Thursday, 31 August 2006

Purple haze

You Are Grape

You are bold and a true individual. You are very different and very okay with that.
People know you as a straight shooter. You're very honest, even when the truth hurts.
You are also very grounded and practical. No one is going to sneak anything by you.
People enjoy your fresh approach to life. And it's this honesty that makes you a very innovative person.

And if Angela doesn't do this I am very surprised. *grin*

Cross-posted to Testing, testing..


For some reason my body's temperature control has gone mad. It could be migraine based, but my muscles and joints hurt... I just can't understand where I've got cold from. (I don't even barefoot anymore, and even it's almost 20°C during daytime I dress to way colder weather (I found this nice black cardigan from my wardrobe..).)
And due the aching I have spent most of my time yesterday and today lieing (it's interesting: Semagic's dictionary wanted to correct this as lying, but the dictionary I use offers form lieing which is IMNSHO much more logical - even though I know that lying is commonly used, but nevertheless it refers, in my mind, to act of telling a lie) in bed, with cats, reading and I actually finished other one of those books I bought while ago. I've to say that those 20 cents I put in Morag Joss' Half Broken Things (though I disagree with the category it's placed in Wikipedia - I'd say it's drama) was best investment I've done in years. The book is really good.

When it comes to stitchy part of life

I've managed to stitch a bit now and then when I've felt good enough to sit, and even it's just one area of certain colour it's always a bit closer to finish.
Actually I can sense getting better, as I'm itching to start with my Crazy Cat Lady Exchange piece - even it's not one I meant to do I'm quite pleased with my choice ad I'm quite sure it'll turn out beautifully.

And thanks to pain I was awake last night and made a little deal with Angela, so in nearish future I'll have piece of linen and some DMC's Variations from her - unless USPS' machines still like the taste of stash.
I just hope that is not the reason why my Silkweaver parcel has been on its way for a month.

SBQ; Sharing is caring


Stitching Bloggers Question

was suggested by Carolyn and is:
    "How do you share your finished pieces with others? Do you frame them, scan and/or photograph them, or do you have another method that you would like to share?"
Even I caught the bug about 5½ years ago I've been into cross stitching only about 16 months, so there aren't that many finished items to talk about, but...
I take pictures of my finished pieces no matter will they end up in feared box of Finished-but-unfinished-items - when ever I remember to do so - or will I frame/ finish them right away. Then I just spam my blog with the pictures. (I do have actual photo gallery too, but it's seriously outdated and I think I'd actually consult bits_2_whole a bit over the issue of gallery software (as she has one in her server already we might come out to an easy and neat solution).)

When it comes to finished items in my household I keep them visible when ever it's possible (I've to protect them from cats anyway), for example my needlerolls (both of them) are hanging in end of the living room bookshelf.

Wednesday, 30 August 2006

And it goes on and on...

Migraine, that is. I've reached that phase where I've all sorts of cravings (which means that I'll be heading to grocery soon). Either my body lacks something, I'm lacking decent rest, pain is me getting me depressed or all.
This darned thing also means that no wild night out tomorrow with friends. *sighs* All that noise, smoke, staying up 'til morning and possible alcohol based beverages wouldn't do any good, so I had to cancel it. *sighs again* (Though, actually it's also good thing. I just realised that I am broke. Friggin' "livelihood allowance" was 100 € smaller than it was supposed to be...)
And actually I'd just like to move into a small, warm cave for few days. Or have someone around to take care of me... or both.

But on a cheerier note: as I've been unable to do anything else I've been stitching, and we are having a happy dance in one of these days. Though the project is secret so no pictures, yet.

That new subtitle

"I went out of my mind and threw the key away..."

I think it suits quite well...


I've been hunting for suitable layout for my LJ (being way too lazy to do one myself) and I found something quite pretty today... and it's for Smooth Sailing, style which I just love.
It's just a bit bright, even though it reminds me of those few weeks with Bloggish's Masala (that orange, simple one I had in end of July) and Masala wasnt' that bad, Bloggish just lacks all those nice features SS has.

Otherwise... Exchanges!

As it doesn't contain any stitching I signed up to Guess That Theme Secret Pal exchange at EMS BB.
Idea behind this exchange is that sender decides a theme and sends parcel worth of ~$10 to one's secret pal. And when SP receives one's parcel one has to guess the theme sender has got in mind.

Actually I've already decided the theme and packed the envelope even sign-up won't be closed before 5th of September... though I need to recheck it when I get my partners name.

Tuesday, 29 August 2006

Migraines... life can be b**chy sometimes, and while suffering from worst migraine attack in months (and like that wasn't nasty enough my ovaries decided to swell up yesterday for reason or another, which caused... more pain. Wonderful - not...) I've noticed something quite interesting...
Stitching actually eases the pain. It does reduce the boredom which migraines bring, but it also does help for the pain (if it'd hep with the nausea I'd be one happy camper) itself.

And I'd really like to know why, as you'd think that stitching makes migraines worse with all that meticulous counting and staring at those itsy bitsy holes.
Maybe it is its relaxing effect...

Stitching is dangerous, you have time to ponder...

Thinking of it, what does single person need in addition of four devoted cats (sometimes I have this odd feeling that they love me just because I feed and worship them) and good ONS or two? (In addition to Sew And So I think I've fallen in love with Wyndham Needleworks.)

Stitching, of course, but that's obvious, isn't it?


I think my other chili has drinking problem. It has absorbed about litre of water today, and it hasn't even been sunny (nor warm) day. Though that silly plant is blooming again so it may explain its thirst... Crazy little thing:

Yes, I admit... I've been playing with my camera today. And even I say it myself that latter picture is actually quite good. I really like that contrast between clay pot and chili's flowers and raw chili peppers.


I've found The Tea! Twinings' Green Earl Grey is something... ah! Usually Earl Greys are a bit stuffy, but this one.. it may actually taste like bergamot as it reminds me of good lemon flavoured tea (not that I had ever drank good lemon flavoured tea), and as bergamot is citrus fruit (according to Wikipedia)...

But I'm off to stitch...

Monday, 28 August 2006

New period has begun!

Let me share WIP picture of Panda with you...

Looks so much better, doesn't it?

When it comes to my love life...

I'll marry Sew And So.
I placed an order in Friday, it was shipped in Friday and in their mail they stated

    "...Deliveries to Finland typically take one week, but occasionally deliveries can take up to two weeks."
so I was prepared to wait...

I think you'll guess where I am heading to...

The envelope was in my mail box today! But I won't tell you what it contained as it's for an exchange. You'll see it then.

Because I am mad: Monday Madness

Monday Madness

  1. Do you do dishes by hand or do you use a dishwasher?
    Both. Dishwasher doesn't scrub and therefore can't wash everything clean. The reason why I just love my dishwasher is that when making chicken pan gets greasy, and I *hate* washing that sort of stuff by hand as most dish liquids just don't remove all the grease (it may feel clean, but when you touch the surface... yakkity!) so I prewash them in dishwasher and after it I scrub them by hand.

  2. How many people have your cell phone number?
    Don't know.

  3. Do you shower in the morning or at night?
    Both actually. I shower when I feel like I need it.

  4. Do you ever have a song 'stuck' in your head?
    Just ask how often...

  5. Do you pay your bills when they arrive, or do you wait until closer to the due date to pay them?
    Closer to due date - or after...

  6. Are you obsessive about anything in particular?
    Obsession is in the eye of beholder.

  7. What one thing would you say you have a zero tolerance for?
    Ignorance, ignorance being voluntary stupidity and lack of curiosity.

The question is... I want to learn to knit in English?
And the reason for this question is Snowball's Chance in Hell, which would be great birthday+Yule gift for bits_2_whole - it seems to me that tendency for being more or less goth runs in a family... Though I've heard it more than once that we (b2w and me) are freakingly similar in certain way - though the colours should be changed. (I can't help having the idea of Hello Skull-y: black base and pink furry skulls...)
Though this one is also very tempting...

And those official links...

Sunday, 27 August 2006

Tad early: Goals for September

It's ninth month soon... New Year's eve was in last week, and you're saying it's almost September already?!
For reason or another I had no actual goals for August, at least not that I had blogged about them, so I'm just placing new ones.
Now let me think...

  1. Stitch as much Panda as possible (preferably finish it).
  2. Stitcher's Tools SAL at EMS BB; keep on blabbering, and stitch at least Small Needlebook.
  3. Stitch at least half of Jaffa.
  4. Stitch, finish and send Crazy Cat Lady Exchange item in time.
  5. Finish first part of Alter Echo.
  6. Stitch mother's birthday card.
  7. Kit Ornament Exchange ornament.
  8. Stitch-A-Thon at The Robin's Nest
  9. Decide design for Scissor Fob Exchange.
For some reason it seems to me that my goals are mostly related to exchanges and stitch-a-longs.

Unconscious Mutterings in the morning

Week 186

I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. Visit :: Obligatory
  2. Cake :: Cream and roses
  3. Period :: Era
  4. Triumphant :: Alexander the Great
  5. Screen :: Putty
  6. Neglect :: Ignorance
  7. Guitar :: Acoustic
  8. Loathe :: Despise
  9. Sugar :: Honey pie
  10. Montage :: Galumphing
I like this meme for many reasons, but one of them is that I get to see how good my English vocabulary is.

Saturday, 26 August 2006

800; Randomly tagged by chanda_m aka. six things you didn't want to know about me

To celebrate the infamous 800th entry snowprincipessa proudly presents... a meme!

    Once tagged by this entry, write a blog entry of some kind with six true random facts about yourself. Then tag 6 more people.

    1. I despise people who use bad grammar, chat based acronyms (like "u") in written communication just out of laziness (you can usually say if someone makes mistakes because of dyslexia). But then, I'm a member of grammar_nazis.
    2. I may be only reason for my mother to be alive today and not being strangled to death by my father. (I was 12.)
    3. I've little mole in my left pointer toe; that toe is one of my favourite parts in me, just because of that little beauty-spot.
    4. I used to dislike mango, nowadays I love it.
    5. I lived alone 1½ years while I was still married. (I'd left Dan then if I had had guts to do so....)
    6. I won't get contacts because I look better with glasses.
And then, you can consider yourself tagged if you're not in following list, but poor tagged souls will be
  1. Angela
  2. Ash
  3. bits_2_whole
  4. Jenna
  5. Rósa
  6. Selina

799; Stitcher in panic

Well, I haven't heard anything from ABCST considering my order, so I panicked (I should email them and ask, I know) and put plan B on practise. Now I'll surely have suitable design to stitch for my Crazy Cat Lady exchange recipient no matter what - and I also know how to finish the design which will end up stitched (taking that ABC's parcel will be sent during weekend).
So, in theory I've no worries, but you know how it is... when something goes wrong it goes wrong with style.

Pictorial notes

chanda_m and Jenna, you aren't only ones who wait for the better pictures - I do too! I've been planning to get new, better digital camera for so long, but they happen to cost money... I prefer to spend my euros to stash, as surprising as it is, but as bits_2_whole allows me to pay that camera in parts and it's used which equals cheaper (and I know how to use it)... you got to love nerdy sisters. (And improved picture quality in my blog may be good for her eyes too. *grin*)

Anyway, the camera is with my father at the moment and I should get it in Sunday or Monday... I can't wait!

But now... off to stitch something I can't share with you guys as it's a gift. I decided I need instant gratification, and it's actually a bit late so... no more excuses needed, Panda will rest (actually I haven't even unpacked it yet..) and I'll get a change to play a bit with over-dyed floss. (Mean thing, aren't I? *grin*)

Friday, 25 August 2006


I noticed something while walking to grocery today (I get most of my ideas when walking. Does wonders to your blood circulation, walking)... When someone says "I don't want to hurt you" they sure will. Only two of many (A. and W. (thank you both)) have never said that and they never hurt me. (Hurt being mistreated, oppressed or something similar. Of course losing them hurt, but it's pain I can accept.)

It's actually quite interesting.

Ah, designer blogs

I've been reading Pamela Kellogg's blog since I found it trough Angela's blog, and even I'm not fish person myself I saw something absolutely stunning today... Go and see it yourself. Makes you want to try crazy quilting, doesn't it?
And btw, her 100 Details In 100 Days project ('fillers' for crazy quilting) is still going on, and series in question has some beautiful cross stitch and blackwork designs. For free. O_o

When it comes to blogs...

It seems to me that 800th entry will be written during coming weekend, and not in September. I've been bit chatty lately, haven't I?
Though, I think it has to do with coming autumn, and of course to the fact that there has been few things I've needed to clear up with myself.

At the moment I feel fabulous, though a bit tired, and my sleeping rhythm has normalized from from 3am to noon to from midnight(ish) to 8-9am (Actually I seem to be in such a good shape that my heart keeps its mouth shut even if I drink coffee a bit more than I should (as I can't find completely decaffeinated in reasonable price I use brand which has about half of the caffeine compared to normal coffee). I am not complaining.) and that means I can't be very messed up as insomnia and/or other problems with sleeping are the first things which refer to problems with my psyche (though I wouldn't call heartaches and scarred soul problem of a psyche in that sense, but my aspect of psyche may be a bit different..).

When it comes to autumn...

It smells like autumn outside, evenings are getting chilly (it's still over 20&#186C in daytime) and I drink tea in the evenings. All these factors equal autumn.

I don't drink tea during summer, see. Or I do, but it's rare occasion if I do.
Anyway, I've noticed that I apparently may become tea enthusiast as I dug my teapot out from the wilderness of cupboards and I use it for braising my tea. Something I've never done before as I've always thought it's too troublesome to clean...
And I'm planning to make a tea cozy for myself (and one for my mother, but that has nothing to do with autumn. She'd use one), and that's an idea which came completely out of the blue.

Now I just need few good brands of tea so I can enjoy coming darkness in an orthodox way (which is: candles, good tea, good music, sleeping cats).

796; SBQ, cats and cameras

This week's

Stitching Bloggers Question

was suggested by Anna M. and is:
    "What do you keep your WIPs and other stitching supplies in when traveling?"
It depends on a WIP, where I am going to and how I'm going there. Three examples:
  1. Devil Bear travelled to Estonia and back in a zip lock bag with it's flosses. Design was also packed in zip lock bag to keep it clean.
  2. Alter Echo travelled to Bangkok and back in some old British Airways' plastic case (those ones which contain entertainment for kids), flosses were packed in zip lock baggie and stored in same plastic case.
  3. Panda travelled to my mother's cabin and back in it's frame, covered with pillowcase. Flosses were, surprisingly, in a ziplock bag.
From this we deduce that person who invented ziplock bags was a cross stitcher.

Other things

I think this one sums up first three days of this week:

Sunny windowsill: Natural habitat of a Siamese (actually The Siamese, at least if we ask it from her).

And while we're in topic... bits_2_whole sold her digital camera to me, which means that picture quality in this blog will reach new level.

Thursday, 24 August 2006


Heard in train, child and his mother talking, topic yours truly:

    K: It's not allowed to come in here without shoes!
    M: Yes, it isn't, but we can't say what other people do.
I really wanted to ask the mother to show me the law against walking barefooted in the streets, or the rule against barefooting in public transporting, but I managed to control that impulse... Oh, the ignorance. (It may not be wise, but it's not forbidden in urban areas...)

Otherwise I have had relatively nice day, though my account balance disliked my minor shopping spree - but I got black curtains for living room! They'll look good with those red ones I've in (t)here. And new lamp shade for bedroom, though it might look good with my living room curtains which would mean that I need to purchase lamp for living room and just decide to use the shade in (t)here... anyway, thingies I needed, and I actually got them quite cheap (and I got some magazine boxes, for my stitchy mags, too).

And... I got my flosses from Wyndham Needleworks! Happity!

I've lost my faith in Love Almighty.

It's not about losing my faith towards the feeling or it's greatness. I've lost my faith towards its sovereignty. It just doesn't conquer all.

And that has lead me to think how people get together, what makes them want to be together, what draws them to be together? Lust, loneliness or maybe luck?
If love is game based on luck my life will be full of heartbreaks, unless I get really good good luck charm from somewhere. I've always been unlucky in games and draws, and misguided by the thought of lucky in draws, unlucky in love.

If love is not a game or based on luck what's the secret? What's the mix of success?

Shopping makes the world go round...

  • September: Sapphire (Small)
  • Jasmine
  • And something I won't reveal because it's supposed to become an exchange item...(Though I think I need to be prepared to stitch something else, just in case...)
Pretties! (My mind degrades after a good shopping spree...)
(Now I just need to remember to convert the bill from $ to € and pay back to my mother (as I used her credit card).) Anyway, those two were clearance items and way too beautiful to be left all alone in big, bad world.

Story behind Jasmine

If you've remember one design in my wishlist_additions and add Jasmine to that you may deduce that I'm victim of undying love for 1920's style... I've just always loved the style of that period (and actually it's odd in some sense as my other secret whim is... days of corsets. Maybe it's all about being contradictory. I really don't know)...


Panda's deadline isn't actually deadline. My mother said that if I can't make it before my brother's birthday she'll give it to him as Yule gift.
Which is good, though I try to finish it before his birthday.

And btw, my inner stitcher has been pampered by my mother's and aunt's praise. It's difficult to be this talented (*giggles*). ^^

Wednesday, 23 August 2006


Random Joy

  1. What kind of salt and pepper shakers do you have?
    I'm not sure do I actually have any...

  2. What was your first word? (Or if you don’t remember, what do you think it should have been?)
    It was something usual, mother (in child lingo, of course, and in Finnish) very possibly.

  3. Do you own Crocs? Do you ever find yourself judging people wearing Crocs?
    Hey, those look like clogs. Anyway, I think this is difference between pop culture between Old and New continent. I've never ever heard of Crocs before now...

  4. What was the last book you read?
    Same as it was in meme before, Sanjay Nigam's Transplanted Man.

  5. How personal is the stuff you write about on your blog?
    Very personal. Even personal enough for some people having problems about it as I blog about people in my life too. If you can't take it, just don't read my blog. Easy, huh?


Ok, what you should think of comment like this? Made by a person without a name, someone who doesn't know anything about me, and apparently doesn't even realize that I'm not native English speaker so I love definitions and ask stupid questions considering words... If I had been any more tired than I am or had a bad day it'd have been deleted, but as I'm not quite sure what was the intention behind that... *sigh*

Sometimes I do remember why I dislike human kind.

Tuesday, 22 August 2006

This wonderful silence in my head. This lightness of my heart.
They both will soon fade away, but I cherish this moment, I cherish the thought that life can be simple.

Before I came, before I left home, I gave a little push to something which may lead to something good, but which may also fade away as fast as morning mist. But it's not up to me at this moment what will happen next. (Fact is that it bothers me, but I know that I've done the best I can at this point.)

I thought few things during the weekend and I think I'm entering in new phase of my life. Had some realisations about me and life, and now I feel much more peaceful and complete.

I'm not going to settle for just anything, I'm worth much more than just 'good enough'. I've tasted life as I've wanted it to be, and I want to taste it again - for the rest of my life.
Even poison can taste good when you're thirsty, and it may help for a while... but I don't want to poison myself, not when I know there's fountain of clear water somewhere. I just need to find it.
You learn to appreciate something when you don't have it, and I'm going to remember my lesson even it means being thirsty now - I'm a believer, I'll find my pond.

Sweet dreams.

Monday, 21 August 2006

Monday Madness; It's Life

This week's questions come from Jan

  1. Would you shave your head for any amount of money? If yes, how much?
    I've been playing with thought of shaving my head for years and would be more than willing to do it if someone would actually give me money out of it! (Hey, money for new stash is always good!)

  2. What "whacky" thing might you do for a large sum of money?
    First define what you mean by whacky. (Isn't it wacky?)

  3. What do you think is a "large sum of money?"
    Any amount I don't have. In general large sum of money is in my case anything over 50 euros.

  4. Do you watch "reality" tv shows?
    I don't even watch TV....

  5. If so, which do you watch and in what order do you prefer them? If not, are there any you may consider watching?
    No, see previous answer. And I can name only one reality TV show due my dislike towards staring the TV, so I really can't say.

  6. Which reality show have you thought about participating in? Why?
    Repeat after me: none of them.

  7. Share one thing you would like to do in life but have not yet done.....think about why you haven't done it and share if you wish.
    So, will mundane things do or does it have to be something 'fancy'? I'm still having my complaining mood so if you don't give definite questions I won't reply.

787; Customer service and SAT

Countdown has begun, again.

When it comes to customer service...

ABC Stitch Therapy has new fan. Me.
Ok, I'll say that in the end of next week (as I still remember how long it took from previous order to reach shipped status), but... I sent an email enquiry yesterday considering certain design I need for Crazy Cat Lady Exchange (at The Robin's Nest) - as I didn't got a reply from first place from where I asked about it - and they answered in three hours! And they placed an order to get it in their stock, so I'll make an order when I come back from my mother's cottage (note to self: ask for her Visa number (I don't have time to load my prepaid)).

Notice that it was Sunday anyway (and we have quite some hours between)...


Due lack of sleep (I need my eight hours per night, period) I was generally

    [ ] awake
    [ ] interested
whole Sunday, and in addition to that it rained frogs... Therefore I didn't reach my goal, but still I got some stitching done and that is always good. (Though fact is that at the moment I have nightmares of different shades of light grey... *grin*)

Anyway, from this

to this

And as I'm going to my mother's cottage for three days I think I get some serious stitching done over there.

See you in Wednesday!

Sunday, 20 August 2006

Memes again

Stolen from Ash (click):

  • Time started: 17:17 or 5:17 pm
  • Name: Snoop around and do the maths....
  • Single or Taken: Single edition
  • Sex: Yes, please.
  • Birthday: I've one, yes. In July.
  • Siblings: Two elder ones.
  • Eye color: Greyish blue with brown circle around the iris.
  • Shoe size: 40-42, depends on a shoe.
  • Height: ~168cm or ~5''7
  • Innie or Outie: Ermh? Do this really mean bellybuttons as Ash asked? In that case.... a bellybutton? Does it bite?! O_o (Ok, innie.)
  • What are you wearing right now: Clothes. *evil grin* Corduroys and T-shirt.
  • Job: That sounds dangerous.... None.
  • Where do you live: At home, duh. *grin* Third rock from the Sun, Northern hemisphere.
  • Righty or lefty: Officially righty, actually ambidextrous.
  • Can you make a dollar in change right now: Will euros do?
  • Who are your closest friends: I don't categorize my friends.
  • Do you have a BF or GF?: Relationships are bad for you.
  • Did you send this to your crush?: Are we 13 or something? No. And no crushes in my life. Crashes maybe. *grin*
  • Best place to go for a date: Depends on person to meet.
  • Favorite place to shop: Net.
  • Favorite kind of pants: Black, straight legs.
  • Color: Black, burgundy, burnt orange, lime green... and black.
  • Number(s): Anything goes, I'm not picky.
  • Boys Name: Eli.
  • Girls Name: Oona.
  • Animal: A cat.
  • Drink: Water or coffee.
  • Sport(s): Horizontal mambo.
  • Fast-food place: I don't eat fast food.
  • Month: October.
  • Movie: Anything good.
  • Juice: Mango.
  • Finger: Pointing is so very rude... Index finger.
  • Breakfast: Coffee. Sea buckthorn yoghurt.
  • Favorite cartoon character?: Peep.
Have you ever..?
  • Given anyone a bath: Yup.
  • Smoked: I prefer not to set myself on fire, thank you for asking. *grin*
  • Bungee: No
  • Made yourself throw up: Yup.
  • Gone skinny dipping: Just ask how many times. *grin*
  • Eaten a dog: Not as far as I know.
  • Put your tongue on a frozen pole: Not on frozen one... *devilish giggle*
  • Loved someone so much it made you cry?: No. Love doesn't make you cry, missing does.
  • Broken a bone: Never.
  • Played truth or dare: Ages ago.
  • Been in a physical fight: Depends on aspect of fight. Yes.
  • Been in a police car: Never.
  • Been on a plane: Few times.
  • Come close to dying: Apparently yes.
  • Been in a sauna: Now, I'm a Finn... Make a guess.
  • Been in a hot tub: No.
  • Swam in the ocean: Yes.
  • Fallen asleep in school: I admit that. It was some designing class...
  • Ran away?: Nah.
  • Broken someone's heart: Possibly.
  • Cried when someone died: Yes.
  • Cried in school: Never.
  • Fell off your chair: Possibly. Can't recall though.
  • Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call?: Cell phones anyone?
  • Saved AIM conversations: Not AIM, but others though. And I admit that my Trillian logs everything possible...
  • Saved e-mails: Yup.
  • Fallen for one of your best friends?: I've.
  • Made out with JUST a friend?: No.
  • Used someone: Not intentionally.
  • Been cheated on?: Yup.
What is..?
  • Your good luck charm?: Don't have any.
  • Best song you ever heard: I don't do that... categorizing. Next question.
  • Stupidest thing you have ever done: Define stupid.
  • What's your room like: Which one?
  • Last thing you said: Something to some of the cats, I presume.
  • What is beside you: Stash.
  • What kind of shampoo do you use?: Balancing. If you need to know the brand... can't recall without checking.
  • Best thing(s) that has happened to you this year: Meeting Wolfie, no matter what happened.
  • Worst thing(s) that has happened to you this year: " matter what happened" part.
Have I hads/ Do Is/ Could Is/ What ifs
  • Chicken pox?: No.
  • Sore throat: Yes.
  • Stitches: None as far as I know,
  • Broken nose: No.
  • Believed in love at first sight: I think I've. (Attraction at first sight is very much possible, though.)
  • Liked picnics: Nah.
  • Like school: Yup. Though it lacked challenge.
  • What schools have you gone to: Check my profile...
  • Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000: Why?
  • If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: "What people"? Erm... that hurts, really.
  • Who was the last person that called you: My mother.
  • Who was the last person you slow danced with: Really can't recall...
  • What makes you laugh the most?: Witty humour. Sarcasm, irony...
  • What makes you smile?: Life.
Who is the last person..?
  • You Kissed?: N.
  • You yelled at: Can't recall.
  • Who broke your heart: *sighs* No one, love and shattered dreams did.
  • Who told you they loved you: Those who matter(ed).
  • Who is your loudest friend?: Ermh...
Do you..?/ Are You..?
  • Do you like filling these out: Depends... I prefer filling those memes etc. which don't need to be proof read while typing... *coughs*
  • Do you wear contacts or glasses: Glasses.
  • Do you like yourself: No. I love myself.
  • Do you get along with your family: Depends on family member...
  • Stolen anything: You think I admit that? *grin*
  • Obsessive: Depends on a view. To some yes, to some just passionate.
  • Compulsive?: Everything is so relative...
  • Anorexic?: Fortunately not.
  • Suicidal?: No.
Final questions
  • How many people are you sending this to?: So this is a chain mail(?)? (Where's my knight then? *grin*) No one. Let them grab it if they want to...
  • What are you listening to right now?: Orphaned Land - My Requiem
  • What did you do yesterday: I was alive.
  • Hated someone in your family?: I'd love definite and/ or logical senteces...
  • Gotten any awards: Yup.
  • What car do you wish to have?: -
  • Where do you want to get married?: Argh! Does that have any significance? I don't even have anyone who I'd like to marry, and when/if I do I really don't care where I get married...
  • If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?: Ermh... I wouldn't be me if I'd change something so... Though some scars could be less painful.
  • Good driver: I said something about sentences, did I?
  • Good Singer: *sigh* According to rumours, yes.
  • Have a lava lamp?: No.
  • How many remote controls are in your house?: Three, if I recall correctly.
  • Are you double jointed?: No.
  • What do you dream about?: I don't even begin with that list... *grin* But I love my vampire dreams.
  • Last time you showered?: In the morning.
  • Last time you took a bath?: Ages ago...
  • The last movie you saw at the theatre?: Silent Hill.
  • Scary or happy movies?: I love horror, but it's not scary... and too much of a good thing is too much so I'd say neither.
  • Chocolate or vanilla: Both.
  • Root beer or Dr.Pepper: Neither.
  • Mud or Jell-O wrestling?: Anything with gorgeous males in skimpy clothes... *grin*
  • Skiing or Boarding?: Neither.
  • Pizza or french fries?: Neither.
  • Fall or winter?: Both, thank you.
  • Silver or gold?: Silver.
  • Diamond or pearl?: Diamond.
  • Sunset or sunrise?: Sunset.
  • Sprite or 7up?: Don't drink soda...
  • Orange juice or apple juice?: If it's freshly squeezed I take them both. Otherwise orange.
  • Cats or dogs?: Cats.
  • Coffee or tea?: Both.
  • Phone or in person?: In Person.
  • Are you eldest, middle, youngest or only child?: Youngest.
  • Indoor or outdoor?: Depends.
  • End time: 18:16 or 6:18 pm.

Unconscious Mutterings, week 185

Unconscious Mutterings

I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. Cruel :: World
  2. Jive :: Bunny
  3. Weak :: Strength
  4. Understand :: Not going to happen...
  5. Bum :: ^^
  6. Stairs :: Down
  7. Tone :: Taste
  8. Quickly :: Nothing gets done
  9. Moment :: Bypassing
  10. Beating :: L.A.
And now... someone give me few litres of strong coffee!

Dear brains,

I know we had a good day yesterday, that I drank green tea in the evening and we also know there's one Stitch-A-Thon goal to fulfill, but none of these is an excuse to wake up after less than six hours of sleep.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Yours truly,

Saturday, 19 August 2006

Thinking of it...

No-strings-attached is also a commitment. You're committed to the fact that you are not committed. It's a relationship even those aren't usually referred as such and usually preferred by individuals who don't want to commit and who avoid relationships... defines a relationship like this:

    re·la·tion·ship (rĭ-lā'shən-shĭp') pronunciation
    1. The condition or fact of being related; connection or association.
    2. Connection by blood or marriage; kinship.
    3. A particular type of connection existing between people related to or having dealings with each other: has a close relationship with his siblings.
    4. A romantic or sexual involvement.
Mostly 3. and 4., the point being that every connection you've to someone else is a relationship. Therefore only way to avoid relationships is to move in to a cave and never ever meet anyone.

Humans should learn to be more definitive if you ask from me.

Let the SAT begin!

My goal is to finish second quarter (and possibly begin with third).

And... I was a bad, bad person today: I started stitching second part of Silhouettes, in my case Jaffa Orange. I even have some progress in it, but as I stitch them on black Jobelan (IMNSHO Jobelan is not best choice when you need black fabric as its grain is not clear enough) and therefore I need to have enough (too many) breaks to prevent migraines there's nothing much to show, so no pictures at the moment.
But I do love the effect of orange and yellow on black.

Friday, 18 August 2006


I noticed this link in Google ads when checking my mail last night: Fabric Tales. Online store for Japanese fabrics. Pretties! ^^

On a more serious note

Partial re-run

"...No matter the outcome, having felt love you will never feel the same. It may scar your heart and soul and leave you only memories of yesterday or it may cause every day of your life to feel like there is no need for tomorrow. But love is worth it. It is worth the risk. For all in life, it is the on risk worth taking."
No particular reason, I just stumbled upon that entry few days back and that part of it has been on my mind since.

I've had this feeling quite some time already. In some days I forget it, some days I can't forget it even I'd like to... Feeling of certainty over something I dread. And something I can't understand...

Coming winter will be hard one.

And the reason why I don't understand it is: I am not depressed. I don't have any signs of being depressed (excluding those ADHD specific similarities). I just know even I have no base what-so-ever for that feeling. And it's kind of scary.

But fear not. I'll go trough it my head up high even I may stumble quite badly on my way.
I'm quite sure I get something good out of it in the end.

Thursday, 17 August 2006

Still life

The Register proudly presents:

London hits all-time August high.
Oh, how happy I am that I don't live in London...

The Art of Sleeping

That can't be comfortable sleeping position, can it?

Stitching wise

I've been working on Panda first time in days, and will continue with it for the rest of this week as I'll participate Stitch-A-Thon at The Robin's Nest (This also means that there'll be update of it in Saturday morning (and in Sunday or Monday, of course)). I think I'll set my goal to second finished quarter, but I've to see how much I get it done before SAT begins.

I was uploading pictures to Flickr in the evening (for some reason I wanted to have a photostream for my Yahoo 360) and this caught my eye. It's very soothing for reason or another. (From Wát Pho.)


I'm really waiting for the money from the insurance, as I've noticed that I really need decent digital camera. Just yesterday I was cursing the fact I don't have one... but I haven't heard nothing from them yet. *sighs*

SBQ; Storing Fabrics


Stitching Bloggers Questions

were suggested by Ami and Anna and are:
  1. Do you have an organizational system for your fabric? If so, what is it? If not, what do you store your fabric in?
  2. How do people store their fabric, especially those small but potentially usable pieces? Do they sort by count? How do they label it or otherwise know what each piece is?
1. Let me introduce you my highly scientific method of storing fabric: a shoebox!

So, really very, very basic solution, but my fabric stash is not very advanced - yet.
And when that day comes when my lovely fabric stash reaches it's teens, and is too big to be stored in a little box, I've already one chest of drawers waiting for them - after I move my paints and colours from it's drawers. Actually cross stitching has already conquered one drawer. Can you guess what part of this addiction it is..?

Oh, yes... my WIPs and UFOs!
And when that day comes when my lovely fabric stash reaches it's teens and is too big to be stored in a little box I've already one chest of drawers waiting for them - after I move my paints and colours from it's drawers.

2. I store left over pieces of fabric in same plastic bags where they are sold to me, and therefore I've information of the count and colour in top of every bag. Sometimes, when I feel industrious I may even add the size of the piece to the bag, just to ease the browsing. And as they all reside in same box (though aida and evenweaves have own boxes nowadays) there's obviously no size based discrimination either.

Wednesday, 16 August 2006

Autumn is in the air

At least according to sudden image I got in my head while sweeping the floors. Combination of jasmine incense, jazz and the light made me believe, for a moment, that it's autumn and it's grey and rainy outside - which is quite far from truth, sun is shining brightly (even at the moment).

And I have to admit that I begun to wait those dark, grey, rainy, cold days when best thing to do is stay inside and stitch. Autumn, can't you come already?!

It's called Exchange-A-Holism

And I so swore I will reduce the amount of exchanges... Just signed in to Ornament Exchange at LBBB. Send out day is 1st of November so I have enough time after other exchange deadlines (and as I have almost decided what I'll stitch..).
And it reminded me of the fact that I could stitch ornaments for my parents in this year too - well, at least to my mother.


Talking of love.

Half-broken things, part II

I've had air pressure and sleep deprivation induced migraine today, and even I have done nothing to prove my existence (blogging doesn't count) my brains have processed information and experiences.

While I was putting my make-up on before going to grocery I glanced at the mirror and realised something... every time something hurts me I get more beautiful, in my own eyes if not anyone else's (though it seems to me that it works for general public too). It seems to me that I'll begin to bloom after my thirtieth birthday, and I'll age beautifully (good genes, thanks mom).
And what made me realise all that was that when I looked at myself I found myself beautiful even with those huge bags I've under my eyes at the moment. I looked older than I am, older than I look when I'm well rested, and still I liked what I saw.

Previous Eureka! came to me in Bangkok, during phase it maybe "shouldn't" have. Few days after that day I stood in front of bedroom mirror while adding moisturizer on my skin, saw myself from the mirror and saw myself in completely new light.
I've liked my body for years, but at that moment I realised that I really love every inch of it, every gram of it. And that I really have good body, no matter what general aspect of beauty is.
Though I still have to admit that there are few who have helped me to see myself as I am, as I see myself now, and I'm thankful for them. It has not been easy and it's not easy to be BBW in this world, or at least in Western world. (Fact: I never felt big in Bangkok even according to stereotypes I should have... I fit in.)

They call it...

FWB (Friend(s) With Benefits).

I admit it (again), I am not ready to have a relationship. I'm an emotional wreck (as there really is something broken in me, I need to find out what, when it broke and how to fix it) and I need to give time for myself. I need to find a focus for my life. I need to give some time for my soul to heal.
But, I am also a physical being with needs and that is when FWB marches in. Most who know me would never believe that I'd get into FWB, but it has happened before, and apparently it happens when there's (hidden) need for it and suitable (read: tempting) counterpart.

Joys of adulthood: as long as it's legal it's really up to you what you do with your life. And it seems to me that I've decided to sit on two chairs at the same time even it is something I don't usually do.
Honestly speaking, I like the idea, now. What I think about it tomorrow is different story, but... regret is not my thing.


It has been week of surprises, and they keep on coming: Wolfie IMed me today. (Though he still has connection problems so it was just a little while.) It made me smile as I realised I fell for him for all the right reasons. And the thought itself healed something in me.

Over one, wetness and... exchanges!

After drooling after Ami's latest finish I've been thinking of something, which I've, admittedly, thought before, but now the thought came back... How about stitching Ezmeralda's House over one?
The idea is really inviting, but my practical side has its opinions on stitching my first over one on 40 count (I've never stitched on 40 count, not even over two). And I'd like to have visible texts, as there are some nice little details which give depth to whole design, and according to the advice in leaflet they won't be visible - or they'll be, but unreadable (I can imagine how teeny it'd be).

Though, my mom has birthday and I could experiment with her birthday card...


Finally we had some decent rain! According to wild rumours there hasn't been decent rain in here since June (apparently not after I took the jet plane), and you can believe it, trees are drying out...
And I noticed something interesting yesterday: day time has gotten two hours shorter since I came back, which was about a month ago. 120 minutes in 30 days... do I see autumn coming? (Though, I love it. Dark seasons suit for my style. Peaceful, sad and made for solitude. Just me, cats, cup of tea, music and candles... ah. *gets dreamy*)

But anyway, I'd have used decent thunderstorm, my head doesn't like current conditions that much.


Previously mentioned Crazy Cat Lady Exchange is officially in progress. I got my partner's info today and I think I'll have to do some browsing in net to get some ideas. I think I may justify some shopping in next week, in case I find something nice from somewhere. *grin*
Actually I already have something in my mind (I already sent an enquiry about it to one store...) - of course I won't tell what, but let me tell you that it'd be just perfect one...

And like that wasn't enough... I signed in to Scissor Fob Exchange (both exchanges are arranged at The Robin's Nest). My excuse was "I need a fob for my scissors, and it's quick one as it's so small..." Anyone heard that before?

Tuesday, 15 August 2006


Note to self: Mom's birthday in 15th of September.

Witches, warlocks, etc.

OthersKitties! ^^

Angela's Peacedolls

She made some additions, and even Finland is represented. ^^ Cuties, aren't they?

mondaysabitch; Mortality

Day late, but still...

Memento Mori
  1. How comfortable are you with the idea of your own death and mortality in general? Does it bother you to think/talk about it?
    I can't prevent dying, can I? So, it's one of the facts of life I just accept. I just hope I can stay in here quite a while annoying people.

  2. How would you like your remains to be handled? Would you prefer to be buried, cremated, etc., and why?
    Buried. Actually I have no reasonable base on that want...

  3. What would you like your funeral to be like?
    Small, only those people who cared about me. I don't like the idea that someone who has despised me when I lived tries to buy good self-conscience by acting against one real colours just because. They can pay a homage, but it can be done quietly.

  4. What was your first experience with death?
    I think it was my paternal grandmother, but I've to admit I don't remember that much about it - and to be honest, her death wasn't devastating because I was actually afraid of her...

  5. How would you prefer to die, and why?
    Fast, peacefully, being hold by beloved one.
    I don't want to be alone when I die, even less in pain or suffer long.

Last entry was for venting purposes, but fact is that I've my doubts considering my suitability to any social communication, even less to dating and that sort.

I realised why I love blogging. I really need to get emotions out of me, just for my sake. I tend to pile everything in me when I get upset, and it'd cause problems with my physical being during time.
Though they seem to cause problems nevertheless, my back and joints ached last night like hell. And now I have a headache because I stayed up early (5 am), though it was worth it. Stash drooling with co-stitcher is always good way to spend time - and add few things to your wants.
So, cross stitching is also a life saver, if you're not mood for stitching stash shopping (even window one) works always when you are upset.

Talking of shopping... after getting my ePassporte Visa I realised that I can get eBay account now, and registered. It's my luck that the card is prepaid, I'd be in big troubles otherwise.

Btw, I think it was Marlene Dietrich (I may be wrong though) who said: Man is interested of a woman who's interested of him, but sometimes it feels that it also works other way round (and every way in between. And sometimes it doesn't. Life's fantastic. ).

The official quote

"The supreme happiness of life is the conviction of being loved for yourself, or, more correctly, being loved in spite of yourself."

Monday, 14 August 2006

Half-broken things

I'd like to know why I end up hurting everyone I care for, or at least end up feeling like doing so... At least I seem to be exceptional in screwing things up.
That's all that matters, right? Being good in something? No matter what it is?

Maybe I really should consider that monastery anyway... It's just getting too hard to even try. I'm getting too afraid to try. *sigh*

Maybe I'm just a half-broken thing, and I should live with it.

I really don't know.

Memecy; MM

And time for our regularly scheduled lunacy...

Monday Madness

  1. How many "people" pictures do you have displayed in your house?

  2. How many times a month/year do you rearrange your furniture?
    Depending, once or twice (in a year).

  3. Do you check your email every day? If so, how many times a day?
    Depends on an account. My main one goes trough filtering program so I check it when I happen to be next to computer. Blogging account is checked when Gtalk tells there's something to check, and one my other Yahoo account is checked when YIM tells me to.

  4. How often do you generally look at a clock/watch on any given day?
    Depends on a day, and my need for current time.

  5. How do you handle telemarketer phone calls?
    "I'm not buying anything, have a nice day. <click>" (Though one smartypants called me in one Saturday morning after wild night out and I wasn't that nice....)
Btw, you can officially state that I'm mad. I gave my blog url to N. just few minutes ago.

Good morning

Well, I drank that d**ned wine which caused me hangover last time (not this time though, for some odd reason). I drank it just because, even it wasn't expensive, I paid it... and as I don't cook for myself very often (and last time I cooked to someone else I cut to my nail with a knife and now my once beautiful thumbnail is an ugly stump ) it was only way to destroy it.
Anyway, it made me think. N. said that the wine is "too" sweet, and in my opinion it wasn't and this lead me to think of hormones... Estrogen affects in many ways and one of its effects is better sense of taste - which explains the difference between N.'s and my opinion about the wine.
But... Last time I drank that same wine it tasted much sweeter. It can be explained with vintage etc., but still it made me ponder could it just be about my hormone levels? As it has been about two years (bit less) since I drank that particular wine, and last time it tasted much sweeter... Just thinking aloud, nothing else.

And then, as I can't sleep very well when I've alcohol in my blood stream I was unable to reach mr. Sandman, and returned to living room... to window shop *grin* and got surprised by, yes you guess who, Sol once again. I don't know what I should think of this sudden interest towards contacting me... but then, I think it was me who's always said how she believes in friendship after a relationship... Me and my big mouth.
But it makes you think of all sorts of things. Not that anyway, no worries - "luckily" I've other things to worry about, no need for any more issues.

One of my favourite peeves...

Is that group of people who excuse their usage of slang and dreadful language (ya all know wad i mean) with "I'm not native English speaker". Well hello, I'm not either. When in school my English grades were always D or D+ tops, and English is not official language in here... still, I use it daily: I date in English, I get involved with English, I blog in English, I communicate with friends and most of the world with English so I get all the practise I need.
It's all about just having some stamina, it's all about the will to improve. I'm not saying I'm perfect and I admit I've had my Chatnglish phase back in dark past, but we can learn from our mistakes, can't we?

And still, I know there are people who think I'm elitistic b*stard because I let them know from the start that bad language hurts my eyes. But I can't help it, languages shouldn't be mutilated like they do - though I love to play with words, but there is slight difference between playing with and, excuse my French, tentacle raping languages.

When it comes to tentacles...

Talking of tentacle raping, world has come to its end: Unka Ghastly doesn't draw anymore - for non-defined period of time, at least.
It was fun as long as it lasted, all the best for Unka G. *sighs*

Sunday, 13 August 2006

Confessions of a Stitch-A-Holic and window shopping

  • I'm itching to start with next Silhouette (finally), but I can't allow myself to do so. (Because it's already 13th of August and I haven't stitched even half of the Panda I can't allow any breaks for myself, even I know it'd be good for keeping my stitching spirit up.)
  • I've ordered WDWs for Ezmeralda's House.
  • My next S.E.X. will happen in Sew and So and will be something I've planned to buy over a year now... and it'll happen as soon as possible.
  • After stitching on 36 count stitches on 28 count look humongous.
  • I find it difficult to stitch on very light coloured fabrics...
  • I'm a Stash-A-Holic.
  • I've reorganized my living room according my stash's needs.
  • I'm getting very fond of the idea of over-one even I've never even tried it.
  • I've already corroded one needle black while stitching Panda (talking of bitterness *grin*).
Aww, dragons! ^^

I kind of lost myself in Sew and So's site while drinking my morning coffee... anyone remembers what I said about getting addicted to dragons?
And with new tag (snowprincipessa eLJay) I'm able to archive my to-be-added-to-wishlist designs/kits/stuff in here before I get my hands on homepage tweaking again (it should be redesigned anyway)...

  • Summer's Magic
  • Cookie Dragon
  • Red Dragon Bookmark
  • Dragonlets Birth Sampler
  • No Late Knight Snacking
  • Dragon Alphabet
  • Dani the Stitching Dragon
  • Dragon Knot Bookmark
  • Midnight Hunting
  • Noon Basking
  • Dawn Awakening
  • Ouroborus (I've been drooling after this since I first saw it years ago.)
  • Just a Little Peace & Quiet
  • Messy... But Mine (Mentioned before)
  • Dragon Virtues
  • A Dragon's Tea Party
  • Not Forgotten
  • Gemstone Dragons
  • Here Be Dragons
  • The Snowball Fight
  • Dragon Of The Winter Moon
  • Dragon Of The Summer Sky
  • Earth Dragon
  • Air Dragon (kit)
  • Water Dragon (kit)
  • Fire Dragon (kit)
  • Why Hoard Gold?
  • Wish Upon A Star
  • Sleeping Dragon Sampler
  • Blackwork Dragon
  • Mystical Dragon
  • Lans The Guardian
  • Dragon Lake
  • Dragon Heart
  • Legends Of Dragons
  • Celestial Dragon
  • The Guardian (kit)
  • Moon Dragon


  • Noah's Alphabet
  • A Wizard's Quilt
  • There's Magic In My Needle
  • The Phoenix
  • Creatures Of Myth
  • Griffon Welcome

    Fairies! (Thanks to surname... *muttering*)

  • Fantastical Visions
  • Lunar Fairy
  • Dew Drop
  • Aurelia
  • Blue Moon Faery
  • Woodland Faery (As USPS destroyed the one I've.)

    Do we see certain attraction towards more complicated designs (excluding Dragon Dreams ( ) patterns)?

    And in other news

    I'll be offline from 21st to 23rd of August as I'm taking the cats with me and going to my mom's cottage. (HP will follow me, so there'll be entries after I come back.)
    Main reason is to show her how to assemble her loom - and check if she actually has other loom in one of her storage rooms (I saw parts of certain type of loom when we were checking the places after she bought the house (2004).) - and possibly we can even have the change to prepare them to be used (though that depends on can we have a loom from somewhere, or at least suitable yarn as she has 'looming device' (My professional vocabulary sucks) IIRC). As said, it's handy to have a weaver in a family (but not cheap, as she's paying the gas and keeps me fed).

    And talking of cats, could somebody tell me how it's possible to sleep in position like this?

  • Meme; Unconscious Mutterings, week 184

    When you wake up Where There's Gold echoing in your head and your throat sore, for unknown reason, and when you could kill for cup of coffee - if you were awake enough - it's good time to spend few moments with...

    Unconscious Mutterings

    1. Kim :: Wilde
    2. Designate :: Oppress
    3. Liner :: Eye
    4. Weed :: Sea
    5. Infusion :: Confusion
    6. Nutritious :: Lumpy
    7. Favorites :: Nepotism
    8. Transform :: Evolve
    9. 42 :: 6x9, The Answer to The Ultimate Question Of Life, the Universe and Everything
    10. Sunday afternoon :: Lazy

    Btw, there's celebration coming, my little blog will reach it's 800th entry in September.

    Saturday, 12 August 2006

    Wonders of comments

    I've to admit that I haven't been in mood for stitching because in the end I got bit... not annoyed, but frustrated over the fact that N. had to cancel our meeting yesterday because he had to go to U.K. (work is work, and you got to do what you got to do).
    It's actually quite interesting, as the reason is very, very carnal, not one of my usual reasons...

    Anyway, I was checking have I missed any comments since I came online and after reading the comments for latest WIP picture of Panda I got this sudden "I want to stitch 'til my needle smokes!" attack.
    Thank you all. I needed that kick. Now I'm happy little critter.

    Panda, here I come!

    Recipe Exchange

    I almost forgot! How senile of me...

    During my offline time I received a parcel from Natty who was my Recipe Exchange sender, and lookie what she sent!

    She sent me the loveliest pillow with apple pie recipe and in addition to that cheery tea towel and recipe book. ^^

    And as you are curious to know the recipe anyway, here it comes:

      Apple Pie

      3/4 c. sugar
      1/4 c. flour
      ½ t. nutmeg
      ½ t. cinnamon

      Mix. Stir in 6 c. sliced apples. Turn into 9'' pie shell. Dot with 2 t. butter. Sprinkle with 1 t. grated lemon peel. Cover with top crust. Bake at 425 (editor's note:F) for 40- 50 min.

    When it comes to doing my share I made two mug cozies for CatherineMichèle, but as I was already freaking out with sending after deadline I forgot to take picture of them! (But they looked good noticing that design for the cozies was all mine and it was first time I ever made such things.)

    And I sent her a recipe for:

    They are good, btw. Nothing with that much grease and sugar can be bad.

    Talking of parcels, I'm really missing that other one from Silkweaver. *sighs*

    Lost in translation?

    Can't sleep, for a certain reason, so I decided to flood my little blog a little bit more...

    When I was coming home from grocery yesterday I realised something rather interesting: I feel much more comfortable when I use English in communicating with people. And it applies even with the communication in here.
    And this realisation came from little conversation I had with someone when I guided her to correct bus stop.

    Now, the question is: How the heck it's more natural for me to communicate with English, which is nowhere close to my native language?
    I've never been exposed to English that much so it can't explain it, our parents are purely monolingual, I'm not good with languages (if you ask from me, that is)... what explains it? Though I should also ask what explains that at least two out of three of us ('us' referring to siblings) speak English (more or less) fluently without excessive studying? Genes? Sticky brains which catch everything they can? (Not that far fetched actually.) Pure luck?

    And talking of oddities... since I came back from Thailand I've had this odd feeling of not belonging here. It's nothing new, but it has never been this permanent.
    This is where I've born, this is my home, but I'm not sure do I belong here.
    Maybe I won't feel home before I have a need and reason to stay, no matter where it is. Maybe I'll never feel like home in anywhere as I'm an outsider by birth? (And to prove that I'm related to my sister and that we either have something wrong in our genes or upbringing: bits_2_whole proudly presents Clarity. (Second paragraph applies to this issue, but in general I'd have written all that.))

    So many questions, not enough answers.

    Friday, 11 August 2006

    Another meme; Ten years ago, and today.

    You could say I'm not in the mood of doing anything (and that I'm slowly browsing trough blogs)... This one comes from lyssophietje.

    1. How old were you?
      If I say I'm born in 1979, do the maths (yes, 17 and 27).

    2. Where did you go to school?
      1996: Savonlinna School of Arts and Crafts.
      2006: nowhere.

    3. Where did you work?
      1996: Nowhere, financed my survival with student allowances (for housing and studying) and support from my parents (from my mother mostly).
      2006: Nowhere, living with tax payers' money (do we see a pattern here?)...

    4. Where did you live?
      1996: Officially in Espoo with my mother, but actually I lived in Savonlinna.
      2006: In Vantaa.

    5. How was your hair style?
      1996: Short and dark purple or black.
      2006: Nothing has changed.

    6. Did you wear contacts?
      No in both cases.

    7. Did you wear glasses?
      Yes to both.

    8. Who were your best friends?
      I'm a loner. I have rarely had a best friend.

    9. Which of your pets were still alive?
      Ermh? How are you supposed to answer to this? Should it be something more like Did you have any pets then, and do some of the live still?.

    10. Who was your celebrity crush?
      I don't do celebrity crushes.

    11. How many piercings did you have?
      Same piercings in my ears I've had last 18 years.

    12. How many tattoos did you have?
      None to both...

    13. What was your favorite band/singer?
      One more applies in both cases answer: my taste is too broad and I have never been actual fan of any band or artist. I just like music.

    14. Had you smoked a cigarette?
      Yes to both.

    15. Had you gotten drunk?
      Yes on both cased.

    16. What did you want to be when you grew up?
      Uncertain to both as I want to be too many things... or actually I'm just interested of too many things.

    17. Looking back, are you where you wanted to be in 2006?
      Ermh... How could I have been where I wanted to be in 2006 in 1996?
      In 1996 I was where I wanted to be: away from my family, living on my own. In 2006 I am where I am and I don't actually know where I want to be.

    Nameless meme

    Stole from hyper_kiwi.

    1. Elaborate on your default icon.
      Found trough Google's image search with search phrase Forest Fairy. That is one of the main reason to use it as one translation for my name is forest fairy... I also like the colours, and the fact that she creates life trough her hands.

    2. What's your current relationship status?
      Single (as in meaning not in a relationship), kind of seeing someone.

    3. Ever have a near-death experience?
      I almost drown when I was kid (at least I lost my conciousness during lack of oxygen), but I wouldn't call it as NDE as I can't remember anything but darkness.

    4. Name an obvious quality you have.
      Obvious in what sense? Visible, or something most people say I am?
      I breathe therefore I'm alive. I am therefore I think. Usually it's more or less either one.

    5. What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right now?
      Surprisingly I've nothing playing in Brainamp.

    6. Name a celebrity you would marry.
      - - -

    7. Who will cut and paste this first?
      Person who does it first, duh.

    8. Has anyone ever said you look like a celebrity?
      I don't recall such thing.

    9. Do you wear a watch? What kind?
      No, I'm not watch type.

    10. Do you have anything pierced?
      Ear lobes.

    11. Do you have any tattoos?

    12. Do you like pain?
      Define "pain". I've noticed that depending on circumstances it can be actually quite pleasant, assuming that one knows what one does (kinkiness is catchy, see). But if we talk of unwanted sensation of aching, slashing etc. I don't.

    13. Do you like to shop?
      Depends. Cross stitch stuff, books etc. definitely, but in general I don't.

    14. What was the last thing you paid for with cash?
      Can of hair spray and some ice cream.

    15. What was the last thing you paid for with your credit card?
      Grocery bill.

    16. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?

    17. What is on your desktop background?
      Laptop's: Original and my actual desktop (modified by yours truly). Looks good with XP's Silver theme (modified for user friendliness though).
      Desktop's: This adorable cat, picture found from Pam Kellog's blog. One of her cats.

    18. What is the background on your cell phone?
      Unicorn. Apparently I've removed it from the PB it used to be in, so I can't share it at the moment.

    19. Do you like redheads?
      In what sense? I've no reason not to dislike someone just because of the colour of their hair, do I?

    20. Do you know any twins?
      Three pairs.

    21. Do you have any weird relatives?
      Question being: do you have any normal relatives? Anyhow, allow me to quote Napoleon XIV's The Nuts On My Family Tree:

      "I take off my hat and burst with pride
      When I recall the things they tried
      Their classic bits made such history
      The nuts on my family tree

    22. What was the last movie you watched?
      Theatre: Silent Hill (while I was in Bangkok).
      Home: The Magic Sword: Quest For Camelot.

    23. What was the last book you read?
      Transplanted Man by Sanjay Nigam.