Monday, 3 April 2006


(Hmh, that seems to be very common word for me nowadays. Anyway...)

I just hate these migraines which keep you awake whole night - no matter how tired you're - and in addition to that, just to make it fun, you get these blues attacks, and only thing you'd actually like to do would be laying in bed feeling someone's arms around you, and same someone's breathe on your neck.


Well, at least I've done some stitching, but I'd prefer to sleep - but then... if my dreams are similar to last night... I'm not sure.
Had this odd dream where someone followed me and repeated one sentence: I love you... and I whacked that someone with a huge paddle every time one said it.
It was odd, and easily explained - I hope. I'm afraid of hearing those words because they have brought pain in past, and just to avoid future pain I need to hurt one who loves me... human mind is great invention.

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