read while typing... *coughs*
- Do you wear contacts or glasses: Glasses.
- Do you like yourself: No. I love myself.
- Do you get along with your family: Depends on family member...
- Stolen anything: You think I admit that? *grin*
- Obsessive: Depends on a view. To some yes, to some just passionate.
- Compulsive?: Everything is so relative...
- Anorexic?: Fortunately not.
- Suicidal?: No.
Final questions- How many people are you sending this to?: So this is a chain mail(?)? (Where's my knight then? *grin*) No one. Let them grab it if they want to...
- What are you listening to right now?: Orphaned Land - My Requiem
- What did you do yesterday: I was alive.
- Hated someone in your family?: I'd love definite and/ or logical senteces...
- Gotten any awards: Yup.
- What car do you wish to have?: -
- Where do you want to get married?: Argh! Does that have any significance? I don't even have anyone who I'd like to marry, and when/if I do I really don't care where I get married...
- If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?: Ermh... I wouldn't be me if I'd change something so... Though some scars could be less painful.
- Good driver: I said something about sentences, did I?
- Good Singer: *sigh* According to rumours, yes.
- Have a lava lamp?: No.
- How many remote controls are in your house?: Three, if I recall correctly.
- Are you double jointed?: No.
- What do you dream about?: I don't even begin with that list... *grin* But I love my vampire dreams.
- Last time you showered?: In the morning.
- Last time you took a bath?: Ages ago...
- The last movie you saw at the theatre?: Silent Hill.
- Scary or happy movies?: I love horror, but it's not scary... and too much of a good thing is too much so I'd say neither.
- Chocolate or vanilla: Both.
- Root beer or Dr.Pepper: Neither.
- Mud or Jell-O wrestling?: Anything with gorgeous males in skimpy clothes... *grin*
- Skiing or Boarding?: Neither.
- Pizza or french fries?: Neither.
- Fall or winter?: Both, thank you.
- Silver or gold?: Silver.
- Diamond or pearl?: Diamond.
- Sunset or sunrise?: Sunset.
- Sprite or 7up?: Don't drink soda...
- Orange juice or apple juice?: If it's freshly squeezed I take them both. Otherwise orange.
- Cats or dogs?: Cats.
- Coffee or tea?: Both.
- Phone or in person?: In Person.
- Are you eldest, middle, youngest or only child?: Youngest.
- Indoor or outdoor?: Depends.
- End time: 18:16 or 6:18 pm.
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