Friday 2 March 2007

Beware: stitcher on endorphine!

It's unbelievable... It was almost eight o'clock before I got to stitching. o_O
You could almost think I have something going on... at least I had something going out. I am quite sure that Finnish Post would go to bankcruptcy (now that is one ugly word) without me... I had five parcels/envelopes to send and that pile was about 20 cms high, but, for my surprise, sending them all was only a bit over 8€ altogether (which is unheard of) - and honestly I was prepared to pay over 20€ to get them all sent.
But I am not complaining.

How insane can one be?

I have been stitching Futurecast today and begun to wonder how insane I really am... In addition to having most of the cottons blended I also blend another one of the metallics with a.... blending filament.
It really isn't easiest possible combination, but the result is great - and it really suits better to the colourway than plain metallic gold would have.

Anyway, it is time for this week's

Stitching Bloggers' Question

which was suggested by Danielle and is:
    Do you find yourself stitching faster when you are getting to the end of a design?
It actually depends. I have noticed that I either get finishing craze when my needle smokes so much I can hardly see the fabric, or then I slow down a bit and enjoy those last stitches.
But, like Renée, get more focused on the piece when I'm close to the finish. That is understandable, and I think you all know why... It happens because then we can start another project to justify our frantic stash shopping.

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