Monday, 3 April 2006

/me is *so* bored

This one seems to be one of those migraines which actually try to get me spend time in my bed... Dizziness is not fun, and in addition to that my head begun to hurt as I, well, laughed my hiney off because of certain mail I got.
Nothing against that though - laughing (nor that mail, very much opposite to be honest). Anything which lifts up my mood in day like this is always very welcomed.

While laying in bed I read latest Cross Stitcher (came today; and btw, Angela: Silkweaver parcel came too. Now I just need to get those dyes, and maybe I'll send something some day... ) and I found something I can agree with:

    "Dear Lord, so far today I'm doing ok.
    I haven't gossiped, lost my temper, been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish, or self-indulgent.
    I haven't whined, complained, cursed or eaten any chocolate.
    But I'll be getting out of bed in a minute, I think I'll really need your help then!
And while laying in bed getting bored I noticed something which I dislike: as I've lost weight (/me cheers) my arms are getting visibly muscular (at least my biceps have gotten smaller, they were problem last spring)...
I know they'll fade away sooner or later (at least I hope so), but I really dislike it anyway.

So, anyone in desperate need of some muscles? But then... it makes it easier, to actually have relatively good share of muscles in your body as

  1. I wont look saggy
  2. It means that part of that weight I have is actually weight of these 'Arnolds' of mine
  3. And they'll get smaller during time -> decreases weight even more.

But then... I sense need to get new clothes soon. I also sense being even more "too femininely build" for designers (My waist is at least 6cms too narrow to "fit" with my hip, according to "fittings", even at this point. What will it be..?) which causes sense of panic.

Btw, three months from this moment I'm 27 years young/ old. Scary.

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