Wednesday 30 August 2006

And it goes on and on...

Migraine, that is. I've reached that phase where I've all sorts of cravings (which means that I'll be heading to grocery soon). Either my body lacks something, I'm lacking decent rest, pain is me getting me depressed or all.
This darned thing also means that no wild night out tomorrow with friends. *sighs* All that noise, smoke, staying up 'til morning and possible alcohol based beverages wouldn't do any good, so I had to cancel it. *sighs again* (Though, actually it's also good thing. I just realised that I am broke. Friggin' "livelihood allowance" was 100 € smaller than it was supposed to be...)
And actually I'd just like to move into a small, warm cave for few days. Or have someone around to take care of me... or both.

But on a cheerier note: as I've been unable to do anything else I've been stitching, and we are having a happy dance in one of these days. Though the project is secret so no pictures, yet.

That new subtitle

"I went out of my mind and threw the key away..."

I think it suits quite well...


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