Monday 16 January 2006

About migraines

Have got my migraines back after almost three months of blissful migraine-free life.

So, my theory of hormonal balance proved itself wrong. Though it's possible that migraines may be the price I've to pay for having almost normal cycle and having a life with almost no pains in my ovaries (PCOs may cause unexplained pain in lower stomach and pelvis area - it feels like someone's stabbing big, rusty knife straight to your ovary, in bad days twisting that knife is added to selection). If so, I pay it. Not willingly, but having almost regular cycle may mean lesser problems in reproduction when it's time comes. (Though as long as I don't ovulate there's no hope without excess hormones.)

It's just annoying as I know I've cleaned every migraine trigger from my life which I just can, but then there are these things I can't control in any way, like hormones and air pressure changes.

In a way it's almost silly how some people wonder how I can live with those limitations preventing migraines give me. But apparently it's impossible to understand that migraines aren't just little headaches if you don't have them yourself or if you don't know someone who suffers from migraines.
At least I dislike pain, nauseating and feeling of not being control of my head (in my case it's really obvious that migraine is blood circulation related syndrome (I'd say it's syndrome as there's so many ways to suffer from it) as I really lose control of my brains and therefore control of my motor coordination if I've bad attacks).
And even my nots list is long it's not a big deal to avoid them:

  • bright light
  • loud noises
  • certain additives
  • red wine and it's derivatives
  • fish when eaten too often (more than 2-3 times/ month)
  • excessive usage of dairy products
  • allergy attacks
  • strong and/ or lousy scents
  • air pressure changes
  • hormonal cycle
  • stress
  • low blood sugar (therefore I've to 'snack')
  • cacao (but not chocolate)
  • lack of sleep/ sudden changes in my sleeping rhythm/ sleeping too much
Sounds nice, doesn't it?

But when it comes to my hormonal cycle getting more regular... I could get used to this life when I've practically no menstruation pains and only occasional ovary pains. This is quite nice as nowadays I can sometimes completely forget my PCOs. That has never happened before so I can say that it'll be quite good thing for my mental health. According to what I know my life from last 8½ years.

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