Sunday 18 March 2007

The question is: Why?

It's actually possible to have proud moments considering one's singledom.

Firstly, I noticed that I really am depraved, shallow big, blue meanie, but I love myself nevertheless. (And honestly speaking I don't consider it shallow to be honest with myself considering my preferences on male physiology.)

Secondly I found a question most people should ask from themselves. That question is Why?
Usually the question is What?: What are you looking for? What am I looking for?. And we never ask Why are we looking? What do we want to gain? What we can't have/ experience without SO?

As fact is that some, most, people are looking for a relationship just because it's how it's supposed to be, not because they actually know what they want to gain.

I know, using word gain sounds terribly egocentric, but let's be honest with ourselves here... Take me for example. I admit that I need a muse, critic, supporter, father to my kids, lover, my best friend, believer, someone to cuddle with, someone to lift my feet off the ground... It's like a kid making a wish list for one's birthday or Christmas. I want this and that and those!... and those and...
So, let's face it: We all have our ulterior motives, we don't want to be in a relationship out of our good heart and we aren't looking for a relationship just because we want to benefit human kind. We do it for ourselves, we want it because there are things which just are better shared and because there are things only someone else can give us.

You can love person and never be with one or you can be with one person your whole life and never love one, so it is not about love. It'd be great to say that we would do things out of love and just to benefit human kind... we don't, but it doesn't degrade the worth of love or a good relationship.
The thing just is that it's easier to be contended when you accept the facts.

Would you believe that person who wrote this is incurable romantic? Better do, I am.

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