Tuesday, 28 February 2006

Goal check

It's last day of February and we know what it means.. yes, it's time for goal check.
This is what I planned:

  1. Finish Icy.
  2. Finish Winter.
  3. Start with Spring.
  4. Finish 5th part of Best Friends.
  5. Stitch MSAL parts in time.
And I made my goals, in fact I'd be underestimating myself if I'd say that I just made them... What I did in February:
  1. Finished Icy.
  2. Finished Winter
  3. Started and finished Summer
  4. Started and finished Spring.
  5. I finished 5th part of Best Friends and 6th, which means that I finished whole SAL.
  6. Finished both (1 and 2) published parts of MSAL
  7. Finished needleroll for Linabear BB's Tiny Needleroll Exchange.
  8. Participated Stitching Olympics.
  9. Participated 24 hour challenge at Friends Gather and finished my Satyr in 310 minutes.
  10. Participated needlebook SAL at Dragonfly Stitches and finished my needlebook.
  11. Participated Stitch-A-Thon at Friends Gather.
And then, March goals:
  1. Stitch and finish needleroll for Spring needleroll exchange.
  2. This month's Broaden Your Stitching Horizon theme is folk/ whimsical and I'm in even folksy isn't my thing in general. Mosey'N'Me has couple of freebies I'll choose from.
  3. Start nex Silhouette in 10th of March.
That was long one.

So, it seems to me that I haven't done anything else in February than cross stitched, whined and cross stitched some more.


I'm stunned, and speechless and about million other things... This one is from Linabear BB's Tiny Needleroll Exchange and came from Lana all the way from Australia.

Getter picture in here

According to Lana it's July Birthstone Dragon, which is very suitable as I'm July child. And it's red! Not to mention that stone which is so shiny!

Have I said that I love it? I haven't? Well, I love it.

Btw, I found interesting technique from blog of Lana's family: Tri Looms.

Long time, no(thing to) see

Yes, pictures! Just to fill up some empty space.

I've been knitting my stitching mittens (first one) in this evening while wasting my time productively in wonderful world of IMing and this far I'm now

It's possible that when I get back home (, sweet I've done both. (It's good to hope, at least)

Monday, 27 February 2006

[insert lousy topic here]

I had interesting walk home. I spent my time thinking about things (as usual) and realized that it's no wonder I'm bit tense. If there were only one thing 'wrong' in my life, but as things seem to pile up at this moment I get anxiety attacks of some sort (In fact I've diagnosed anxiety disorder, to make it interesting - though I really don't believe in it anymore as it'd mean that I am anxious all the time - which I'm not. (Though I've been whining a lot lately )). Things which really bother me: being dependant on welfare (That bugs me now as they're not consistent with their ways to act, which affects to my income and ability to pay bills) which leads to anxiety of being more or less broke in regular basis (says person who just purchased laptop... but it's different story - I'll need it if I get to university)... and, if I weren't highly allergic to several grains I'd be working at this moment. I got job offer last week, but as I can't work in environment with any grain molecules (just to avoid health hazards - it wouldn't be nice to find oneself from ICU) in air here I am sitting at home and whining. And this is what really begun to bother me when I realized it... It's not feeling worse person because I'm unemployed, I just hate being dependant on others and not being able to be completely self-sufficient money wise.
It's not a problem if everything goes smoothly but any change destroy my finances for months in bad case.

Someone could say that I should stop stash shopping in that case... but my excuse is that cross stitching is my therapy, and I happen to need it to stay sane (or less insane).

And to nicer things.... When it comes to Dan I've said this before and I'll say it now:

    I've done one thing extremely well and it was who I chose to be my ex-husband.
I know that it's quite unorthodox view, but he's one of the best I've ever met - even some people think that he's "a bit" odd (). Well, he has to be, otherwise he wouldn't have survived with me - and enjoyed that time.
There has been (and will be) times when we fight like cat and dog, but still... we get along great. To be honest we're better friends than we were as married couple, even our relationship was mostly great.
Our competitive personalities (enneagram types 5 and 3) just happen to clash drastically sometimes. (We either get along perfectly or fight with each others, to heighten things)

I'd say that my past marriage taught me many things about myself and what I want from a relationship to be happy in it.
I've to say that there are two things I occasionally miss as things: our naps and staying awake until early hours of morning talking about things.
It was great as long as it lasted. And I got my best friend from it.

Johari Window

I have seen this mentioned in few blogs and after giving my opinion of Angela I made my own. Do contribute your views.

Sunday, 26 February 2006

500; Gold! aka. 'Citius, Altius, Fortius'

Stiching Olympics Gazette, Issue 7

    First I'd like to thank chanda_m for organizing this huge sporting stitching event. Then I'd like to thank my blogging friends for encouraging comments during my fight for medals. I'd also like to thank my coffee-maker for making me those litres of coffee I've consumed during SO. And last, big thank you for my dear Winamp for providing entertainment.
    This is an emotional moment and I'm humbled to be allowed to represent my country in this international event of peace and understanding.

    Thank you all. *waves to mom*

    And then picture

    It's otherwise great but lack of thinking caused certain problems in final metres of finishing and therefore bottom seam is wonky. But it's good enough for me, and I learned something.

    It's gold for me, and in fact I also made new World record! I think you all remember him still

    Stitched during Olympics and as he wasn't in my original medal goals he justifices World record.

    Jenna: Yes, I'm going to frame Topiary Sampler, some day (yes, myself. I'm cheap. ).

    Cross posted to cross_stitch.


I got email from Dan in this morning. He has got new laptop and therefore he'll sell his old one (about year old) for me. And best is yet to come... I get 18 months time to collect that sum and I pay him then. (This just means that I've to really consider changing my internet connection to ADSL instead of HomePNA.)


Suitable entry for 500th entry in my blog, don't you say?


To clarify my entry from last night I think I've to tell part of my life story.

This is not new feeling for me, in that sense. I've wanted kids since I got PCOS diagnose in 2nd of August, 1997 - I had just turned 18 about month before it. (Before it I never had opinion about that and kids were never part of my future plans.) So, in certain sense I've had urge of nesting from that moment - though I've always been "nest maker", it runs in the family.

And I've been ready to get pregnant since spring 2000 - and one of my sorrows is that if I were completely healthy I'd have ~5 year old child. That may be one reason for my spring blues, as every spring I remember that I don't have my child.
It haven't been as great loss in about two years as I haven't been in committed enough relationship to worry, but I tell you that we both grieved in our own ways every spring about that child we never had - when I was married to Dan, that is.
And in certain sense it caused certain clashes between us. As it was, and it is huge mental strain for me.

There have been phases in my life when I couldn't even enjoy making love with man I loved most because I hated my infertile body and it's inability to give a child.
There has been phase when I buried my child every month, in fact every morning when I woke up. It feels like knowing that someone has kidnapped your children and you don't know can you ever see them again - or like going to your children's funeral every day, as my children died every day when I woke up.

I can honestly say it's about going to Hell and back when you get infertility crisis, and I would never wish this to anyone... but then, I think no one does.

Anyway, my point was that this sensation I have had some is not nesting, it's much stronger feeling. And that's what makes it odd. I'm practical person when it comes to this sort of things and I dislike feeling being not able to control myself.

Though... I kind of have plan B, in case I'm single in next year (and plan B is single). But there are so many variables that I prefer not to put my hope on that.

To be honest, in the end I don't give a damn does it affect to my relationship possibilities if I become a single mother. I'm evil enough to survive, and I'm evil enough not to care about someone who doesn't want to accept me as I am. Though I never have had, but I've had difficulties to realize it myself before lately.

Saturday, 25 February 2006

Silver! \o/

Certain crazy stitcher stayed awake at almost 6 AM just to finish Topiary Sampler (which means that I've slept about 5 hours). May I introduce you, Spring

And all together it looks approximately like this (I don't even try to get picture of whole set with my camera):

Then some information:

  • Freebie from Passione Ricamo
  • Designed by Laura Gabutti Lattuada
  • Stitched on natural 28 count linen (as recommended)
  • Stitched with DMC's stranded cotton
  • Specialty fibers from Rainbow Gallery (Used only in 'Winter'.).
And now.... I need coffee!

Cross posted to cross_stitch.


One more reason to dislike spring... It seems to me that every spring my body prepares to make a copy of itself, or at least it has an urge to do so.
About a month and a half (or a bit longer, I really can't recall) I've had this odd thought of making something for a child. To a child I don't have, and who I wont have in years with latest odds.

In certain sense I'm afraid that if I stitch something it'll be bad omen. And what if I never get kids?
To be honest that thought is much more scary than thought of not finding lasting relationship - which is really odd when you're talking about me as I'm so called relationship person (Even I'm QA) - hard to guess from a person who got married when she was 19?

I don't know have my (apparently) stabilized hormones something to do with this (I'd say it's very likely so), but it has never felt like I feel now. I've had similar feelings years ago when I left birth control pills, but after it nothing even close to it, and it was not this intense feeling...

I've to say that idea of being a single mother has never been very fascinating, but lately my opinions have changed. Who says that I can't enjoy family life if I don't have a man on my side? I don't really want to give that much power to anyone when it comes to my life and my dreams.
If there aren't males who can take me as I am does it have to mean that I've to live childless life? I don't really think so.

But the problem is... my PCOs. And fact of wanting relatively good genes for the child so I just can't pick up some random bystander... Not to mention it'd be against my principles anyway.

Friday, 24 February 2006


So, Spring Needleroll Exchange has officially begun. I got my partner's info last night and it seems to me that pattern I was planning to use is suitable for her.
It's not needleroll design but just the right size for one. Now I just need suitable piece of fabric for it, but there's always Silkweaver... (In fact I surprised myself: I ordered only one Stash-Pak. *Taps herself on the back* Those are great things, I've to admit as size of those fabrics is great for needleroll) I'd have one suitable fabric but I've already plans for it, so I prefer not to touch it.

What's the thing with numbers?

New countdown, it's soon time to celebrate my 500th entry!
Which means that I've written 100 entries in less than two months. Previous hundred broke in 3rd of January.
So, do I blabber or do I blabber? (Btw, this is cross stitch related entry number 201)

About a meme

I can't help it but latest topic ('Collecting Authors') of BTT reminds me of The Man Who Collected Barker, a twisted short story I love. Basic idea of it is this

    "An Australian film maker has hired Sally Rhodes to find Clive Barker.  The writer owes a number of scripts.  The likeliest source of information is the fanatical horror-story collector Wringhim.  She allows him to pick her up in the Dealer's room of a convention and show her his collection. In viewing his specially-bound edition of Books of Blood, she finds out just where Clive Barker (or some of him) is.---"
In case I don't remember completely wrong he has very rare printing of Books of Blood... written with blood of CB, bounded in covers covered with his skin... and it has authors signature (which is, of course, written with author's own blood).
Sounds good, doesn't it?

And now... I'm off to stitching! I've to finish Spring for silver, and sew my needlebook to get gold! (Have had other things to do lately. )

Thursday, 23 February 2006

Memes and links

I've got Booking Through Thursday email for some time but for reason or another haven't gave my view yet. So, now it's time for two.

Collecting authors (23rd of February, 2006)

Today's questions were suggested by Cate.

  1. Are you currently collecting any authors? Why?
  2. Do you have all of their books? If not, why not?
  3. Did you buy all the books in the collection at the same time, or did you buy a book here, a book there?
  4. Have you read the whole collection? If not, why not?
  1. If we can call it collecting, yes I am. Stephen King, H.P.Lovecraft and Clive Barker mostly. Occasionally Agatha Christie or Douglas Adams. Their books just are more difficult to find from my favourite places: book sales.
    But why? I love King because his mind is as twisted as mine is - he writes like I'd like to be able to write (and he writes like my mind works).Lovecraft just is master of tentacle monsters - ok, his mind was twisted enough to write good horror. Clive Barker has interesting dark side too. Agatha Christie mainly because I love Poirot and Miss Marple, and Douglas Adams because his sense of humour was something... twisted enough to make me interested of sci-fi

  2. No, I don't. King is way too productive, you can't find Lovecraft or Barker translated (or even in English) from local bookstores. Same with Christie and Adams, only heaven knows why.
    And of course there's one major reason: money.

  3. As you may have concluded from previous answer I buy them here and there.

  4. I've read every book I've those authors - most of them several times.

Beautiful books (16th of February, 2006)

This week's question, suggested by Jeanne, is here by popular demand. Thank you, ladies!

  1. What is the most beautiful book you own?
  2. In what way is it beautiful? Is it the illustrations, the binding, a combination of these, or something else?
  3. How often do you look at it, browse through it, read it?
  1. In fact all my books are beautiful. Sometimes I find myself staring at my bookshelf (either one in bedroom or one in living room) and just adoring my books.
    But as I've to choose I'd say that one in the top of the list is Dante's Divina Commedia. Mine is facsimile of book which has originally published in 1924.

  2. As it's facsimile it's not as beautiful as original has been, but if you look it from distance it looks like having natural linen covers with black leaf ornamentations (In fact I'm not sure is that the word) and some gold to make it look effective.

  3. I've to confess that I've never ever read it, but I occasionally do fondle it... like I do with all of my books.


Finnish proverbs for all curious ones

And then some... divine cooking.

I've to say that there's a spice I don't like.

    Like frozen leaves
    We are falling
    On to the soil so barren and cold

    The rays of sun
    No more warming
    Our hearts now so cold

    Through this field
    Of the withered flowers
    We go still one more time

    The hidden beauty
    Forever gone
    The river's frozen once again

    So came this time
    When moonlight blackened my heart:
    I can't stand this pain

    The chain is broken
    It's tearing open my scars:
    I want to feel the flame...again

    The shine behind
    The frozen stream
    Reminds me of your eyes

    The spark of hope
    Still in my heart
    Shall dreams become true under the ice?

Sometimes melancholy is beautiful.

Wednesday, 22 February 2006

Migraine stitching

First: dark picture

    MSAL, week II

    Will be posted in cross_stitch with finished Topiary Sampler one of these days...

Yes, I'm one of those lunatics who stitch while having a migraine. It keeps me sane (or at least out of the harms way), as otherwise I'd just bore to death. And at least you do something and therefore feel like a good person (or something).
Silly thing in this is that I'm quite sure that the reason for this one is not lack of magnesium (I haven't took my vitamins in almost a month now, as I just haven't afford to do so - at least if you ask from me, of course I'd have if I just wanted to buy them (they're just on a bit expensive side because I can't use just any supplement, I have to buy that one which has no soy, corn and/ or wheat in it), nor not eating well lately...
I talked with one person yesterday and something he said just caused huge emotional outburst (read: I cried my eyes out). It was nothing out of the ordinary and we had been talking about Lovecraft before that, but that one sentence reminded me of Sol (But then, it has been almost too easy to get over him so I think I needed that).
So, just plain crying messed my brain chemistry enough (even I enjoyed that "little" chat otherwise).

Freaky stuff, I'd say. (And talking about freaky when it comes to migraines... How so they heighten your senses? Imagine how it feels to hear earwax moving in your ear (I should have used hat yesterday, but as I had job interview of a kind I was more worried about my hair-do than health issues)... it took a while before I realized where that sound came from... )

That's about my life for today. Back to stitching.

Tuesday, 21 February 2006

Thank yous and WIP

First of all I'd like to say thanks of those bronze medal congratulations (Senile old me can't remember everything). And after it about topiary related feedback.
It's always nice to tempt innocent victims to projects like this.

Those topiaries look awesome, but in case you don't love constant colour changes (like I do) be forewarned. Winter has almost 40 colours in it (two of them metallics)- but then it looks great.


New exchange in sight. I signed in to biscornu exchange at SBEBB.
Once again my reason was "I've never done one". And then it's small which means that it doesn't take that long to stitch not finish, and it's relatively cheap to send out.


And last, but not least... topiary update.

Summer is here. One more to go!

Monday, 20 February 2006

Stitch-A-Thon results

First of all, latest issue of Stiching Olympics Gazette for your entertaiment.

I'm surprised. If Dan wouldn't have visited in Saturday I'd have been able to finish Summer during Sunday. This is how far I was 00:03 (12:03 PM) in Monday morning:

And Winter was finished in Friday (Ok, it actually was already Saturday (as I finished stitching in the middle of the night)):

This means that I will achieve silver as Spring is also relatively small topiary (compared to Autumn and Winter) and therefore fast to stitch.

Sunday, 19 February 2006

So, it has a name?


You are 89% HSP.

You scored in the 76-100% HSP range. Given this score, I would say you are a true Highly Sensitive Person. If you have always wondered if your responses and behaviors were normal, well, they ARE--it's just that many of the traits you exhibit are given negative connotations in our society, or are mistaken for traits with negative connotations. If anyone ever thought you were a snob or "stuck up" when in reality joining a group of people would have constituted "sensory overload" for you, you probably know what I'm talking about.

Of course it's possible you might be SURPRISED to see your score in this range, as you have always been described as an extrovert. You might have forced yourself to act extroverted as a way of conforming to the demands of society; or this might in fact be your natural personality. Being an extrovert AND being an HSP are NOT mutually exclusive, according to Dr. Aron.

Either way, I hope reading the test questions has given you a better understanding of the way HSPs approach the world. For more information about the traits of a Highly Sensitive Person, please check out the website by Dr. Elaine Aron, www.hsperson.com.

Link: The Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) Test


  1. I wont finish Summer in time (But thank you chanda_m and Jenna for good luck wishes! I try to do my best in Sunday!). Dan popped by for a surprise visit (which is interesting as he lives about ~180 kms from here (he is visiting his mother, so he didn't travelled 180 kms. Only 6 or so)) and I spent this day by drinking excess amounts of coffee, drooling after apartments in New York and saving the world (in sauna - Finnish style).
  2. That person I was talking about in Friday has lead to me being extremely annoyed and laughing my a** off after it. He claims that I called him paranoid even I've never done such a thing... Life, anyone?
Sometimes I remember why I
  1. dislike Cancerian males (there's something in wrong with those guys, really. At least if you ask from me (and know my experiences about them).)
  2. am misanhtrope.
Fortunately I've had good human related experiences lately, so I take that person as little bumb in my path (though I'm still annoyed because he claims me doing something I don't do - well, not my personal problem).

Anyway, in general this has been a good day. It was great to see Dan again ("Again"... haven't seen him in.... 45 days...). Once again I remembered why I wanted to stay in touch with him after we decided to separate/ divorce: He's really great person - a bit eccentric though (And I'm not eccentric?! ).

Saturday, 18 February 2006

Meme warning! Happiness Challenge

As Jenna kind of tagged everyone who reads her blog I decided to spread this and give my view for this meme.

Five Things That Make Me Happy Today

  1. I finished Winter topiary last night.
  2. My menstrual cycle has gone mad and is normalized (Last one was 30 days) - and I haven't suffered pains since...(Yippee for pain-free life).
  3. Reorganizing my living room gave me more space (also more storage space) with less furniture.
  4. Life. (Being corny, but every day lived is good day.)
  5. Those magnificent persons all over the world who I might call friends.

Consider yourself tagged if you feel like it.

Beware of the cross-eyed stitcher

    I'm heading for silver now and decided to boost my performance by participating Stitch-A-Thon (The idea of FG's Stitch-A-Thons is to set stitching goal for specified project over third weekend of every month) at Friends Gather and setting humongous goal. I'm quite sure I wont be able to stitch that much (My goal is to finish Winter and Summer), but it keeps me going. And I'll look like this in Sunday evening.
    At this moment I'm having a little coffee (and blogging) break, as those metallics in Winter can be quite annoying (but then: it's gorgeous!). In fact I've problems with that white PTB, gold was a pleasure to stitch with. Anyway, it's almost finished! Winter I mean.

Angela and Rósa, thank you for your support. That entry was really for venting as I really needed to get that annoyance out of my system just to prevent arrhytmias and migraine (How so stress is not good for me?).

As I see it it's not about men having problem with women with power (I'm against stereotypes and therefore I'm against that, even I know it's true in some cases - but it's so also vice versa in some cases so...), it's in general all about that little thing that people have problems with themselves and then they attack you. I know I haven't done anything wrong and that I don't haunt him in any way. If he thinks so, he's free not to visit there - and if it really bothers him that much... maybe he should have a break.
And fact is that you can't please everyone. My goal is to keep majority happy and not dance according to some cranky individual's notes.

Friday, 17 February 2006


I give you all one good advice: never ever become forum admin.

Ok, it's not bad hobby, and mostly it's more or less rewarding in certain sense, but one person just made me feel so angry.... I do not approve that someone blames me on something I do not do. It pisses me off that when I try to keep things running smoothly some idiot claims that I'm on crusade against him.

I know I shouldn't take it personally, but I can't help feeling frigging miserable at this moment. I just don't need false claims from anyone...

Thursday, 16 February 2006

I've a medal!

      Stitching Olympics Gazette, Issue 4

      One medal for me, thank you so very much, inner pages are finally finished:

      (Romance in Bloom WIP pictures)

      I think I've to modify my goals and say that I achieved my bronze with this. Therefore silver will be Romance in Bloom + finished Topiary Sampler, gold will be RiB + TS + RiB finishing.

Mad cats and slaves

I think that spring has come to this house. Cats have been running around the house since yesterday and I got sudden cleaning mania which has lead to book piles on my sofa, on the floor... yes, I'm going to rearrange here.
Rearranging is always sign of spring, or good phase in my love life (Love life? Does it bite? Sounds dangerous.). Maybe I've just gone mad.
Maybe it's all because of my migraine yesterday (which is gone now, thank you for support. Found good cure, chatted with a friend)

I got replacement monitor yesterday and... I want new monitor! I can't live with 848x480 resolution! I want 17" flat-screen (= byebye ~220 €)! (In other words: I need a job!)

Btw, Angela, it really depends. I like comments of my stash hauls as I always need some emotional support when I shop 'til I drop. I like comments on my WIPs and finishes, as it's always rewarding to know that you're not only one who likes your work. And it's always rewarding to read comments/ get feedback of my ramblings about my life and (sometimes even a bit odd) thoughts.

SBQ; Comments, anyone?


Stitching Bloggers Question

was suggested by Heather and is:
    "Comment on your comments (giving and receiving):Do you love comments or hate them? Do you check them every day, never check them, or find them helpful? And finally, are you convinced no one is reading your blog if you don't get any?
I love comments, who wouldn't? Of course there are those ones I dislike, but fortunately Livejournal doesn't suffer from spammers that much and I've only needed to ban one person from reading my blog - and that was in the beginning of my blogging career (almost two years). Anyway, I could say that as 99,99...% of feedback is positive I love 'em (even I may not always reply).
Since I "published" my blog url in my home page and in discussion forum profiles I've knew that I've readers even it took time before anyone started to comment, so even there are days when no one comments on me I know someone is reading this (and in the end: I write this for myself, I read this).

And when it comes to commenting on blogs of others... I've to confess that I read much more than I comment. Sometimes I just find it somewhat difficult to interrupt other bloggers blogging peace with comments (I think it has to do with Finnish aspect of personal space; and that fact that I'm shy person (believe or not)) and first comment is always the hardest one. After some time commenting is my other nature and I do open my mouth if I've something to say.

And today's SBQ in cross_stitch is under this link.

Wednesday, 15 February 2006

MSAL; part I

First part of cross_stitch community's MSAL came today in email and this is how it looks like when stitched (it reminds me of an closed eye):

  • 28 count Light Amaretto Jazlyn (I know that it doesn't look like Light Amaretto, but blame on winter/ camera/ my monitor)
  • DMC 500

Olympic wise...

Having a migraine (hormone based apparently - and these really seem to be price to pay from regular(ish) cycle). So, in the end it takes day more to finish those few stitches on my needlebook. Nothing to see here though. I'll get pictures when it's completely finished.


Valentine Exchange, part II

I just checked updated blogs and found out that my parcel arrived safely to country far away! Harsha was my receiver and this is what I stitched for her:

Better picture in Harsha's blog.

I changed all colours (except that gold) used in that design as in my opinion brown and various pinks weren't very... attractive.
Ornament parcel contained also piece of 28 count Lavender Bliss Lugana, and Black Cherry and Grapes on the Wine from Six Strand Sweets.

And big rock fell from my heart. I was tad worried about this parcel already.

What rating is my journal?


What rating is your journal?

Oh my, I'm shocked.

Tuesday, 14 February 2006

Romance is blooming - where we get one for me too?

      Some lousy pictures for your entertainment:

      Finished front page.
      I changed colour of that text. It's supposed to be stitched with greens, but mean /me used pinks. I thought that it'll look better with my teal green fabric (How smart you can be? ).

      Back and front. Inner pages are in progress - and my goal is to stitch them before I get to bed, because I want to get my needle smoking with topiaries. There's not that much time anymore, and damnit I want to finish them! I want my medals!
      So, I could say that I'll look like this soon.

I think I know what I'll do in March 24 hour challenge. For some reason I happen to love the idea behind the Claddaghs, and AON Celtic Art (my home page's wallpaper is from there, btw) has one for free.
If not... then it's something from Christmyth series.


My merinos, and knitting needles made of rosewood, came. Those needles are piece of art! They were a bit pricey, but I can believe that it's a pleasure to knit with them (and then: I've problems with nickel and I can't stand bamboo needles). Just...Wow. I'm just bit afraid to work with those needles as they're kind of short, but then... my hands aren't that big and you divide those loops in four knitting needles so... but anyway, it's knitting time after Olympics end. (Btw, one great thing: that IOU's due date is in the end of March!)