Tuesday, 13 November 2007

To go or not to go?

Spite of not feeling well and sleeping almost whole weekend I went to work yesterday. And when I got home I had fever, 37,5 °C, which is about one celcius over my normal temperature... and now... I have class 1 hypothermia with a whopping body temperature of 35,6 °C.

It is actually stupid to ponder over to go or not as my sensibility says that I am sick, even if I have no fever right now I have drastic temperature changes - and I know that I never have fever in the morning, no matter how sick I really am.
What really bothers me that basically my only symptoms are unstable body temperature, muscle and joint pains in the evening (when the fever peaks...) and general weakness...
Ok, enough to sound like a sick person, I know, but if I have a cold I should be coughing my lungs out, or at least sneezing. Though, as this seems to go exactly like the previous one I had about 1½ months ago I won't start coughing before tomorrow or so - this applies to sneezing too (*achoo*, ok it seems to start now..).

The lack of cough and sneezing is a bliss in a sense and I know why I don't have them before I reach the ultimate phase of the disease (asthma and allergy medication - inhaled steroids - keep the airways open, you see), but it also makes it more difficult to let oneself to stay home sick... even I know that as an asthmatic I should allow myself to stay home sick because if I get really sick because I can't give myself sick leave I am in deep trouble.

You could imagine that it wouldn't be that difficult to admit yourself that you are not perfect, right?

(ETA: I will stay at home at least today and tomorrow - and I found myself a sore throat and the cough from somewhere...)

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