Monday 13 November 2006

Mondays are still mad

Monday Madness

  1. If you could only read one blog every day- which one blog would be on your daily list?
    I don't do favouritism.

  2. What do you do to de-stress from a hectic day?
    Now that was difficult... not. *g* Cross stitching to the rescue! And/or petting cats/ listening music/ *beeb*...

  3. What is your favorite piece of clothing to wear in the winter?
    Anything warm, though I love "Babushka scarfs" (my choice is, surprisingly, black). I also love mittens, and my mother, who's crazy knitter, keeps me in hand-knitted woollen mittens (I've few *ahem* pairs of them).

  4. Do you prefer discussing problems with a sibling, a parent, a significant other, a psychologist, or a total stranger?
    Taking that I had all of those? Significant other.

  5. How long have you been blogging?
    This has been asked some time ago... Today: two years, six months, 21 days.
    Yes, I know that I'm PITA.

  6. Which side of the bed?
    Doesn't matter.

  7. How often do you pig out when you eat?
    Erm, never?

  8. Do you watch the space shuttle launches?
    They don't show them in here, and even it'd be possible to see them trough net their timing is usually bad for someone who lives in other side of the globe.

  9. What's your favorite leisure-time activity?
    *ahem*... well, to be politically correct: idling and cross stitching.

  10. When is the last time you said, 'I love you' and to whom? What about hugs? Who is the last person you hugged?
    Other than my cats?
    I love you: To Wolfie, in middle of June.
    Hug: To N., this morning.

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