Well, I drank that d**ned wine which caused me hangover last time (not this time though, for some odd reason). I drank it just because, even it wasn't expensive, I paid it... and as I don't cook for myself very often (and last time I cooked to someone else I cut to my nail with a knife and now my once beautiful thumbnail is an ugly stump
) it was only way to destroy it.
Anyway, it made me think. N. said that the wine is "too" sweet, and in my opinion it wasn't and this lead me to think of hormones... Estrogen affects in many ways and one of its effects is better sense of taste - which explains the difference between N.'s and my opinion about the wine.
But... Last time I drank that same wine it tasted much sweeter. It can be explained with vintage etc., but still it made me ponder could it just be about my hormone levels? As it has been about two years (bit less) since I drank that particular wine, and last time it tasted much sweeter... Just thinking aloud, nothing else.
And then, as I can't sleep very well when I've alcohol in my blood stream I was unable to reach mr. Sandman, and returned to living room... to window shop *grin* and got surprised by, yes you guess who, Sol once again. I don't know what I should think of this sudden interest towards contacting me... but then, I think it was me who's always said how she believes in friendship after a relationship... Me and my big mouth. 
But it makes you think of all sorts of things. Not that anyway, no worries - "luckily" I've other things to worry about, no need for any more issues.
One of my favourite peeves...
Is that group of people who excuse their usage of slang and dreadful language (ya all know wad i mean) with "I'm not native English speaker". Well hello, I'm not either. When in school my English grades were always D or D+ tops, and English is not official language in here... still, I use it daily: I date in English, I get involved with English, I blog in English, I communicate with friends and most of the world with English so I get all the practise I need.
It's all about just having some stamina, it's all about the will to improve. I'm not saying I'm perfect and I admit I've had my Chatnglish phase back in dark past, but we can learn from our mistakes, can't we?
And still, I know there are people who think I'm elitistic b*stard because I let them know from the start that bad language hurts my eyes. But I can't help it, languages shouldn't be mutilated like they do - though I love to play with words, but there is slight difference between playing with and, excuse my French, tentacle raping languages.
When it comes to tentacles...
Talking of tentacle raping, world has come to its end: Unka Ghastly doesn't draw anymore - for non-defined period of time, at least. 
It was fun as long as it lasted, all the best for Unka G. *sighs*