Sunday, 16 April 2006

[insert cursing emoticon here]

Something crossed my mind while vegetating and hating having fever (new additions to list: I'm losing my voice, having minor ear ache and my joints hurt - fear not! I'm stitching anyway. (I have to. Otherwise I get bored and depressed.) Between vegetating and resting.)...
I haven't heard anything about my SECE replacement. I've sent it weeks ago. It should have arrived, it was only going to other side of Europe. (Which is quite funny, btw. I've sent things all over the world and it has never took as long. I think Harsha's parcel took longest (2 weeks) and it was during Valentine's mail rush. Fact to notice: she lives in Singapore, which isn't actually country close to Finland.)
It takes two days to Central Europe (Germany, Poland), about a week to States and Australia, how it possibly can take weeks to deliver one little envelope (in air mail) to southern Europe?!

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