Happy Divorce Day to me! (And they say I am morbid, how is that possible?!)
Oh yes, I celebrate my divorce because it has been source of the person I am today. Not that I'd regret my marriage, I learnt much from it and I can't deny that Dan I had our moments.
But, I am happy I had the courage to say those two words; separation and divorce even though those were the hardest ones to date.
I didn't only avoid having wreck as a heart in my thirties I also found someone I love dearly: me.
It hasn't been an easy path and I didn't file for the divorce self-searching in mind (I may have listed the reasons or may not, but there was a long list of why-not-to-continues), I find it just nice addition as I really like the person have found in me.
So, Happy Divorce Day dear snowprincipessa. You really knew what was best for you.
And now, I am off to soak in sauna for a while and then I might slaughter rest of those rice flour crepes I did earlier today and continue with the model I am stitching.
When it comes to that said model... it was meant to be for my secret pal in Monochromatic Exchange (at SBEBB), but as the send-out is 15th of May I decided that it may be better to stitch my partner something else, something from some other designer. (I actually have couple of options in mind, I just may have to (oh my *grin*) shop at Sewandso.)
Why? To avoid that statistic oddity that my partner would purchase the design after the launch, before I have sent her piece.
And then... I am quite liking that model I am stitching. (It has been odd piece in a sense. I never have had a need to modify the chart while stitching (other than fix drawing errors - I do those), but I spent last night stitching it and redrawing parts of it.)