And for curious minds... Behold, the biscornu!
- 28 count Summer khaki Lugana
- SBTS' Pink Featherduster
- Design is a freebie (Orange tile) from Better Homes and Gardens' site
Ravings of a solo parent, cat slave, gamer, demoness and a cross stitcher with severe case of mojoitis.
And for curious minds... Behold, the biscornu!
I finished it!
No public pictures as it's an exchange item. I'll post limited friends only entry (sorry, Rósa, you wont see it as you participate that exchange - just to keep the excitement ) after this one.
Actually I realized something... I need to either redirect my mail to my mother's address or ask bits_2_whole or our mom to visit once a week and water my plants at the same time - and let me know when I receive my biscornu, as it'll most likely come when I'm not here.
Ok, bit early, but if I leave it for tomorrow I forget it anyway.
My April goals were:
May goals?
Actually I think it's better for me not to have any for this month. You all know why. (And those non-stitching goals for Jenna.)
No finish in sight before month ends, but I thought you might be interested anyway.
Kreinik -> DMC
Kreinik - GAST
Well well... I made conversion for it and this time our dragon will be purple (I hear Angela cheering ) with green chest, and little one will be orange.
See, this species is being born as orange, but turns to purple when growing up.
Actually I've kitted it already. I'm going to take it with me (though I need to download that design when I'm there) to country X, as I need something to do when I'm alone during days (when he's working).
I think I've teased you enough, I may as well reveal it. My destination in SE Asia is Thailand
Speaking of Wolfie, my father surprised me positively couple of days back... My father has been quite xenophobic, at least towards men I love (He has said some nasty things in past). Ok, his first question about Wolfie (when we were talking about my trip to Thailand, about hows, whys and whens) was 'Is he Finnish?', and that does bother me, but I asked from him does it matter in some way and he said no. So, it seems that my father has gotten softer when getting older. At least I hope it, I really do.
As when/ if everything goes well between us (Wolfie and me, that is) I'll need my family's support. As we all can think of what future will bring in that case. (Just being realistic here, because fact is that I choose to do what I need to do to be with my Love.) Saliant.
I intended to finish biscornu before stitching Sally (Hey, nickname!), but... I had to frog part of my personalisations from the other piece (I don't do it like it's usually done, with two similar sides. Mine will have design on one side and personalisation on other side.) and lost my biscornu drive for a while.
So, time for Sally.
Actually I doubt that I've been possessed by dragons. First came Jules, then Sally, then Dragon of Hope and I'm intending to stitch The Greatest Treasure (I wont use all those Kreiniks, I'll use regular DMC (and I'll do another colour conversion) and in case I see the need I'll use those few blending filaments I have) as a birth sampler.
Yes, there's new human coming to this world, but I wont tell yet to who (some of you know, but we share the secret ). Pregnancy is not past 12 weeks yet, and I'm bit superstitious/ overly careful when it comes to this sort... (No, it isn't me.)
Yippee! Silkweaver parcel came!
Those red Belfast linen (32 count) and Victorian red Jubilee (28 count) are just so wow! And linen stitch bands (24 count)... let me wipe this drool off from my keyboard.
Got some 'extra' patterns, but they're not into my liking (I'm not generally into simplistic). But they'll go to my 2-go stash, and they'll find new home some day.
This week's
Yes, my dear blog is reaching it's obstinate age. According to my profile this blog was founded exactly 24th of April 2004 at 07:37:24 (GMT).
Back then it was known as My therapist... which it actually was, as I begun my blogging career because I wanted to process my thoughts.
My first entry is not a pretty sight, as I had no knowledge what-so-ever of HTML. In general my English wasn't as good as I'd like it to be now: I used slang, plurals and genitives were mixed, there were some confusions in 'similar' words and apparently my tenses were even more horrid they're nowadays. But then, I actually begun to use English for communicating two years ago, so not that bad from a rookie?
So, love was my reason to become a blogger. Love has been my reason to blog more or less these two years - have it been end of relationship, new love or living in it. Or my love for cross stitching or thinking.
At least I can say that today, two years since I found Livejournal, I'm much happier, much more contented with myself than I was back then and I seem to become softer, less unconditional (flexible might do it). But I've also grew stronger.
During last year I've found new world of stitching blogs, and 'met' great personalities trough blogging.
What can I say? Life has gotten better, and in my current situation it just keeps on getting better. (Yes, I'm like this when I'm happily in love. But I can't help it, he's such a wonderful person. ^^)
Actually I did some tagging in those first entries (I left dan out because we're both different than we were then), so in case you really want to know: divorce tag for you reading pleasure.
Learning new things
I'm studying Portuguese. Yes, I am. Wolfie is teaching me.
Though I don't know that much - yet - at least I know how to say I have four cats (and of course I know how to say I love you, my dear - in addition to few other things) so that's quite much about me anyway... ^^ (And he's studying Finnish with help of yours truly and grammar etc. (actually I'm impressed that he was able to find suitable literature from [big city in SE Asia]). I'm very impressed. ^^ (Have I mentioned how wonderful he is? I have...? O_o ))
So, be forewarned chanda_m, soon there'll be comments with my pigdin Portuguese.
My 2nd Blogging Anniversary is in Monday. Isn't silly how time flies when you're having fun? It was only last week when I begun this, if you ask from me. (More about it in Monday.)
In stitching front...
Biscornu is almost finished, and I've to say it'll look good. Stitched it with overdyed floss on 28 count Lugana (more about it in May or June) and yummy.
Actually I'm glad to have coming finishing HD as I haven't had that type lately, nor HDs in general. I need that high finishing gives!
Begin to think of finishing... I think I should finish DB finally (I just need to remember where I've put her....).
Health wise
Wolfie's TLC has worked like charm. I'm alive again. ^^ (Ok, I get easily tired still and I have problems with my throat, but hey, I feel alive - unlike in those worst days of my flu+anemia.)
When it comes to health, I'm dreading summer again. I go to bed after midnight and wake up first time at 6 am because according to my body it's day outside... which means: less sleep.
About two months ago day (between sunrise and sunset) was about 8 hours, now...
Don't get me wrong, I love Finnish summers because of nightless night, but... If you can't prevent sun with two layers of dark curtains... (I should get velvet curtains, they'd hide the sun.)
My first chilis for this year
Presented on my only non-black pants, btw. (Now you know how part of my thigh looks like. *grin*)P.S. Embassy contacted me (power of ranting)! And gave me contact info of Country X's embassy in Helsinki. (Silly, they have no info in www about that embassy.... and I don't do phone books.) One more email to write then...
Anyone guesses who sent me an e-card?
Ten points girls and boys, Sol.
Actually I was waiting for this. It happens every time I've drastic changes in my life.
Well, I sent him email, told about Wolfie and offered my friendship.
Now we see how much of a man Sol is. Is he able to face the consequences of his decisions and actions? Is he able to stand behind his words? Is he able to be happy on my behalf?
If he's a man and acts accordingly, I'm just pleasantly surprised. If he takes my offer of friendship, I respect his maturity. I just hope to end that part of my life without any further arguments.
As even it ended in ugly way (and with minor nervous breakdown from my side), it doesn't need to be closed in ugly way. And I just hope he understands that past is past.
And btw, this really explains (as I was wondering what was it all about) my dream from last night. Reader's Digest version of that dream: I told person who loved me that I'm in love with Wolfie and I choose him (for that obvious reason).
I got email from my mother. I should get some extra money during this year from certain insurance my parents took to protect me when I was a kid (if my mom had died before my 18th birthday I'd have got some financial compensation - in addition to government provided financial support). She called to bankrupt's estate of that insurance company and they had said so. And I say 'Great thing'.
Actually I've got 80% of that saved amount (as my mom is very much alive) when I was 21(?), so I'll get 'only' 20%, but I think it's still about 200€ (or more).
Honestly, I could use that money right now, as I need at least (note to self: call about it when voice gets better) hepatitis vaccination (it's recommended) and I need sandals and/ or general summer shoes (and I could use some new clothes, and visit to barbers and... stage fever? How so? O_o). And, when going to country X (Aren't I mean? Not telling it...) with Tourist Visa Exemption (as a Finn I don't need a visa if I stay in the country less than 30 days) authorities assume I have cash - in fact they assume I have quite much of it. (Which reminds me, local Finnish embassy hasn't answered to my question yet... which is not very nice.)
And next month is actually financially tight one for me in any case. But well, I'll survive. I have to.
At first it was just an experiment with exchanges (you know, first time is always free... ). Well, I got hooked. It's great feeling to receive beautiful stitched items from somewhere I've never been or where I'll never visit. And it's amazing to think that there are little parts of me out there in this big world.
I think gifts are self-explanatory, and other social stitching activities can be explained by my inner extrovert who gets out time to time. Sometimes it's nice to socialize, even if it is only online sewing circle. In other terms: stitch-a-long of a kind.
Ah well, I try not to let it get over my head, but it happens even in the best of the families.
Getting better (Have had huge amounts of TLC trough SMS' - and some bug exorcising trough blog
My voice still fails me, and I'm still quite weak, but I'm definitely better than I was two days back.
Lack iron still, and actually so badly that I even I ate quite much poultry yesterday I still crave for more... I haven't had any cravings for animal flesh in years, if ever, so it tells something. I just have to obey my body and eat those poor birdies...
I've even stitched biscornu a bit. (Actually it's about 40% done. ^^) Which leads us to... How can I stitch when I am sick?
Answer is easy: if I'd stitch only when I feel good I'd never get anything done.
And as a person who has overactive mind I can't lay down when I'm sick. I need to be extremely sick to voluntarily spend time in bed.
Boredom is my enemy, it does much more damage than being limitedly active during sickness. And as long as my nose isn't running I stitch. As you have noticed I stitch even when I have migraine attacks.
So, actually I don't know how I do it, but some things just need to be done.
Sometimes I'd really hope to be able to develop decent fever.
For example yesterday I was so beaten up (felt little bit liked minced meat might feel if it were alive), but my body temperature was only 36,8 C which should be "normal". To me it's small fever, actually (as my normal temperature is ~36C (runs in the family)).
If I could get it up even for a day I'd be much better after two days... but with this system it may take days before I'm back in business.
And what's best, or worst... I had to walk to grocery today, as I had no cash (joys of plastic) and I doubt I've enough euros in my travel card, because I wasn't prepared to get sick and therefore I had bought food only to survive over holidays.
Not to mention that I've to make that trip again tomorrow and buy cat food... and I forgot my to take my travel card, as I could have loaded some more money to it, with me so it's walking again...
And to positive things: I think we'll soon have first non-cultivated flowers. Sun feels like it, and as there's no snow anymore (I think it snowed week ago and now we have none...).
So, coltsfeet are coming! My absolute favourites for reason or another.
I've to say that I admire his courage.
Imagine person who's so scarred that he just decides not to get involved to anyone anymore. Imagine that he finds this woman, from WWW Wonderland (and physically ~8000 kms from him), whose mind attracts him. Then it develops to attraction towards her soul and heart (in addition her mind). Imagine how much courage it takes from him to fall in love, confess it and take the risk...
Imagine that it happens to be the man you love. And you are the only reason why he takes the risk.
Just because you're simply too wonderful to let go.
Hereby I announce my SAT's end.
Because of health issues I couldn't achieve my original goal, but I'd say I'm happy with my accomplishment anyway.
the end
Quite good from sick person, huh? (I took carbage out... not a good idea. Even I feel almost alive my muscles are weak and my body is exhausted. Walking those stairs (from 2nd floor to 1st and back after trashing trashes
Something crossed my mind while vegetating and hating having fever (new additions to list: I'm losing my voice, having minor ear ache and my joints hurt - fear not! I'm stitching anyway. (I have to. Otherwise I get bored and depressed.) Between vegetating and resting.)...
I haven't heard anything about my SECE replacement. I've sent it weeks ago. It should have arrived, it was only going to other side of Europe. (Which is quite funny, btw. I've sent things all over the world and it has never took as long. I think Harsha's parcel took longest (2 weeks) and it was during Valentine's mail rush. Fact to notice: she lives in Singapore, which isn't actually country close to Finland.)
It takes two days to Central Europe (Germany, Poland), about a week to States and Australia, how it possibly can take weeks to deliver one little envelope (in air mail) to southern Europe?!
Children's movies, what a wonderful way to make yourself relax. Header is from movie Kuningas, jolla ei ollut sydäntä (King without a heart), fairy tale written by Mika Waltari - who's better known as author of The Egyptian (Sinuhe egyptiläinen).
I used to love this story when I was a kid, even it was a tad scary. Back then.
When I've grew up I've found it as a story and as a movie (purchased DVD from some sale in ridiculously low price).
Even I know it's Finnish movie, filmed in Finland, it amazes me. There are certain amazing sceneries which are actually quite typical for Finland, but still they have this 'exotic' feel. Quite good effect, noticing I'm almost 27 and lived in here my whole life.
If I had suitable cable to connect my laptop to my desktop computer I'd take you few screen shots... but I don't have. Yet.
Being sick
Yes, I am. Whole set: sore throat and muscles, icky stuff in my sinuses (not much), tiredness, hot skin, slight depression. In addition to that my back hurts because my body knows how to schedule things...
Fortunately I've Wolfie (honestly: he's amazing) who worries about my well-being and sends me sweet SMS' to keep my spirits up.
Is it spring or is it just having head and heart in other time zone with the rest of me? I can't sleep.
To be more accurate, I can, but only few hours at once. And that is not enough for me. (Even I nap I don't get enough sleep, and my brains appreciate decent night sleep more than shorter night sleep and napping.)
Actually I feel like getting a flu or something. My skin is rather hot and my throat feels silly.
But then it's better to be sick now....
After having pleasant nap (have you ever tried to be in different time zone with your head? It causes shortened night sleep) I'd want to announce 600th entry in my blog. (And there was much rejoicing.)
And then:
It's third weekend of this month and time for monthly Stitch-A-Thon at Friends Gather BB.
I decided to combine this month's BYSH and SAT by stitching Saliant. This is what it looked like when I started:
I think I'm having stage fever.
We actually have some sort of time frame now (loose though) and I'm worrying about every single thing which can go wrong in a way or another before it and when I'm in SEA. (I'll reveal my actual destination later (as in fact it may not be SEA at all depending on a thing or dozen)), for you curious people out there *grin*)
Maybe I'm afraid of dreaming and waking up any day now... I wouldn't blame me on that though. Past seems to haunt me sometimes (in fact we both have our fair share of haunting past). And happiness is scary in it's way.
But I know myself. I'm a worrywart. I worry excessively when I've high stakes. Like now. Love is highest stake I can imagine.
I think I'm not in que sera phase anymore, now I just want to keep him in my life for good. Even just a thought of losing him is unbearable.
How can someone get this fast in so deep?
Well, bits_2_whole finally found mail from ABC Stitching Therapy, with gift certificate code, from my mother's email account and I got my S.E.X. (Nothing beats free sex S.E.X.)! And as you all die to know what I got with that GC I wont torture you any longer:
Anyway, Ezmeralda's House is not generally my style, but I like it for some reason (Can you say horror?). Thread cutter will be useful in future , JCS issue is first one ever for me and Sampler and Antique Needlework I bought just out of curiosity. No need to explain those needles, I think.
It has to be illegal to be this happy... or at least bad for my health or something.
Ok, I could get used to this feeling without any protests.
Insomnia, friend of us who'd like to be close to someone dear who's far away.... *sighs*
Well, at least I did something productive and finished backstitching of my dragon. May I introduce: Dragon of Hope with Pacific Ocean view.
Info:If I had done this month ago it'd have been Atlantic view... but then I "met" certain someone, *coughs* (Yes, Wolfie), and well, as he resides in Pacific area do I actually need to say more?
And some symbolism:
my Silkweaver order is shipped and my little card had to pay ~$4 more because of the shipping fees. Blah. But then... stash! Come to momma!
What next?
Biscornu for an exchange, so no pictures before it's received. This is my first biscornu ever so thumbs up everyone!
Which means... off to bed (though it may take time to doze off as my back begun to hurt... which may be good sign though, so not complaining..). I think there'll be happy dance tomorrow so stay tuned!
May I introduce you: Dragon of Hope without backstitches.
... to be continued.Braiinss....
My dear brains have been acting up again today, so I could say that I'm impressed because of progress I made after my second awakening. (After first one I ate breakfast and realized that I should get back to bed because I was so dizzy. Slept almost 4 hours, I think.)
If there were any pain it'd have been easier, but when only thing you can do is lay down because your head has it's own merry-go-round... I'm not used to be dizzy.
I assume that this is just one new form of migraine as I have some sort of band around my head, and I definitely have problems with blood circulation even now when writing this... I don't know. For some reason it feels that these ones come from low blood pressure. Just a new phenomenon in my migraine types.
But I've to admit that idea of having too low blood pressure is almost hilarious for someone who had high pressure in her teens... though fact is that my blood pressure has gotten lower during years. (Silly, isn't it?)
There weren't paddles when it happened (some time ago, in fact).
Someone could say something, as we haven't actually knew each others that long (some of you may know that feeling when it feels that you actually have known someone for years...). But it just happened. Why prevent such a great thing? (And how could you possibly prevent love?) Or why hide such a beautiful emotion?
I'm still a bit confused as this really was something I couldn't see coming. But I love every second. And I love that amazing mind, wonderful soul and beautiful heart he has - not to forget that absolutely amazing twisted sense of humour (and few other things *blush*).
He has ability to make me speechless (which is quite an achievement), and here we seem to go again. I can't find words to describe what I want to say. Sometimes words just fail, because of this limited human lingo.
It's great to love and to be loved. ^^
And: condition of my skin has improved drastically in few days. It's dry still, but it's smoother and fair. I think my theory about that is obvious.
This week's
As some of you know I don't own a printer and therefore I stitch my freebies from screen.
I was opening my laptop (HP from now on) in the morning, and for some reason I found that situation hilarious as I use one computer to follow design and other one runs movie I'm watching while stitching. (I think that getting HP will mean that I'll watch much more movies in future. As I don't have actual DVD player, but HP has CD-R - DVD drive in it... )
Anyway, I wont be able to fulfill my 24 hour challenge goal (I've only about an hour left). I slept quite long today, and I have had frantic (amazing, to be honest) SMS exchanging whole day so I think I'm excused.
-3 kilos! \o/ (In about three weeks without doing anything for it!)
While waiting some files to be transferred from my laptop to bits_2_whole's I was checking blog updates and found this from chanda_m's blog:
Which actually came as a surprise even to Nancy, organizer of 24 hour challenge (at Friends Gather). So, I'm not only one who seems to be bit lost with time sometimes. Good to know.
Well, as I have previously mentioned I'll do Dragon of Hope, freebie from Dragon Dreams.
Though I'll change colour of dragon from violet (not bad colour, but I've my reason to change it) to deep red. Why? Because it carries Earth on it's lap and I just think that shades of blue and violet may be bit too close to each others - just blame my degree. People with designing related education may have odd opinions about colours.
In other words, I want to make Earth visible. And for some reason I just see that dragon red.
In fact I have something stitching related I'd want to blog about, but at this moment my head is suffering from excessive sleeping or lack of caffeine. My frontal lobe is levitating somewhere over my head, so I'll leave that to later.
For some reason Silkweaver's shopping system has heard about my promise to ditch them for time being... as I can't place and order. It just never seems to get into Thank for your order page - and I'd so want some natural linen stitch bands from them...
*few seconds pass*
Power of complaining! Hallelujah, thank you G-d! Baruch Hashem! (And other suitable sentences...)
It went trough after I ranted a bit.
So, lovelies flying over Atlantic soon (though I could use one lovely, which you can't get from SW)!
Yes, broke my promise to myself about not ordering anything from SW, but as it's not only decision I have 'broke' (I'd prefer to use term decided to change because of a good reason) lately no one notices. And I couldn't resist those stitch bands... and red Belfast linen (and red Jubilee).
I can stop this any day... shopping.
From computers to biology
Laptop is finally at home! Dan has left the building, unlike it was supposed to be, he decided to be with his better half (they're quite cute couple, btw). But I'm not actually complaining. My menses are coming and I am so sore... I can't concentrate on being my nice self. I just seem to want to be complaining bit... erm, person few days (and I dislike pain you can't kill with painkillers... ouch)
In fact it seems to me that my inattentivity increases in this phase of my cycle, not to mention those other autistic traits (ADD and AS are both syndromes from autistic scale) I carry around. And lately it has meant that I'm even more autistic than I'm usually, or at least more often, just because my cycle is normalized.
Yes, it's arrived to U.S.A.. My Spring Needleroll, and it was loved (*evil laughter*) so therefore I guide you to this post.
And now, it's bed time for old cranky androgynes.
Wonders of IRC channels: I got the info I needed without calling to EVTEK. So, actually that application form has little unclarity in it in it's last page. Know-how(tm).
Anyway, idea is eventually have B.Eng papers in my pocket, either in Industrial Management or IT (Do I hear deep sigh?).
Which means... I need to improve my math and physics skills for the entering exams.
Or not improve, but train myself and remember what I have forgot. Though it's possible that I have to actually learn few things, but then... /me likes.
And you guys want to laugh? With some luck, and few twists in Universe, bits_2_whole will be in same study group with me (because of same surname) - if I get in (she will get in anyway, I've no doubt of it) to my first option, and if she takes that place.
That could be interesting.
Oh my, I'd like to be G-d sometimes and remove our ability to have insecurities. We just hurt people who mean most with that stuff...
But who said that life is easy? *bangs her head to the wall for while*
Btw, for reason or another there's no warm water... It was nice surprise when I was going to shower myself.
Fortunately I have family-size "water cooker". Modern day kitchen utilies can be handy sometimes.
And to make it even... ah, well, normal, I've tried to call to student office of EVTEK about certain thing my application and they just don't answer. Great.
It just happens to be last possible day to enroll so I'd really like to get the answer... though I have sent my application, there's just this thing about my degree I'm applying with.
Yes, why not?
And in other news, new reader! Yippee!
I'm very easily pleased today/ nowadays. Today especially after sleepless night and frantic SMS change with, well, you know.