Friday 31 March 2006


Well well well... it seems to me that I've been RAKed by one person. In case I'm not delirious, which might explain it...
I noticed today that my status has changed from general user to subscriber in Last.Fm. Though I don't say I know anything before I get reply from him... but I've to say that You-Know-Who-You-Are made my day. (/me bows)

In other news, I've got addicted to online chess, even my problem of not being able to "see" that board properly stills.
I think it's impossible to understand before you've played IRL with me, as I need to adjust things a bit even then - but after it I'm quite good (if I'm in the mood of being good). At least for someone who has no interest towards theory of chess. (Talking of chess... Click.)

I meant to celebrate my divorce day with some wine, but for some reason I think I've no need for that... And anyway Dan will visit me next week, so celebration will be done then. (And I'll get my laptop!)

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