Sunday 3 December 2006

Mmmm... olives...

Hmm, I've been 27 for five months. I can hear myself wrinkling.

Anyway, it has been AE day again, and despite my urge to throw it away and stitch Futurecast I was good stitcher and did what my rotation says...

There is a rather odd feature in the chart: Hs in handicraft and history are different. There's an obvious reason for it, but I'd like to know why it has been solved like that, because it really bothers me.
Anyway, I modified h in history to look as much h in handicraft than I possibly could - taking that it history's h had to be one stitch shorter.

Fortunately I've four supporting cats, here's one example (handsome, muscular man on my lap, what else can I hope? *g*):

My goal for today was four words, and as it's now done I can reward myself again and put few stitches on Futurecast. (Sneaky me, I know.)

On magazines

It's not their quality which has gone down the drain, it's my taste which has improved.
I was browsing trough my Cross Stitch Collections and noticed that in most of the magazines there's only one (or none) design which might strike my fancy.

I think I'll take my birthday gift as stash money next year.

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