Tuesday 31 October 2006

Goals for October: what I did?

Could someone tell me where my eyes have been? I have never noticed one complimentary design in Teresa Wentzler's site: Renaissance Bookmark
That is something I'll do some day (like every other free design by her for that matter).

I've been too tired and crappy (my maxillary sinuses ache (could this be the beginning of my first ever inflammation in that area? Hopefully not)) to actually follow any instructions, but I've stitched... out of my head. No brains, or anything similar, but I've been playing around with one design which popped into my head couple of nights ago. Actually just its corners and I've tried to build from it... it's not finished so no pictures (but it is charted... *coughs*). *grin*

Anyway, as it's last day of the month we have goals to check:

  1. Work with Panda.
  2. At least half of Jaffa done in the end of the month. (This will depend on the amount of daylight.)
  3. Finish and send OE item.
  4. Finish 1st and 2nd part of Alter Echo.
  5. Finish The Greatest Treasure.
  6. Finish Small Needlebook.
  7. Finish at least one ornament.
  8. Stitch-A-Thon at The Robin's Nest.
And what I actually did?
  1. Been working with it.
  2. Nothing done on Jaffa. (Well, it's in Saturdays anyway)
  3. Gah. I intended to finish it last Thursday, but then I got sick... and I can't mail it anyway before I get well enough to visit PO.
  4. Nah.
  5. Nah.
  6. Nah.
  7. Nah.
  8. It was busy weekend so no.
  9. Stitched, finished and sent biscornu for Jenna.
  10. Finished and sent SFE.
  11. Stitched one angel for Mary's quilt.
Goals for November to follow...

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