Monday, 10 April 2006

Monday Madness; Shopping

This week's

Monday Madness

Do you like to shop?
    IF YES, answer the following:

    1. What is your favorite store? Why?
    2. Do you only shop when there is something you specifically need or want or do you sometimes go shopping just for "something to do?"
    3. Do you prefer shopping online or in stores?
    4. Do you have a shopping buddy or are you perfectly content going alone?

    IF NO, answer the following:

    1. Even though you don't like to shop, where do you find yourself shopping most often?
    2. Do you try to send someone else to shop for you? If so, who and why that person?
    3. Do you think shopping online is as annoying as shopping in stores?
    4. Does anyone close to you encourage to go shopping with her (or him)? If so, do you feel tortured and go or just say no?
Yes and no. Case sensitive, but apparently I have to generalize... No (we're not talking of stash shopping now as that is what I love most.... well, at least when it comes to shopping ).

  1. Where as store or offline/ online? Online anyway, there's no specific place, not now as Silkweaver betrayed me.
  2. No. I usually prefer to shop alone.
  3. Online shopping is almost tolerable as I can do it in peace of my own home, with coffee mug in one hand and mouse in other hand. And if you're as shallow as I am you may enjoy not having a need to look good.
  4. No, not at this moment at least.

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