Monday 27 March 2006


Whose good idea these daylight savings are? They'll kill me some day.
In other words my brains got messed because time wasn't how it's supposed to be and I slept only four hours last night. Guess how productive I was at work today..?

Been home almost two hours now and still I haven't got my ass off from this chair to get that coffee I've been drooling after since I signed off for today (which was 3:00 pm). And my landlord sent me nice letter: Pay your rent or I'll get you evicted by court order. I'd say that they could have modified that sentence to be bit nicer, as anyway this should be "social housing" in certain sense.
Anyway I sent mail to them about it just to check that everything is ok in the end as I've paid that last week. Ah, one of these days.
Ok, I'm one to blame (I could say that getting this job was heaven sent - for my finances, and psyche), but anyway.

And now when I'm ranting I could rant about not knowing will one person call me today or not. Which means that in theory I can't collapse into my warm, soft bed before 9 pm (though in a way I doubt. He's at work, I assume. Joys of time zones (and being 8 hours behind me).)

My life is getting odd, in case it's not odd already.

...and I seem to have new lurker. Me and my big mouth...

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