Sunday 19 February 2006

So, it has a name?


You are 89% HSP.

You scored in the 76-100% HSP range. Given this score, I would say you are a true Highly Sensitive Person. If you have always wondered if your responses and behaviors were normal, well, they ARE--it's just that many of the traits you exhibit are given negative connotations in our society, or are mistaken for traits with negative connotations. If anyone ever thought you were a snob or "stuck up" when in reality joining a group of people would have constituted "sensory overload" for you, you probably know what I'm talking about.

Of course it's possible you might be SURPRISED to see your score in this range, as you have always been described as an extrovert. You might have forced yourself to act extroverted as a way of conforming to the demands of society; or this might in fact be your natural personality. Being an extrovert AND being an HSP are NOT mutually exclusive, according to Dr. Aron.

Either way, I hope reading the test questions has given you a better understanding of the way HSPs approach the world. For more information about the traits of a Highly Sensitive Person, please check out the website by Dr. Elaine Aron,

Link: The Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) Test

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