- What time did you get up this morning?
7:40 (am) when my cell's alarm clock rang. Finally got up about 8:40.
- Diamonds or pearls?
Diamonds. Pearls just aren't my style. (Though diamonds are my style only when they're small.)
- What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
If I don't recall wrong it was Alien vs. Predator (seen with bits_2_whole), and happened in about stone age (ok, in fact during that time I was with Abhi, apparently it was in 2004...). I don't go movies that often - at least when I'm single, for some odd reason.
- What is your favorite TV show?
Well, I don't watch TV, but if I did... CSI, Law&Order, Oz. Documentaries.
But only if I ever kept my TV on.
- What did you have for breakfast?
Haven't had it yet. Apparently it'll be coffee, natural yoghurt with berries and rice cakes. I think. Have to see.
- What is your middle name?
I've two "middle" names so which one? And current or future ones (to which I identify better for some "odd" reason)?
- What is your favorite cuisine?
Hmm... Japanese (I love sushi!), Greek and Indian - at this moment. In general everything good is good. 
- What foods do you dislike?
Meat. But in my case you don't ask Do you like it?, in my case you ask Are you allergic to it?. So, there are no easy answers in the end. 
- What is your favorite chip?
I'm allergic to potato (and corn so we can't talk about nachos for example) so next question.
- What is your favorite CD at the moment?
Hmmm... next question. I've too broad taste and most of my music is in my hard disk anyway so I don't remember names of CDs.
Consult The Book of Armaments.
- What kind of car do you drive?
I don't have driver's licence, nor car.
- What is your favorite sandwich?
I don't eat bread. Wheat/ rye allergy. But I do like rice cakes with mayonnaise, cheese and pickled cucumber.
- What characteristics do you despise?
In myself or in others? Ignorance, arrogance, lack of curiosity, dishonesty, intolerance (I'm intolerant in that way.
- Favorite clothing?
Anything black. At this moment long sleeved shirts (it's winter anyway) and pants with "bootcut", in other words pants with straight legs.
- If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?
Hmm... In fact I don't know.
- What color is your bathroom?
White and mint green. Yuck.
- Favorite brand of clothing?
As long as it's black and in my price range...
- Where would you want to retire?
Being 26... ask that after 20 years.
- Favorite time of day?
Depends. In winter days because sunny winter's days are just amazing. In summer nights as I love nightless nights. I use to stand on balcony drinking tea/ coffee and listen birds singing.
In general night.
- Where were you born?
In Jorvi Hospital, Espoo, Finland.
- Favorite sport to watch?
Anything with "well developed" men in tights - or in similar clothing.
To be honest, I'm not into watching sports.
- What type of detergent do you use?
General detergent? Ajax.
- Coke or Pepsi?
Neither, I'm allergic to nuts (in this case it's cola nut).
- Morning person or night owl?
Depends on the situation.
- What size shoe do you wear?
Anything from 41 to 43.
- Do you have pets?
Four cats. I'm their pet and they're my masters.
- Any new and exciting news you’d like to share with everyone?
- What did you want to be when you were little?
I wanted to be many things. Nurse, truck driver, vet, architect, teacher, social worker.... you name it.
- Favorite candy bar?
Don't eat candy in bars. Rarely eat candy in general nowadays. I've no need.
- What is one of your best childhood memories?
I don't categorize. There are quite a few to be honest. (To some that may sound odd, as my childhood really wasn't a happy place to live in.)
- What are all different jobs you have had in your life?
Voluntary animal tender, voluntary shop assistant (in local fair trade shop), voluntary camp leader; dishwasher, cashier, theatre producer/ actor/ seamstress/ etc., weaver, "product trimmer".
- What color underwear are you wearing?
Underwear? Haven't been in shower yet so... This was more information than you needed, but it's your fault. You asked. 
Probably purple.
- Piercing?
If you call them piercings: one hole in each ear. I don't use earrings at this moment, so I don't know are those even open anymore.
- Eye color?
Greyish blue, blueish grey - with brown circle around the iris. Blue when I'm happy, grey when I'm sad, and few days ago I noticed that they're green sometimes. I don't know yet why.
- Ever been to Africa?
- Ever been toilet papered?
No, it's not habit in here.
- Love someone so much it made you cry?
Just ask how many times...
- Been in a car accident?
- Croutons or bacon bits?
Neither. Wheat and pork...
- Favorite day of the week?
Everything goes.
- Favorite restaurant?
I don't eat out that much.
- Favorite flower?
Poppies, chili flowers. All those ones you call weeds.
- Favorite ice cream?
I used to love ice cream with cookie crumbles. Nowadays I'm happy with good vanilla ice cream.
- Disney or Warner Brothers?
No comments.
- Favorite fast food restaurant?
I don't eat fast food. We never learned such a habit in my childhood, so Thank you mom.
As you may deduce, I've my opinions about fast food.
- Carpet Color?
- How many times did you fail your driver’s test?
0. Never took one.
- From whom did you get your last email?
"Last" and last... newest one in OE's list is from my old school.
- Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
I don't have actual credit card. Visa Electron is cash card even it's considered as credit one. But in case there were one to max... I'd find some good needlecraft store, probably online one because I hate shopping.
- What do you do most often when you are bored?
I rarely get bored. And if so, I usually clean - you could deduce it from this place...
- Who are you most curious about their responses to this questionnaire?
No comments.
- Ford or Chevy?
- What are you listening to right now?
You can see it, as always, under this entry. After Sounds is usually one song I've listened during blogging.
- Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
- Time you finished this?
9:55 (am)