Saturday 28 October 2006

Shameless advertising, fabrics and appointments

Word from our blogger before she gets back to bed... First of all I got bed at 21, which is not normal. Secondly I knew I'll wake up after four hours of sleep, thirdly my lungs want to come out, and fourthly I'm off to bed after I post this entry.

Anyway, some shameless advertising:

Solarium Sublime, a gathering of artisans, mainly needleworkers focused on cross stitch,that are interested in pursuing the craft of needlework and pushing personal limits to become artisans of the craft, creating pieces of art with needle and thread.

This forum is geared towards those who approach needlework as a personal form of art, and as such are interested in refining and furthering their skills and growing as artists. Folks who enjoy stitching simple, small, easy, or anything in the “primitive” /“prairie sampler” genre, are not banned. Just leave the discussion of those types of stitching to other forums/blogs.

Art is a highly personal and individual appreciation, so if this isn't something you'd like, no worries. If you know of anyone who might be interested, feel free to copy this notice and post/email it.

I'm in there too. *grin*

Dragons, once again

I've been maturing idea of dyeing the fabric for possible Seasonal Dragons RR by myself (thanks to Angela, our professional enabler) and I realised that I'd actually try to dye suitable fabric for Loy Krathong while at it, as I see them both in quite similar shades.
And I've to admit that I was actually thinking of best method to do it while I was having my shower in the morning... You got to use your time effectively.
Anyway, I've to plan it a bit as I'm planning to dye it/them in two phases (I think two colours is enough).

Btw, I got date and time for my allergy tests, and, what actually surprised me, after that I'll have dermatologist's appointment. Which is good, but guess who got symptoms from that da*ned letter? Send in the allergy medication... And honestly I dread that hospital visit already.
On the other hand, when I'm there I can tell them that I can't breathe, for Heaven's sake, because of the latex. I think that saying that may also be quick way to get Epi-pen prescription...

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