Wednesday, 5 April 2006

SBQ; Stitching 'on the go'


Stitching Bloggers Question

    "Do you stitch 'on the go'? (On the commute to and from work, during your lunch break, waiting for the kids, etc.) If so, do you have a specific "travel" project or do you just grab whatever you happen to be working on and take it with you?"
Well, it really depends. I don't take stitching with me if I know I don't have to sit/ travel at least one hour without disturbances.
If I take a project with me it's something small(ish), and not too complex as it's dreadful task to handle gazillion skeins in on the go circumstances.

But then, quite a bit of Devil Bears dungarees was stitched on a ferry ride from Helsinki to Tallinn, and back. (And believe me, people gave quite long glances when I stitched on those trips:

  1. Stitching is not something young people do, as we know...
  2. I use black clothes -> I got to be some Satan worshipper... (I don't even believe in Satan, how could I possibly worship one?)
  3. I've 'traditionally feminine' short hair, which seems to be in some sort of conflict with some stereotypes...
  4. It's devil anyway and therefore maybe not most common theme in cross stitching...)

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