Saturday 10 December 2005

Christmas. Yule. What-ever. Celebrations of light.

I've intended to blog about this topic for some time, but haven't been in the mood (maybe just not annoyed enough or something?). Anyway, if you doubt a bit about reading religion related rants save yourself and do not read this.

This is that time of the year when you continuously realize that Western world lives in that odd assumption of Christianity. To some people (to most, according to my 26 year experience) it seems to be somewhat difficult, even impossible, to understand that person doesn't have to be Christian (or to believe in G-d(s) of any kind) - unfortunately it seems to me that to some people you got to be (at least) demon from Hell if you don't believe in G-d.

That has been a problem to me in past, nowadays I'm slightly "better" person as I can say that I do believe in G-d... but then they assume I'm a Christian.
(To make it clear: I have nothing against Christians, I just hate assumptions (and judging). And as I have lived without religion most of my life I have got so much **** about that so I think I've reason to be bit fed up to human beings - and in Western society I live in main religion is Christianity so it's the one which suffers from general idiocy of human kind.)

Ok, I do believe in G-d nowadays, but I'm not a Christian... And what happens to bother me about this season is that no one doesn't seem to understand that we all don't celebrate Christmas - and don't see any need to it (as it seems to me that some people actually feel sorry for us ).
Why should we? If we don't believe in Jesus as a Messiah, if we don't believe in trinity... why should we see any need?

World is full of religions and quite many of them have celebrations of light in this time of year (I count Christmas to those also because it has to do with light (star, see)). That's why I have learned to like phrase "Happy Holidays!". Yes, it's very PC (according to some even too much of it), but in my opinion it's best way.
At least I see red every time someone wishes me "Merry Christmas". I know that most people don't understand it (I could say a word about that too, later maybe), and they mean well, but anyway... it just feels a bit wrong. At least after I've mentioned in every possible situation that in my case it's more like Yule (Phonetically closer to Finnish word joulu, and as pagan feast it's closer to our way (lots of food, having a good time with family - and yes, giving gifts (because it's fun, not because wise men did it))).

Yule has never been that much of a thing for me, but I've to admit that I like Finnish Yule cuisine. It originates from poor peasants, but oh my those foods taste great. (Here are recipes to some traditional Finnish Yule foods - in English)

Anyway, lately it has been even less the thing for me. Nowadays it's just part of my social inheritance - in future I wont celebrate it individually, I'll "celebrate" it just because of social inheritance. I'll have other celebration of light...

But, even this is a bit early:

    Happy everything!

    Joyous Yule
    Happy Hanukah;
    חנוכה טוב

    Merry Christmas
    Good Kwanzaa
    Silly Saturnalia
    and good belated

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