Monday 26 March 2007

Geeky, hidden HD and other things

Another teaser...

Something more to my May launch. Something a bit... well, your inner geeks will love it.
Even my mom did and that is so far out of her range.

To dream, to heal?

Night before last I had a dream of a guy I once loved (as much as teen can love, nowadays I'd call it just a huge crush.... anyway) and his younger brother, who actually was a friend of mine aeons ago.
His (younger) brother was just a decoration in that dream though, for some reason the dream concentrated on me and this guy talking about something. I can't even recall what it was (only things I can recall were that, for some insane reason, we were in their country of origin and we were eating something Asianish, but not what you'd think it'd been in said country (the thing is that their native cuisine is too sweet to my taste and that wasn't sweet)), but I felt rejuvenated, cleansed, because of that dream.

This cleansing feeling continues and my dreams keep getting... well, if I say more normal, in sense of having dreams where I have a crush/ fall in love. I really liked sitting on someone dear's lap and kissing him, even he was just a dream.
As that is what I miss. Being close to that someone, having those butterflies in my stomach... one misses her pink clouds too.

They say pictures don't lie...

Firstly, let me remind that I have blue eyes. Then look at this, concentrate on the eyes. Your verdict? Same as mine? Brown.

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