Monday, 10 April 2006

Eu te amo

There weren't paddles when it happened (some time ago, in fact).

Someone could say something, as we haven't actually knew each others that long (some of you may know that feeling when it feels that you actually have known someone for years...). But it just happened. Why prevent such a great thing? (And how could you possibly prevent love?) Or why hide such a beautiful emotion?

I'm still a bit confused as this really was something I couldn't see coming. But I love every second. And I love that amazing mind, wonderful soul and beautiful heart he has - not to forget that absolutely amazing twisted sense of humour (and few other things *blush*).
He has ability to make me speechless (which is quite an achievement), and here we seem to go again. I can't find words to describe what I want to say. Sometimes words just fail, because of this limited human lingo.

It's great to love and to be loved. ^^

And: condition of my skin has improved drastically in few days. It's dry still, but it's smoother and fair. I think my theory about that is obvious.

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