Sunday 17 December 2006

By the way...

Coming to think of it I find something in my SIL's behaviour very... interesting.

I was thinking of bits_2_whole's gift and realised that she actually has her nameday 28th (28th of December is The Day of the Innocent Children (straight translation) and, in addition of being day of all Piias and Pias, it's nameday for every person whose name is not in Finnish calendar) so even if/as I'm late with her wrist warmers there's another suitable dates to time her gift to... which lead me to realise that only time when my SIL has congratulated me during this year, or in past few years IIRC, was my nameday in this May. What makes it odd is that

  1. she didn't congratulate me on my birthday (which is way more important date), exactly two months later


  2. she knows (Information is provided, if she hasn't bother to read it it's her problem) that I'm going to change my first names (it has been known by my family about a year now, I think) - just haven't got that far yet (ie. I have to get new passport after doing it and I hate those applications, and it costs money (passport, not the name change)).
It was only time she has congratulated me on my name day, as far as I remember... Do we sense something fishy here?
Maybe we don't, but in my odd world that is kind of disrespectful, as in my opinion she tries to hang in past on the expense of other people, and that is something I can't tolerate.
She just can't accept things changing... which makes me wonder how someone can be so afraid of it? (Not that I'd love it, but I can live with it.) Or maybe it's because my names won't be Finnish so it makes me even less "normal" and that's an absolute scandal...

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