Friday 2 March 2007

Clip, clip, clip...

Not that I actually could afford to do so (I have all sorts of nasty expenses in this month - for example I had to buy new case fans for my desktop's case because old ones have an identity disorder: they think they are circular saws (I'd have survived otherwise without using the desktop, but I want my music!))... I had a haircut, and, gosh, I feel good. I have just let my hair grow and as I haven't had any problems with it I haven't bothered to get my hair cut (and as I haven't been on a date... since November (if we can count harassing N. as a date) *yikes* I haven't had any reason). But now, when it was hanging on my shoulders it got a bit nasty. It actually looked rather good, due my hair's natural waviness, but still... it was hot! I may have glass-like hair (great thing: I have split ends once in a blue moon, if even then), but I have lots of that stuff (but as we agreed with my hairdresser, it is better to have what to remove as other option wouldn't be as nice or easy to handle). Which means that I am much more of a short haired person. (And even more a purple haired person. Though I like how my hair looks now: otherwise dirty blonde (interesting shade actually: dirty strawberry blonde with hint of gold), but tips of my hair are purplish red.)

In other news: I managed to sleep whopping five hours last night! My goal was seven, but just when I was dozing off I had an idea which I had to draw before I forgot it.
It was crazy. I was manically happy, completely exhausted and drawing like crazy. I don't wonder why so many artists have been insane... you can't take sleep deprivation very long without losing some of your marbles. (Though, there actually is connection between creativity and schizophrenia. If I recall correctly latter one is caused by one gene activating wrong part of the brain.)

And guess what? I am tired... can't wait evening to come so I can go to bed!

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