Stitching Bloggers Question
is about blogging and was suggested by AngelSan:- "Take a minute to reflect on your blog reading habits and preferences.
What do you prefer to read in stitching blogs? (Progress, tips, family life, experiences, etc.) How much do you think you are influenced by other stitching bloggers?"
Good blogger can tell about drinking one's morning coffee and make it sound fascinating. It's the same with all writing (good example is my no. 1 author, Stephen King, who writes books which are generally classified as "long as hunger year", but that man knows how to write... and if you ask from me all his books are about thousand pages too short. (Ok, I love that man.
I don't know about influence of other stitchers/ bloggers though. Of course I've got great tips from their blogs, and I've found few sites which will lead me to bankruptcy sooner or later, but they haven't influenced to my blogging that much. As in the end I do still blog for myself, and myself only.
It's possible that other stitching blogs would have had greater effect to my blogging if I'd saw any before founding my own blog. But as it wasn't so...
Though I have to admit that sometimes when I read blogs of other stitchers I wonder do I tell too much about me and my thoughts. As sometimes it seem that in the end it's not very common to have all public personal blog - most people seem to keep their personal blogs as friends only or otherwise secret (I'm not saying it's bad thing) and in that light it's odd that I blog without restrictions about my life even I'm very private person.
In the end I think that my own blog reflects my taste quite well. Sometimes I blabber about meaningless issues, sometimes I open my soul to my loyal, and occasional, readers and tell them everything they want to know, and maybe even more.
But it may also come from my main reason why I originally became a blogger: this was meant to be my therapist and way to get over my separation (and divorce) from my (nowadays) ex husband.
Since 24th of April in 2004 my blog has grown to a more or less heavy-duty blog with it's 363 entries (this is no. 364) and great amount of it's entries have to do something with relationships - or cross stitching (122 entries) and it shows.
Eh... what was the question again?
..Anyway. Few words about blogging and me:
- They say I think too much, therefore I blog.
Blogging is also great way to prove that in the end human beings are basically similar all over the world with similar fears and dreams. Therefore I enjoy most those blogs which are written from the heart. I enjoy them because they're deep, and they force me to think. I've also got positive feedback about my blog in that sense, and I have to say that I'm very touched of those words of acknowledgment. I'm an artist, a writer, prosaist and that's why I appreciate feedback, in good and in bad. Until this day there has been only good one (It's very possible that I'm way too scary to receive negative feedback).
Why you think I've this slogan up there?
- 'Words which come from the heart enter the heart.'
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