Saturday, 1 April 2006

Nothing to see here

I think I've, once again, one more reason to dislike spring: I seem to lose my sense of hunger in these months of excessive natural light. This happened last year, and it happens now.
And now it can't be explained with long-distance relationship nor sudden change of diet. It has to be spring.

It wouldn't be such a problem if I haven't got this tendency for migraines. My head has been completely empty last few days, just because my blood sugar levels aren't balanced. Just because I'm to feel hunger at this moment and therefore I simply forget to eat...

And in addition to that

...spring makes me very silly in certain sense... *sigh*
Nothing against having silly thoughts about half of the world's population, but I really dislike my brains subconscious urge to find a relationship.
Though, one would be nice, but for the right reasons and not just because. As I'm getting quite tired with all that hassle...
I know what I want, but it scares most people. And even I know I've no need for anyone who can't accept me as I am... it does bother me. I don't want to be scary because I'm me, because I'm not simple.

I think that we all have faced situation where people around you wonder why you're single and still you just can't seem to be interesting enough... maybe it's being too interesting? Or intimidating, as I've heard.

So, because I think things like this I can say I have got over him. Something good in everything - even sometimes it might be nicer to bathe in heartbreak sea instead of wade in swamps of singledom.

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