"Wonder, rather than doubt, is the root of knowledge."
Abraham Joshua Heschel
"Man is wise only while in search of wisdom; when he imagines he has attained it, he is a fool."
Solomon Ibn Gabirol
"Discontent is the source of trouble, but also of progress."
Berthold Auerbach
"When the heart is narrow, the tongue is wide."
Solomon Ibn Gabirol
"Be not like those who honor their gods in prosperity and curse them in adversity. In pleasure or pain, give thanks!"
Mekhilta on Exodus 20.20
"Words which come from the heart enter the heart."
Moses Ibn Ezra
"The good die young that they may not degenerate; the wicked live on that they may have a chance to repent, or to produce a virtuous progeny."
Zohar, Genesis, 56b
"Despise no man: many pearls are found in a poor man's tunic."
Eliezer b. Isaac
"It is vital that people "count their blessings": to appreciate what they possess without having to undergo its actual loss.
Abraham Maslow
"Without inwardness there can be no external world, and without imagination there can be no reality.
Franz Werfel
"A people's memory is history; and as a man without a memory, so a people without a history cannot grow wiser, better.
Isaac Peretz
"When an opportunity presents itself to do a good deed, do it at once."
Rabbi Josiah
"The power of choice must involve the possibility of error--that is the essence of choosing.
Herbert Samuel
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