Saturday 3 March 2007

Stitcher's Morning:

  1. Wake up.
  2. Get to kitchen.
  3. Pour yourself some orange juice.
  4. Take your vitamins with the orange juice.
  5. Press some fresh coffee.
  6. Move yourself to the crafting/ laptop/ designing table.
  7. Stitch about half an hour.
  8. Take the first sip of your coffee...
  9. Stitch some more.
  10. Write business emails.
  11. Take a shower.
  12. Drink the rest of your coffee.
How was your morning?

By the way, have I mentioned that I love what my hairdresser did to my hair? She cut it actually a bit shorter than I anticipated, but I am loving this - it looked good with my natural, but it looks even better when dyed.
The dye makes my eyes look brighter shade of blue and this hairdo frames my face wonderfully so my eyes get all the attention they deserve. Ah, life's good.

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