Monday 16 October 2006


Random Joy at mondaysabitch

  1. If you could have a view of anything you wanted from your bedroom window, what would you choose?
    Hmm, I've never thought of this that much. I'd say there are many possibilities I'd be happy with - and in the end, in my case, it's not that important what you see out of your bedroom window, it's more important what you see next to you when you wake up. (From this we can deduce that I've gotten used to sleep with someone once a week.)

  2. Have you ever tried Red Bull? Did you like it?
    Have, didn't.

  3. Is there anything that you are embarrassed to go out and purchase?
    Nowadays no.

  4. Do you like amusement park rides? Are high adrenaline rides preferable, or do you prefer the mellow ones?
    I like the rides in theory, but I dislike high adrenaline levels. Do funny things to my body.

  5. Do you tend to be more attracted to people (romantically or for friendship) who are similar to you or very different? What sorts of differences in your personalities might attract you to a person?
    Hmm... If we exclude Wolfie (who was/is my male replica in most things) I prefer to have certain differences, though it also depends on the general mix of ones personality will certain difference between us bother me or not.
    Romantically I prefer goal-oriented men, something I'm not. It's also good (in certain extent) if person is more outgoing than I am (within limits).
    When it comes to friends I'm less selective, but you don't need to live with your friends, but romantic partner may be in your life for the rest of your life... you got to go for the quality.

    And now, after thinking this for a while it seems to me that I actually look for man who's rather similar to me in important things, like intellect (I want to be understood, and I want to have conversations on more important things than just grocery list), ethics, dreams and sense of humour.

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