Monday 12 March 2007


Random Joy
  1. If you had been married for a long time(say 15+ years) and your spouse had a brief, meaningless affair, would you want to know about it? Why or why not?
    If it could be kept as a secret and if my spouse would have used STD protection... no.
    Been there, done that and I realised that sometimes truth is best to left untold.

  2. What's something that you consider too serious to be joked about?
    Can't recall anything right now.

  3. What's one reason some people don't get along with you?
    I am too opinionated for their taste.

  4. If you were an evil dictator, where would you want to rule?
    Whole Universe, nothing less is good enough. *evil grin*

  5. What is the best excuse you've given when wanting to get off the phone with someone?
    I don't do excuses, nor phone calls, that much...

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