Shocking as you find it I am still alive. *grin*
I have come to conclusion that even I have learnt to live with the respiratory impairment I am actually getting worse every day before I get my cortisone... Which is either in Wednesday (because I don't have any money on me (once again only our beloved Lady has it *grin*)) or tomorrow if local social services actually have smart enough employees to know that asthma and allergies are chronic diseases... As I know that they only give "billing contracts" for expensive and continuous medication. My medication applies to both: Firstly I need the cortisone and my allergy meds daily, secondly the cortisone I have been prescribed (that was one of the cheap ones!) will be ~46 €/ 25 days with the reimbursement from SII, add my new bronchodilator and allergy meds to the mix and sooner or later we have a HUGE bill.
And in case I take whole three months, which is the maximum you can get any prescription medication from the pharmacy, the bill will be insane.
I am just like any other cranky granny: I come from the pharmacy with a huge bill and a full plastic bag. (I'm kind of getting my mother's complaints about the price of asthma medication etc. SO much better nowadays... fortunately I get all my medical expenses reimbursed for the time being.)
Mmm... pie...
I have always loved the stuff as only pumpkin pie I have ever tasted has been made according to my mother's ye good ole recipe, but... what makes me wonder is that now, when she tried acclaimedly American (U.S.A.'an) recipe the filling is not as good as it was in past with ye good ole recipe.
So, either this acclaimedly Real Thing is directed for very spice-o-phobic people or I am a misguided soul as in my opinion The Real Thing has good amount of spices as they are the soul of a great pumpkin pie. The Real Thing is what my mother used to make when I was a kid, that one with loads of all the yummy spices.
But then, I am a spice addict. Only good gingerbreads are also made according to the recipe my mother has always used, that one which has loads of spices and not too much sugar.
Still... a spiceless pumpkin pie is always better than no pumpkin pie. (And there's nothing better than a rice flour pie crust, yum!)
Spite of the migraine I have had since Wednesday I have been merrily stitching Autumn Fall Dragon on Jenna's RR and I actually found it quite hilarious that I, like Jenna, enjoy stitching on black during a migraine attack. (Great minds etc. *grin*)
It's not done yet, but I have to say that spite the slowness of my progress I have thoroughly enjoyed stitching this so far (Though, admittedly black floss with black blending filament on black evenweave kind of got me, but fortunately there wasn't too many stitches with that combo and I love the effect) and at the moment this is my absolute favourite of all the four as it really symbolises the season it represents - and it looks gorgeous on black.
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