Saturday, 31 March 2007


Happy Divorce Day to me! (And they say I am morbid, how is that possible?!)
Oh yes, I celebrate my divorce because it has been source of the person I am today. Not that I'd regret my marriage, I learnt much from it and I can't deny that Dan I had our moments.
But, I am happy I had the courage to say those two words; separation and divorce even though those were the hardest ones to date.

I didn't only avoid having wreck as a heart in my thirties I also found someone I love dearly: me.
It hasn't been an easy path and I didn't file for the divorce self-searching in mind (I may have listed the reasons or may not, but there was a long list of why-not-to-continues), I find it just nice addition as I really like the person have found in me.

So, Happy Divorce Day dear snowprincipessa. You really knew what was best for you.

And now, I am off to soak in sauna for a while and then I might slaughter rest of those rice flour crepes I did earlier today and continue with the model I am stitching.

When it comes to that said model... it was meant to be for my secret pal in Monochromatic Exchange (at SBEBB), but as the send-out is 15th of May I decided that it may be better to stitch my partner something else, something from some other designer. (I actually have couple of options in mind, I just may have to (oh my *grin*) shop at Sewandso.)
Why? To avoid that statistic oddity that my partner would purchase the design after the launch, before I have sent her piece.

And then... I am quite liking that model I am stitching. (It has been odd piece in a sense. I never have had a need to modify the chart while stitching (other than fix drawing errors - I do those), but I spent last night stitching it and redrawing parts of it.)

Maybe this is the feather?

I was chatting having a moderating related conversation with Linda and she asked do I sit on a feather because I seem to giggle excessively... I checked this while chatting with her:

3.- 5. and 8.
Four of my current six in One Star's Light's Top Ten!

Friday, 30 March 2007


Things you haven't asked and answers you may not want to know:

Q: What's good in being able to take care of the business from home?
A: You can write business emails naked while sipping your morning coffee and do your nails while thinking what to say.

Q: What's good in stitching friends?
A: They fill your requests in no time. (And do great work with it.)

Q: What's the worst thing in cortisone treatment?
A: It takes two months for your nails to grow strong again (ie. get your nice, long fingernails back).

Thursday, 29 March 2007

Puff, the Magic Blob and SBQ

As promised, picture of an actual piece of stitching! (I don't have those much nowadays, so this is up just to shock you.)

This is where I got bored. Why? Think of yellow.
I seem to have less issues with it if it comes with its contrasting colour, which is, of course, purple, but still it drives me mad.

Anyway, it is time for this week's

Stitching Bloggers' Question

which was suggested by Cindy and is:
Do you have a system for organizing freebie charts in your stash? If so, what is it? Do you print out copies of all of the freebies that you find on the web (that you think you might actually stitch) or do you maintain electronic copies of them until you are ready to stitch them?
As I don't own a printer I never print my freebies out... anyway, I store them all in hard drive categorized by either theme or designer (and keep a backup on CD(s)).
Back in old times I used to hoard every single freebie, but nowadays I download only ones which I actually find aesthetically pleasing and which I could stitch for someone or myself.

Two skeins and quite some hours later...

...we have nice pile of thread clippings and a happy dance.
This time for a design which is actually distantly related to Ring of Roses series, but is an individual piece.

Only model left to stitch for May. Though, I need to decide do I want to go with the design I originally intended to stitch next or do I go with something else.
Honestly speaking... I am, once again, getting exhausted with all the models... but still I love this.

And there's actual WIP coming tomorrow (today) as it is RR day.

And the Official Quote

    "No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main..."
    -- John Donne

Wednesday, 28 March 2007


I do understand that people who find me nice want to chat with me. That's what I like to do with people I find nice. But I don't understand why people don't understand status messages? If I have big, red sign and my status clearly states I am sleeping/ not available people dare to be disappointed that I don't have time to chat with them.
Even when you say that you have business emails to write, they seem to feel like five year old whose teddy bear has been taken away.
They give me anxiety attacks (remember that I have a diagnose for an anxiety disorder so I am entitled to have those), they make me want to hide under a rock. They make me wonder why people want to control me - even they may not, but I have issues with being controlled (in general, sometimes it can be desired *ahem*).

It's my life. I am an adult and my life is mine to control, and I have my priorities which change only in emergency or because of love. I see no emergencies nor love around, so, I am the main person in my life and I'd like to spend some quality time with her.

The best and the worst part in this is that I know that it is possible to be interested of someone without controlling one, give them their space.
That is the best way, that is the only way... and that is rare, rare quality in human kind (maybe it only appears in wolves and demons - or maybe it just requires mental strength only few of us have).

Tuesday, 27 March 2007

16.9 °C

...and it's not even April yet.

Her Highness is enjoying her life on top of the scratching pole, breathing soft spring air and enjoying the sunshine. I intended to share a picture of her enjoyment with you, but in the end I thought that this might be more figurative:

Cute tongue though.

Monday, 26 March 2007


For once a topic which I can relate with!

Electronic Relations

  1. Do you find it easier to talk about touchy subjects over the internet, as opposed to face-to-face or over the phone?
    I am honest to a fault and blunt as you can be, so no. It depends more on the person I need to communicate with than surroundings where it happens.

  2. If you had a chance to meet someone that you've only known online in real life, would you?
    Just ask how many times I have done it.

  3. Have you ever met someone you originally knew from the internet?
    See previous. But don't ask me tell how many times exactly, that is too difficult...

  4. Do you consider any people you know purely through the internet to be your friends?
    Absolutely. Why not? I don't find it basis for a friendship that you have met person in flesh.

  5. How do you feel about having romantic relationships with people you only speak to/know over the internet?
    They are possible, they are alright, they do happen and I am pro in them.
    I met my ex-husband in a chat room back in 1998 and since I separated from him every single man I have dated/ loved has come to my life through 'net. (Waves to A., Sol, Wolfie and N. *grin*)

    I am nerd/ geek/ oddball and proud of it.

Geeky, hidden HD and other things

Another teaser...

Something more to my May launch. Something a bit... well, your inner geeks will love it.
Even my mom did and that is so far out of her range.

To dream, to heal?

Night before last I had a dream of a guy I once loved (as much as teen can love, nowadays I'd call it just a huge crush.... anyway) and his younger brother, who actually was a friend of mine aeons ago.
His (younger) brother was just a decoration in that dream though, for some reason the dream concentrated on me and this guy talking about something. I can't even recall what it was (only things I can recall were that, for some insane reason, we were in their country of origin and we were eating something Asianish, but not what you'd think it'd been in said country (the thing is that their native cuisine is too sweet to my taste and that wasn't sweet)), but I felt rejuvenated, cleansed, because of that dream.

This cleansing feeling continues and my dreams keep getting... well, if I say more normal, in sense of having dreams where I have a crush/ fall in love. I really liked sitting on someone dear's lap and kissing him, even he was just a dream.
As that is what I miss. Being close to that someone, having those butterflies in my stomach... one misses her pink clouds too.

They say pictures don't lie...

Firstly, let me remind that I have blue eyes. Then look at this, concentrate on the eyes. Your verdict? Same as mine? Brown.

Sunday, 25 March 2007

Belated HD

It was secret until today... as Violarium is now Periphaeria's official distributor I can show you something I stitched earlier this month.

Image  Violarium Image  Violarium
(Special Thank you for Leena for allowing me to lend her pictures.)


  • Design: Epäsymmetria/ Asymmetry; exclusive complimentary design for Violarium (available in Finnish and in English)
  • Designer: Lady P./ Periphaeria Designs
  • Fabric: 30 count natural linen
  • Floss: Atalie's Mexico silk and Jade cotton, both hand-dyed (lovely to stitch with) flosses.

Unconscious Mutterings

Week 216

I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. Groovy :: Zaphod Beeblebrox
  2. Jealousy :: Poison
  3. Watching :: Peeping Tom
  4. Kenny :: Everett
  5. Games :: Head
  6. Bread :: Loaf
  7. City :: City Lights
  8. Stems :: Bodies
  9. Birds :: Alfred Hitchcock
  10. Listener :: Masses

Saturday, 24 March 2007

Rewriting dictionaries

Basket case:

Cat who likes to spend time under a basket.

(You know those doggy beds? That is one of those.... upside down.)

Friday, 23 March 2007

I should be cleaning...

Little something (2 x 28 count linen, 2 x DMC 336, 2 x DMC 550, 2 x DMC 712, 2 x DMC 4240, DMC 4130) Lady P. found from Violarium.
It's sad how only my alter ego seems to have sex S.E.X. nowadays - and she's still using my fabrics (ah well, she pays my Kreinik though)!

If it's not an allergy...

...what it is?

I have passed two pricks and two epicutanes with negative results from latex, but still I have got allergic reactions from that stuff.
Dermatographic urticaria could be one possibility, but my dermatologist tested my skin and his opinion is that it's not very likely possibility as my skin doesn't react in the way it should.
And if that was the reason I'd get the symptoms with polyurethane condoms too, which is not the case.

But, on positive note: 2 x prick test, 2 x epicutane and 3x doctor's consultation = 22 euros (which I didn't even have to pay myself..). Cheap, huh?

Thursday, 22 March 2007

It's a dragon!

Honestly, it is... or at least it will be.

I have officially started my RR stitching.
When I first looked at this chart my reaction was Oh my G-d, am I completely crazy?! Or if I am not crazy now I will surely be when this RR is over...
The reason being that these dragons contain full stitches and full stitch blends, half stitches and half stitch blends, blended backstitching and beads. But then, I love stitching this (based on Spring) because these keep my brains active.

And as you can see that fabric has changed its shade: I decided to give it a decent temperature shock yesterday and cooked it (as I probably want to wash it when it gets back home from its world tour) to get all the excess dye out of it.
I am not quite sure am I happy with its current shade, but then, I wouldn't be happy with the fabric bleeding when I wash it upon its arrival. And on the other hand I'm quite sure this lighter shade of purple is better base for the dragons.

In general it has been very unproductive day: I overslept (this epicutane thingy makes me tired even I am nowhere as close to that wreck I was last time) and have been drowsy whole day. Though I managed to wipe kitchen floor and make few (rather good) sketches. On which I could actually work on a bit, and then try to get some sleep - but I know how it is... I will sleep from two to three hours in coming night. I seem to do that every time when I have to go to Skin and Allergy Hospital in the morning...

I am...

...stupid, stupid, stupid!
I have ordered all the other blending filaments except 024 which I need like today... or at least soon (I need it for Spring dragon and its mail-out is 15th of April).

You know what this means/ meant? Yes, I had to *gasp* have some S.E.X. *gasp* at Sewandso! (Isn't that just too cruel?)

Wednesday, 21 March 2007

Foto Pherrets

Week 64

Our word for this week is: Share.

Once again no one is surprised: kitties. ^^
They share their scratching pole.

Sometimes I wish...

...I was still five so I could throw a tantrum in mornings like this.

I want to go back to bed and sleep!

Tuesday, 20 March 2007

What element am I?

    Your Element Is Air

    You dislike conflict, and you've been able to rise above the angst of the world.
    And when things don't go your way, you know they'll blow over quickly.

    Easygoing, you tend to find joy from the simple things in life.
    You roll with the punches, and as a result, your life is light and cheerful.

    You find it easy to adapt to most situations, and you're an open person.
    With you, what you see is what you get... and people love that!

    What's Your Element?

    (Cross posted)

Being too transparent is one of my 'faults', but light and cheerful life?! Doesn't that require being easygoing and all that? As I am generally known as high strung person... which I admittedly can be, but being anal is fun.

Dangers of tram rides

I don't know was it all about sleep deprivation, but I found it a bit spooky to sit in a tram in between of two men: a man whose aftershave (rarely used brand (around here at least) - smells heavenly) reminded me of A. and a man whose neck and partial profile looked exactly like my late grandfather's... build, hair cut, that shade of grey in his hair, cheekbones, eyebrows, eye shape... It was rather spooky (as my grandfather didn't have very common face).

And the things you still remember after 12 years of one's death. Things which make you miss said person. Things which remind you that you haven't had any dreams of him recently - which refers to rather stress free life. (He usually comes to my dreams when I need someone to watch over me, when I need someone to believe in me. (Honestly, I have become to conclusion that he's my guardian spirit. (I reason this insane thought with several little things.)))

Monday, 19 March 2007

Yellow Blob aka. Stitch-A-Thon

As it took days to get over that killer migraine I didn't reach my goal, but I got the model and inner blob of the Moon stitched - which is an achievement itself because I dislike yellow, as all my regular readers know by now. (And someone told that floss that I don't like it: I have never seen as badly twisting DMC in my whole stitching life.)
Maybe we could add some fabric dyeing to my SAT achievements too. (I also found a way to get rid of those nasty white spots I had on that linen, and give even nicer hand-dyed look to my fabrics. It also explains why we always did that while I was studying, I never really understood the necessity of that thing before now.)

Anyhow, Loy before and after:


In other words: Nothing much, but then... that is about 2/3 of page three.

In addition to this I got something done on designing front, something rather... hmm, geeky, maybe. (It depends on your definition of geeky (I could name one person who would surely disagree with me over the matter..).)
And as it's suitably twisted I try to get it out in next design launch: fabric and floss are waiting, I just need to stitch two other models before getting into that.


I so love this... not.
Because I am not allowed to take my allergy meds my body has begun to misbehave. My muscles ache, my back aches, one part of my right foot has lost its tactile sense, I itch, I am restless (that is more restless than normally), my skin is becoming spotty... All this just because I am not allowed to take my antihistamines.

It took three hours from me to fall asleep last night because of all this (even I was extremely tired), which means that I have slept whopping 2½ hours. I feel like... you know.

/me wants her Xyzal...

Saga of PayPal...

Part N: their site contains inaccurate information. PayPal account's owner and the owner of the bank account you withdraw funds to don't have to be same person/ institution (at least when you transfer to a Finnish bank).
I transferred money to my mother about two weeks ago, and now, when she came back from her cottage, she said that my transfer had got through (I used her credit card at Sewandso (as they don't have PayPal option) to buy some fabric and things for PD).

So, in the end that downgrade was unnecessary.

In general: isn't life a ball? (And SAT update will follow after I get back from the hospital.)

Sunday, 18 March 2007

It's spring alright... I am having a nasty itch. I wouldn't have it if I was allowed to take my allergy meds, but as coming week begins with prick test and continues with epicutane I will happily itch and feel miserable until Friday. (Oh yes, another set of tests.)
I have also realised why grains are such a problem: it's all about my pollen allergy. It explains even my corn issues. (And I am not gluten intolerant. It's all allergic: I can eat wheat (without upset stomach, itching stills) if I take maximum dose of allergy meds - this has been tested with an innocent pizza which gave its life for science. Long live scientific experiments.)


...or PayPälli as I lovingly call it in Finglish (you can translate it to PayIdiot as pälli is slang expression for an idiot).
They downgraded my account while I was out voting (parliamentary democracy is wonderful thing), I took an advantage of that and withdraw pile of virtual euros. Now... we just have to wait and see will that money actually move to where it's supposed to move. (And, I was pedantic little b*stard and gave whole $FIRSTNAME $2NDNAME $3RDNAME $SURNAME litany to the bank account holder (or what ever) box. Now they can't claim that the name doesn't match. )
Hopefully it happens soon as I Lady P. really needs to buy an external burning drive (my Lady's laptop's CD burner is getting old and blind) as I she needs to take backups of PD's info. (Currently I just move my Lady just moves her backups to bits_2_whole's (nerdy sisters ) server.)

Unconscious Mutterings

Week 215

I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. San Francisco :: Van Morrison
  2. Sadness :: Melancholy
  3. Spirits :: Booze
  4. Harriet :: Auntie
  5. State :: Bush dumber
  6. John :: Lennon
  7. Offense :: Violation
  8. Timeless :: Eternity
  9. Account :: Money
  10. Refuse :: Decline

The question is: Why?

It's actually possible to have proud moments considering one's singledom.

Firstly, I noticed that I really am depraved, shallow big, blue meanie, but I love myself nevertheless. (And honestly speaking I don't consider it shallow to be honest with myself considering my preferences on male physiology.)

Secondly I found a question most people should ask from themselves. That question is Why?
Usually the question is What?: What are you looking for? What am I looking for?. And we never ask Why are we looking? What do we want to gain? What we can't have/ experience without SO?

As fact is that some, most, people are looking for a relationship just because it's how it's supposed to be, not because they actually know what they want to gain.

I know, using word gain sounds terribly egocentric, but let's be honest with ourselves here... Take me for example. I admit that I need a muse, critic, supporter, father to my kids, lover, my best friend, believer, someone to cuddle with, someone to lift my feet off the ground... It's like a kid making a wish list for one's birthday or Christmas. I want this and that and those!... and those and...
So, let's face it: We all have our ulterior motives, we don't want to be in a relationship out of our good heart and we aren't looking for a relationship just because we want to benefit human kind. We do it for ourselves, we want it because there are things which just are better shared and because there are things only someone else can give us.

You can love person and never be with one or you can be with one person your whole life and never love one, so it is not about love. It'd be great to say that we would do things out of love and just to benefit human kind... we don't, but it doesn't degrade the worth of love or a good relationship.
The thing just is that it's easier to be contended when you accept the facts.

Would you believe that person who wrote this is incurable romantic? Better do, I am.


This is what is left from full skein of DMC's 221 after this particular model. I'll need some of it for the finishing, so there won't be much left when $ITEM is finished.

Admittedly the model is a bit different than the published design will be as I noticed while stitching that one part of the design was a bit misplaced. (Fortunately it doesn't show even when you know about it.) In the end the correction is just to move part of the design two stitches to the right.

At least this piece is unique.

Saturday, 17 March 2007

What are those pewter grey spots?

While I am waiting for my fabric to be dyed (when you can't find the fabric in colour you need it you have dye it, right?) I would like to announce that my Challenge #1 item reached Natasha (from Finland to Malta in four days... it takes usually over two weeks to southern Europe) and she is pleased with her tiny biscornu (finishing method was not a surprise, was it?) so I am happy.
Though there won't be pictures before May 1st for the reasons you know.

Anyway, this was also first exchange where I didn't receive what I was supposed to receive... Yes, I did receive my item, but it was not what it was supposed to be, so, in theory, I haven't actually received mine yet.
And why it wasn't what it was supposed to be? This exchange (it was international, yes, but the rules were translated to several languages so we can't really blame the language barrier) was about stitcher's tool stitched over one on evenweave (once again, in my educated opinion linen is evenweave - fiber itself just is uneven) between counts 28 and 40.

...mine was stitched on aida.

Go figure.

But, while ranting, my linen came out of the dye and looks rather good!
I also managed to prove that you can dye 70cm x 100 cm piece of fabric (40 count Newcastle) with 1/3 of Dylon's Multi Purpose Dye if you don't want the shade to be extremely dark.

Now, off to check those other fabric pieces, drink more coffee and stitch.

ETA; Notes to self:

  1. Zweigart's Newcastle needs to be washed really well before dyeing.
  2. 1/4 of the dye is enough.

Friday, 16 March 2007

PayPal, can you actually love it?!

Once again I love my PayPal account... not.
It just occurred to me that in order to withdraw funds from Periphaeria's PayPal account to my bank account owner's name in both of them have to match, and as both of my bank accounts are under my name (simply: Periphaeria Designs is not a company - yet - therefore I can't open a business account for it (and I can't make it a company before I can more or less live with its profit - hence the freelance status) and my PayPal is under PD's name we have a problem... so, I had to request downgrade from Business to Premier.

And I just thought of something... as they want the names to match will $FIRSTNAME $SURNAME match be enough or do they want the whole $FIRSTNAME $2NDNAME $3RDNAME $SURNAME thing I have in my bank's files?

I'm off to write some stupid questions to them...


...Monty Python's Flying Circus time for Stitch-A-Thon weekend again, and, no matter how nasty migraine I have I will participate - one's got to have some priorities (and, as you know, I'd bore to death otherwise (for example yesterday my head was really killing me and I happily designed and stitched (mostly designed though, migraines give nice creativity boosts) because I couldn't stand resting due the slashing pain).

The Goal:

  1. Finish stitching the model I have been working on (it has gone dreadfully slow because of the migraine and the fact that I have been playing around with pixels more than stitched) - so, no picture of this.
  2. Stitch Loy Krathong's page three and start the fourth.
Page three contains the Moon, so if this migraine does behave even a bit I should be able to reach that goal.

SBQ: What if...?

Haven't received the email yet, but as I can't sleep due pain (who forgot a dagger in my right frontal lobe..?) and nausea I decided it's time for this week's...

Stitching Bloggers' Question

which was once again suggested by Danielle and is:
If you had $500 to spend on stitching-related items, what would you buy?
With 377.65 euros to spare I'd probably invest on same things as Renée. I have been fantasizing about good light and comfy, spacious chair to stitch in (spacious just because my Siamese needs her own space *grin*).
And noticing local prices there wouldn't be nothing left after that...

If I had to spend it to supplies I'd haul few R & R Craft Frames in different sizes, all the Teresa Wentzler designs I could find, some fabric and loads of silks, overdyeds etc. with the rest. *sighs dreamily*

What bothers me most... this dating game is the fact that I am just another pretty face. No matter who I really am, no matter what kind of personality I have or how intelligent I am only thing which seems to be important in me is the way I look.

Sometimes it's a burden to have a cute face. This is one of those phases.
And moments like this make me really miss certain someone. Someone I met 364 days (364 days, 15 hours - and they say I have odd memory?) ago, someone whom I "lost" almost nine months ago... I miss him because he loved me for the right reasons, because he saw my worth... because he still seems to think that I am someone wonderful... (Admittedly that is bittersweet... we don't hate each other, but respect, and in some odd way even adore...)

I know, good things etc. come when their time is, but I can't help feeling sad because of people are what they are - or that my personality type is so rare (2%< of whole population) that only few understand it... nor love me because of it.
Sometimes I think have I already used my quota for this life...

As I have said, one of the reasons why I'd love to find one of those precious jewels is that I need a muse. In addition to muse I need a critic, supporter (mentally)... and someone who smiles at me when I wake up just because I am best thing in his life... *deep sigh*

Thursday, 15 March 2007

Once again I have the need to recommend music... Matisyahu (at Wikipedia).
Firstly, he makes good music. Secondly, he makes good music with religious influences, which is a real skill. Thirdly, he's quite a curiosity: Chabad Lubavitch (ie. extremely orthodox) reggae artist. (When it comes to Lubavitch Jews I have to admit in first contact they may look like a pile of fundamentalist, but since I have learnt more about them I have become to admire and respect their way of living (that may surprise you, I know).)

Wednesday, 14 March 2007

My biscornu has landed!

After looking for its new home for two weeks (I think it misread its map) my biscornu has finally arrived at Cari's!
Choice of design was a success as she said that it's her favourite of my currently published designs, so without further ado allow me to introduce you: Cari's biscornu.

© Periphaeria Designs


  • Design: The Courtyard of Alhambra
  • Designer: Lady Periphaeria/ Periphaeria Designs
  • Fabric: Elegance, 28 count hand-dyed Belfast linen by Silkweaver.
  • Floss: DMC 3685
I also sent her small cut of that linen I stitched her biscornu on and two skeins of my own hand-dyeds.

Bank related amusement

I went to open that bank account today and learnt interesting things about certain Finnish bank.

It took me fifteen minutes to learn that

  1. They don't open accounts without making an appointment. (How smart is that?!)
  2. I can't open an account, one without any credit options (card etc.), to their bank because my credit history is not flawless.
I understand that they have right to choose their customers, but denying an account based on the fact that person has nasty mark in her credit history?! An account without any credit. I'd have understood if I had walked in and asked for loan...
Well, I headed to my old bank (one I have had account in for about eight years (I changed to them because my previous bank lost their customer service's quality somewhere)) and ten minutes later I was out of door, all the paper work done, my new account in good working order in every possible way and in two weeks I'll receive Visa Electron for said account.

It's always nice to know that some people have eye for business - and room for little, low-income /me as their customer. And it makes one wonder business principles of certain companies...

Something positive dawned on me last night: if things keep on going at this pace, if Periphaeria Designs keeps on evolving and the sales grow in comparison with the growth of PD I could actually support myself financially if I get to study - though in 2008, but anyway - even if I don't get SII to finance my studies (they will pay me student- and student housing allowance anyway).

Freelancing and studying, it would be rough, but I could make it as I love my trade. (Honestly, if things keep on evolving at this pace I'm in danger of having to pay VAT within 1-2 years... o_O)

Tuesday, 13 March 2007


Har har. You know what this is?

© *.Peri

Yes, it is grass (it is also new header image of Tales from Periphaeria - I like to keep the header projecting my Fairy Realm). Grass which was covered with snow last week...
Sun shone, temperature was +10 C at its best and you could smell the soil - it was also first coat-free day of this year.

Even I still have the migraine it has been a good day. Even there was a disappointment it has been a great day. There has been small idea which evolved to something beautiful, there has been kind words, happy cats and stitching.

I love days like this.

P.S. Thank you all for the comments in my previous entry. ^^

This felt great

I went to drool over the Crescent Colours silks to One Star's Light and what did my old eyes saw?
This: Top-Ten Products, look at 5. and 6.

My ego will soon crash to a black hole due its size. ^^

Monday, 12 March 2007

Egyptian Sampler WIP

Another Monday's worth of stitching. Actually much less, but I don't want to stitch this while having a migraine...

There's one annoyance in the chart: symbols B and 8 look too similar, and as they are in same motif you really need to double check every single stitch you are doing...

(Progress cross posted to Solarium Sublime.)

As I have that darned migraine (it was lovely: first all time low, then hour's nap and waking up with a migraine... /me likes... not) I can't stitch ES nor the model I stitched in the morning because it has not enough contrast... I think I'll find the bag where I kitted my Mystery Exchange item and concentrate on it.


Random Joy
  1. If you had been married for a long time(say 15+ years) and your spouse had a brief, meaningless affair, would you want to know about it? Why or why not?
    If it could be kept as a secret and if my spouse would have used STD protection... no.
    Been there, done that and I realised that sometimes truth is best to left untold.

  2. What's something that you consider too serious to be joked about?
    Can't recall anything right now.

  3. What's one reason some people don't get along with you?
    I am too opinionated for their taste.

  4. If you were an evil dictator, where would you want to rule?
    Whole Universe, nothing less is good enough. *evil grin*

  5. What is the best excuse you've given when wanting to get off the phone with someone?
    I don't do excuses, nor phone calls, that much...

Sunday, 11 March 2007

Models, problems and a happy dance.

While model stitching I begun to think of something... I haven't heard back from that designer to whom I was to model stitch, even she said she'll contact me in the beginning of this year. I am not going to contact her, I already did it once when I begun to wonder where she has got to as I hadn't got that email she promised to send in October.
And she lost one possible customer in me as I don't want to do business with someone who has that much interest of practical aspects of this industry - or her own possible model stitchers.
If I ever hear from her again I have to decline because I don't have time for that any more... because I model stitch for myself.... Now, when I finally have time for it from designing.

Last two weeks have been crazy in that sense: I have spent dreadful amounts of time every day with my software, and have stitched only a bit.

And apparently my software has got so attached to me that while I was away yesterday, meeting some new people (not so new, but I just had never met them in person before) it lost my default font (which is also the font provided by the software). (It was still in my Fonts folder, but it had got corrupted.)
You can guess that when I came home and wanted to do something I got pile of nice errors and was unable to do anything at all... after panicking a while I did only thing desperate person can do: reinstalled it over the old configuration. And happily designed again (I didn't even need to retype my unlocking key due overwriting the old install without uninstalling it first). Fortunately.

Happy Dancing

One model, itsy bitsy thingy, stitched over one is now finished. And... it looks great! I am getting quite good in the finishing, and selected finishing method it just the right one for this design.

But, due my Copycat Annoyance Program, no pictures, but a toss of the materials.

Now, one chunk of lamb in the oven, some coffee for me and then I'll continue with another model I started few days ago.

Unconscious Mutterings

Week 214

I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. Contribution :: Take part.
  2. Ryan :: Linda
  3. Minimal :: Simple
  4. Cleansed :: Purified
  5. Centered :: Egoistic
  6. Arrow :: William Tell
  7. Beyond :: life expectancy
  8. Execute :: Program
  9. Intuition :: Instinct
  10. Apology :: Pardon

Saturday, 10 March 2007

Don't you just love...

...those prewritten customer service replies?

I contacted PayPal's customer service because my bank account was in my old, and now deleted, account's files, and even I have deleted that account days ago I can't add it to my current account because PP's system claims it is in use...
So, to make me suitably annoyed I received email from PP where they adviced me to delete my old account, and guided how to do it... But, I had clearly stated that I already have done it.

Is it that difficult to actually read what your customer tries to tell you?

Of course I could always be mean and just simply open a new bank account. It'd save great deal of fuss, taking that I choose either one of the banks which have their offices in my suburb...

Friday, 9 March 2007

Ask and ye shall receive...

It was only day before yesterday when I drooled over Les marquoirs d'école and today I received a big envelope from a well-wishing friend... guess what it contained?

Ten points: one (1) copy of Les marquoirs d'école! Am I one happy camper now or what?!

In addition to that I realised today that one of the things close to perfection is 40 count cream Newcastle linen. Here presented with some glorious flosses.

Good morning

Considering entry with SBQ... I have had one slogan in my mind lately, due this continuous high I am having... Who needs drugs when you can design?
You know, I feel like I was in love - and admittedly I spend as much time with my software than I'd do with a SO if I had one... But I like it up here in the clouds.

I'm beginning to sound like that person who I was with Wolfie, don't I? All this gushing (but I think it was I who said that she misses that person, I got what I wished for)...
(Talking of Wolfinho... it's almost a year since he popped to my life. Silly thing. (I think I have to harass him a bit one of these days. *evil grin*))

Skin Care aka. She knew what she was talking of...

When I had my first appointment at Skin and Allergy Hospital I had a chat with one nurse (as mentioned) and when I complained about water's drying effect she said that I should consider buying bath oil and rub it to my skin when showering, to prevent my skin from drying excessively during winter months, and it seems to me that she had an idea in that advice. I bought a bottle of bath and massage oil last time we made our regular cosmetics order from Dermosil and have used that stuff for couple of times already. It really makes the difference. My skin is actually soft after shower and I have no need to run to closest moisturiser container right away.
I just hope my skin won't develop problem on the sesame oil that stuff contains...

Thursday, 8 March 2007


... I just tried to upload a picture to my Photobucket(s)... That friggin' thing can't find even my main page! I can log in ok, but if I try to access the main trough dashboard's link... Sorry, the page you requested was not found.

Bloody heck, even if it was a hijack it wouldn't affect to almost every single account...

Good work guys... nice. Friggin' great...

ETA: They seem to be working again...

Love is...

...sharing a cardboard box.

(Just in case I have lost every friggin' picture - which I do believe will happen - posted to my blog in last almost three years, because of some stupid error of PB staff, I changed to Twango.)

SBQ: When it rains frogs, it pours

What should I call this happy madness that I feel inside of me
I feel that I've gone back to childhood and I'm skipping through the wildwood
So excited that I don't know what to do
What do I care if I'm a juvenile I smile my secret little smile
What should I call this happy madness all this unexpected joy
That turned the world into a baby's bouncing toy
No, I am not in love, but I was listening Antonio Carlos Jobim yesterday and this kind of hit the nerve. That is how I feel. Now.

And to business...


Stitching Bloggers' Question

    Do you use your needle, a seam ripper, or something else when you have to frog stitches? Why do you use the method that you do?
It depends on the amount of stitches I need to frog. If it's just few stitches I use needle to save the floss, but if it is bigger area I am cruel and use seam ripper as it is very effective method to get rid of that nasty frog.
If I have one mislaid stitch which I notice later I usually snip it with scissors and secure its ends on the other side.

Wednesday, 7 March 2007

Little note for Windows Live Space bloggers and other notions

Just for you to know: For some reason I can't comment on any blog in Spaces for the time being. So, even I don't comment, I do read you...


If there is one person who is, if possible, even more thrilled than I am about PD and those positive comments my designs have got and that is my mother (she has seen the entries (and she says she doesn't speak English... curious, don't you think? (Yeah, she doesn't speak it, she reads it. *grin*))). From what I have heard she has even showed pictures to her co-workers.
She is a real sweetheart, you know.

And... due to certain thing, which may be purely my own homegrown paranoia, but also may not be (and I hate that), I have decided to keep all the models under the rock before their publishing date.
I'll give teasers and material tosses when I feel like it, but that is all. In other words about 1/2 of my happy dances will be blogged about bi-monthly (first of every uneven month - mark your calendars!).

I hate to make this decision, but I really feel I have to...

I know you understand.

You shan't peek at any ONS' site...

I did, stopped by at Violarium and, oy vey, found new things to want: Les marquoirs d'école.

By the way, I had a happy dance today, but pictures will follow later.

Foto Pherrets

Week 62

Our word for this week is: Bird.

Quite self-explanatory: Peacocks at local zoo in last autumn.