Feast One Hundred & Fifteen
Appetizer- Approximately how many hours per week do you spend reading other blogs?
- Your community wants everyone to give one thing to put into a time capsule. What item would you choose to include?
- What is the most interesting tourist attraction you've ever visited?
Main Course
- If you could give an award to anyone for anything, who would it be and what would the award be titled?
- What do you think your favorite color reveals about your personality?
In "modern" Western world it's colour of death, sorrow, evil and other bad things. But in other cultures it's colour of knowledge, harmony, self-confidence, power...
Personally I begun to wear black when I was studying, spent my days surrounded by colours and they were one of my main tools while studying. It balanced my otherwise colourful world.
Nowadays, it balances me still, and it has grew in me. I'm quite sure that most people would be shocked if I were to wear anything else than (mainly) black.
In certain extent it's colour of mourning, as I've born having sorrow in my soul and I'm therefore very prone to melancholy. It's also about grieving the state of the world and human kind.
It's colour of joy, because wearing it balances me and gives me possibility to be my happy self (I know what I said in previous sentence, but I'm complex person).
It suits to my grim character and my cruel sense of humour (or lack of it). It suits to the fact that I'm single woman, with rather intimidating personality, living with four cats. (No, I don't have a wart on my nose, but will mole close to it do? (Example under here, find the red asterisk.))
It suits to my pale skin, and according to feedback it looks good on me (black that is - usually my whiteness causes question "How can you be that white?!").
Black just is who I am.
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