Sunday 12 November 2006

An angel got its wings

After finishing Linda's biscornu I took second of Mary's (Btw, Mary has got her diagnosis and things look rather good - excluding the fact that she has cancer) angels as a project and decided not to stitch anything else before it's finished, washed, pressed and ready to go. Here it is:

He's victim of a colour conversion, and I used same colours in Hope than I used with Life to make them more of a pair.
Let me show how they were supposed to look like and how they ended up to be:



  • Designs: Glad Tidings; Life and Hope
  • Designer: Marie Barber
  • Source: JCS December 2002
  • Fabric: 14 count white aida (URGH!)
  • Other: Colours of gowns converted to pink theme, Hope should have darker hair, halos and texts removed.
Designer should, IMNSHO, do her background research a bit better... since when angels have had an Adam's apple?
"… is so called from a notion that it was caused by the forbidden fruit, (an apple) sticking in the throat of our first parent."
Taking all this religious thematism... angels haven't sinned (what ever that is) so why they should carry sign of that sin around? How I reason the fact that angels have never sinned? Well, isn't sin human thing? Angels don't have a navel, so they haven't born out of human female. According to certain theories they were around before humans were created... see where I'm getting to?
If you have to design an angel, could you even design it to be "factual"?

But, off to make some tea and eat some chocolate. I've migraine to take care of.

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