Saturday 28 January 2006

Attack of the past, aka. dangers of instant messaging

I had an interesting experience today. Man from the past sent me an IM. He didn't knew it was my ID, as I've two Yahoo IDs (Silly thing: we met trough YIM, and it seems it haunts us forever). And as we can understand he was quite surprised when I said that I know him and called him with his first name (In fact his nickname which is just short form of his first)... anyway, we had interesting little chat.

For some reason whenever Abhi and I've talked/ typed after our break-up we've always talked of those good old days. In certain way it seems to me that if world were simple place and love were only force there is we'd never broke up. There's this magnetism between us you just can't explain.
And as things went like they went, there's no need to explain it. There's only need to go on with life and cherish those beautiful memories - works like that in every relationship I've had. I work with those bad things, get over them and let them gather dust in my mind's attic. It's not about forgetting, it's about accepting.

Anyway it was nice to hear from him, after all those months. As I don't believe in hate after failed relationship and I suffer every time when I lose someone worth knowing just because I've been in relationship with one.

(And what makes this even more interesting: I had a dream last night. I was in India during Divali and I remember watching little paper boats with lanterns in them floating in river.
Though one explanation for that dream can be that I wrote email to one Indian guy before I went to bed.)

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