Monday 26 March 2007


For once a topic which I can relate with!

Electronic Relations

  1. Do you find it easier to talk about touchy subjects over the internet, as opposed to face-to-face or over the phone?
    I am honest to a fault and blunt as you can be, so no. It depends more on the person I need to communicate with than surroundings where it happens.

  2. If you had a chance to meet someone that you've only known online in real life, would you?
    Just ask how many times I have done it.

  3. Have you ever met someone you originally knew from the internet?
    See previous. But don't ask me tell how many times exactly, that is too difficult...

  4. Do you consider any people you know purely through the internet to be your friends?
    Absolutely. Why not? I don't find it basis for a friendship that you have met person in flesh.

  5. How do you feel about having romantic relationships with people you only speak to/know over the internet?
    They are possible, they are alright, they do happen and I am pro in them.
    I met my ex-husband in a chat room back in 1998 and since I separated from him every single man I have dated/ loved has come to my life through 'net. (Waves to A., Sol, Wolfie and N. *grin*)

    I am nerd/ geek/ oddball and proud of it.

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