Monday 9 October 2006

Altering echoes from world of WIPs

When it comes to yesterday (Saturday)... I spent whole day by

  1. Waking up.
  2. Looking for suitable layout for my blog.
  3. Fixing CSS overrides, and adding layout.
  4. Vegetating.
I had no time to stitch as when I was ready to do so it was obvious that I'll end up spending night in somewhere else once again. So, no Silhouettes update (but I did touch needle yesterday, I swear! (Ok, I sew a button back to his jacket...)), but let me introduce new stitches in Alter Echo:

Firstly: that upper border is possessed. I had to frog part of it again, but I won that battle! Now it's finished, and perfect. I'd have stitched that ornament in left side without that mean, mean frog, but still... we have progress. *happy sigh*

In addition of having some (this time even visible) progress in AE I'm having good day feedback wise. Three (3) separate individuals have given me positive feedback considering my person. I'd really get used to that.

And, thank you for the feedback on my nightly pictures.

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