In Finland person whose income is less than 900 euros/ month is considered as a
person living in poverty. That also means that I am considered as one (though during the course period I am not, as my income is whopping 910 euros/ month (I don't consider PD as a source of income yet as I don't withdraw the money on Paypal account on bank account to be used by me - I may buy some new stash with PD's money every once in a while, but I consider that as a stitching wage and a reimbursement from those supplies Lady still gets from me), thanks to the financial incentive from SII).
I find it questionable as poor is not a word I would use of myself. Think of it: I have two working computers, I have a broadband connection, I own three cell phones, two PDAs, two digital cameras, TV and all the "regular" devices, dishwasher and loads of other household appliances, multifunction laser printer, I live in a cozy apartment, I have food without begging or trusting food aid (and I couldn't use their stuff anyway: wheat, pork... you get the picture) because I have money to buy my food, my cats eat expensive pet store food... AND I can afford little creature comforts like new stash and visit to a hairdresser every now and then.
I can't see my poverty.
Admittedly I have problems with making the ends meet in case I need new clothes or shoes, but for me it's not a sign of poverty, but a sign of spending too much on unnecessary stuff. (Luckily my mother tends to give clothes-on-request gifts and my father, when he gives gifts, usually gives money - not much, but any extra money is good.)
Partly my personal lack of poverty is thanks to our welfare system as if I had to pay for my medication, even the part left paid after SII pays their part, I would be poor as -100€/ month may not sound much, but with income this low it's 13,5% of my average monthly income (before rent)... But that is the reason for the system to exist: to prevent poverty and social problems related to it - and of course, in the long run it's way cheaper for social welfare to pay for the medication of us, financially less fortunate, than pay for the consequences (i.e. long hospitalizations and unecessary retirements - though I would end up suffocating to death, eventually, without my medication..).
I can't still see my poverty, and admittedly I can't understand how anyone in my situation can claim to be poor, even there are people who claim that they have no money to do anything - and still they find the money to buy tobacco and alcohol... 
Though, I know that person in my situation should also be withdrawn from the society, sick, have drinking or drugging problem and be unable to do anything useful, due the hopelessness caused by a long period of unemployement and low income... I don't even drink and I try to take care of my physical and mental health and when my asthma gets under control I am able to work full-time.
Maybe I just need to always do what I love to do, prove them wrong. (I'm such a show off anyway.)