Tuesday 19 December 2006

Winter 20: a meme

Got tagged by Angela.

  1. Number of daylight hours in your neck of the woods.
    19th of December, 2006:

      Sunrise - 9:25
      Sunset - 15:10
      Length of day - 5 h 45 min. (Angela, you miss then sun? *grin*)

    Though winter solstice is soon so it won't get much shorter than that.

  2. Food you eat this time of year that you may not during the others seasons.
    Carrot and rutabaga casseroles (Though I prefer my carrot casserole without rice, it makes it dry).

  3. Number of times this month you have had take-out?
    None. I don't do take-outs in general (exception makes the rule).

  4. Do you drink anything different in your coffee this time of year? (flavorings etc.)
    Maybe I put more sugar to it, nothing else.

  5. Can you ice skate?
    Yes, at least last time I tried... which was about 17 years ago. I hate ice skating.

  6. How bad does it hurt when you sled?
    Hurt? Why?

  7. Would you rather freezing rain and ice -or- big fat snowflakes with a howling wind?
    Snow and howling wind! I love that kind of weather (at least when I've someone with whom to spend whole day in bed..).

  8. What do you stock (keep on hand) for winter vegetables?

  9. What do your pets think of the change in weather?
    They stay inside, and my Siamese hates me because it's my fault that there's not +30C and sunny outside 365 days a year...

  10. Snow tires, or All-Season?
    No car, so no comments.

  11. Do you have winter sheets for your bed? (Come on now, be honest ;) )

  12. Have you ever barbequed in the winter?
    Not that I'd recall...

  13. Anything you miss?
    Which has to do with some other season? Nothing.

  14. Do you go out as much on the weekends?
    I don't go out (taking that going out refers to spending time in growd surrounded by any sort of noise) at weekends by default as I am boring person.

  15. How many birthdays?
    Between which dates?

  16. Do you go to bed earlier or later?
    My sleeping pattern is as mixed as it is in any other time of the year.

  17. Do you like to shovel?
    Haven't tried that in recent years so no comments.

  18. Do you own a roof rake?
    I live in an apartment.

  19. Do you eat ice cream in the winter?
    H*ll yes!

  20. Mittens or gloves?
    Mittens, hand-knitted.
And by the way... you're tagged!

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