Sunday, 30 September 2007

And it's a.... goal!

As usual strike and green equal a success. Orange is for "put some work to said piece, but not enough for a success", and red goes, as you guess, for a failure.

The goals for September were:

  1. Stitch Autumn dragon on Jenna's RR and send it to Christine. Done! (Admittedly I forgot to send it out in Friday, but it will be mailed out tomorrow.)
  2. Finish one secret gift. Done!
  3. Stitch the Halloween Exchange item. Done!
  4. Participate Stitch-A-Thon with Loy Krathong. Done!
  5. Finish the secret model. Not actually finished yet, but rest of it will be stitched and, probably, finished today.
  6. Stitch another Top Secret model. Started...
  7. Finish the started model and start another one.
  8. Start the bourse for Linda.
  9. Start the Hardanger Bookmark SAL.
  10. Finish the layout for the alephbet sampler (based on the alephbets at the Kooler Design Studio's freebie section) and start it. The layout
  11. Prepare the last installment of the Birthday Thread Exchange (to Edda). Done!
  12. Additional:

  13. Charity square
You can clearly see that in this month I got my medication and started to feel better... I am getting back on track, BUT there's quite some way in ahead of me before I get back to my old speed. I haven't even recovered from the flu yet (though it always goes like this: I am otherwise ok, but I will cough and spit phlegm out of my lungs for another week or so).

And the goals for October are:

  1. Work on models.
  2. Stitch, finish and send one secret gift.
  3. Stitch Linda's bourse.
  4. Participate Stitch-A-Thon with Loy Krathong.
  5. Decide the design for Cross Stitch Lottery piece.
My DONE list is surprisingly long and I have to say that I am proud of myself, even though I do feel bad of not stitching more of the models. But then, I just got my meds two weeks ago - they shouldn't actually have any visible effect yet, even they do.

The visible effect? I cleaned my bathroom today, first time in months, and I am not tired at all. You can guess how much dirt, hairs and dye spots there was hiding under the dust surface... but when you are sick, you are and when the illness takes all of your energy cleaning your bathroom is the last thing you worry about.
I had some manic tootbrush fun while cleaning (i.e. all the tiny places have not just been wiped and rinsed, they have been toothbrushed), which means that I am not only getting better, but that my ADD symptoms are decreasing (- or getting worse, who knows).

Unconscious Mutterings

Week 243

I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. Crook :: Professor Moriarty (How so I have been listening to Sherlock Holmes audio books whole weekend?)
  2. Career :: Change
  3. Freckles :: Redhead
  4. Scramble :: Eggs
  5. Mistake :: Error
  6. Telephone :: Cell
  7. Thank you :: You're welcome
  8. Obstruction :: Hinderance
  9. 24/7 :: All the time
  10. SciFi ::


Last two nights I have been seeing dreams of my ex-partners and I find it VERY confusing. What makes it even more confusing is that they are not consistent i.e. for example with some I am back to the good old days (or in some cases even better) and with some I argue, some ask for forgiveness and some don't...
I can understand that part of the dreams where I met Dan - I had met him for the first time in ages in the previous day. I can understand the sweetness with Wolf because I miss him and what we had (I am bothered by the fact that cats woke me up before the dream got into its end and I don't know how it ended ).
I can't understand my dream of Sol because everything was so much better than it ever was, because, once again, he said he is sorry. I can't understand the dream of someone from the past as I claimed to him that I had had someone else with his name in my life prior to him and that guy had committed suicide. That is not true (none of my exes has committed suicide, as far as I know), and the guy before the guy was actually the guy, even in the dream...

What confuses me is also about the fact that I don't generally see dreams of most of these people... and my dreams of Wolf have gone to very innocently friendly level. I have dreams of Dan, but it's simply because he was around so long (six years of 28 is still quite much).
I'd really love to know what my head is up to.

Leap froggy, leap

This was started this in Friday night (~21:30) when I was bored and tired, but wasn't very eager to get to bed yet and desperately wanted to start something new. My excuse for this is that this is my square for Cayden's quilt - though this seems to be the pillow piece as someone stupid (not me, never...) didn't recheck the instructions and my square is 3x3 inches smaller than required for the quilt. *throws a tantrum*

Pieces of info:

  • Designer: Gillian Souter
  • Design: "Frog in Spring"
  • Source: Classic Storybook Cross-Stitch (ISBN 0-316-85401-8)
  • Fabric:: 32 count white Jobelan
  • Notes:
    1. The light green charted for the grass was of completely wrong tone (it was yellowish when all the other colours in the design have blueish tint) I changed it to some light green from DMC 100 series.
    2. Blue stripes in shorts are my choice as I didn't have the charted pink. (I'd have changed it anyway, I think.)
    3. The grass is four stitches too wide (but if I hadn't told about it you wouldn't have noticed it).
    4. Sky was left out and butterfly added. (I thought it would give more sense for the design.)
    5. The backstitching is modified: in pieces like this I prefer not to follow the chart, but my own gut feeling.
I enjoyed stitching this piece as it is cheery and keeps you interested with tons of fractionals.

Some cats have no joint pains, I think...


Neko, that guy who had (im)mobility issues in spring... quite hard to believe now, don't you think? ^^

Friday, 28 September 2007

Friday's Feast

Feast One Hundred & Sixty Two

Appetizer: How are you today?

    Fine, thanks. Though I have a nasty cough. (As one of my course mates said: "You know, that sounds quite dangerous..." *grin*)
Soup: Name 3 television shows you watch on a regular basis.
    I don't watch any as I don't watch TV. If you count series on DVD my list goes as following:

    1. House M.D.
    2. Fawlty Towers
    3. Black Adder
Salad: What’s the scariest weather situation you’ve experienced?
    Well, as I live in a country without huge hurricanes (we just get those tiny ones) and I don't find blizzards scary, as you kind of get used to them when you live somewhere almost thirty years, I have to say that I have experienced no such thing as scary weather.
Main Course: If you could wake up tomorrow morning in another country, where would you want to be?
    Oh my. Anywhere if it would be with someone who gets me and who I get (I think the word normal people use is love). Otherwise somewhere warm, humid and cheap.
Dessert: What do you usually wear to sleep?
    Sleeping with your clothes on is SO twisted. I prefer to sleep au naturel.

Indian Food!

I stumbled upon this link at Deb's blog and if you, as I, do love Indian food (though I have broadened it a bit to male individuals of Indian origin, but edable as edable *grin*) check One Hot Stove. Yummy recipes and as yummy pictures.

Odd accomplishments

Noticing how nonexcitent my stitching mojo has been few months I have to say that I am rather proud of myself: 38 finishes in 39 weeks. This includes four knitted and 34 stitched items.

Because I'd love to have 39 items/ 39 weeks I think it's better that I will stitch some more before hitting the sack.

Thursday, 27 September 2007

*gasp* Heaven and Earth Designs has freebies! O_o
I found it out by accident while looking for Sunfire (which I intend to buy in my next stash splurge). In addition to that I think I need few more from the Cats section: Sisters Under The Sun, Old King Cole, Two Of Wands and Fantavisions (though I'd probably stitch only the right side).

Anyway, I have spent my morning looking for interesting degree programmes to apply to and ended up digging out old application exams of business economics... which seem to be desperately easy (multiple choices (based on information acquired from reference material) mostly).
Easy is a real turn-off I must admit, though that is why I plan to study in English - to make it less easy, not to forget that it makes it easier to leave the country... You could kind of say that I am not very patriotic.

Afternoon was spent productively stitching personalization for Halloween Exchange item. It only lacks finishing which I can do on some slow evening.
And for your viewing pleasure, a teaser:

Those eyes look very disturbing on the shot for some odd reason... It's actually rather cute piece, though some people might disagree as it has quite a few spiders.

Photo Pherrets - Week 90

Our word for this week is: Dream

Do I need to say more?

Wednesday, 26 September 2007

I should do this more often...

Be sick, that is.

I am almost done with my Halloween Exchange item. Who knows what I achieve if I am sick tomorrow? (Yesterday a HD, today maybe another...)
Though, admittedly I am bored and would love to get back to business - and as I am getting better I have been pondering would I be healthy enough to go back to course tomorrow. That is something I have to see about in the morning, I can be away tomorrow without providing GP's note if I still feel a bit feeble.

My old self would probably get on with it and go back tomorrow, but my current self is a bit worried about the health of her lungs. If it's not good run around when you are not completely healthy, it is even worse when you have asthma.

Gah! Sometimes I do hate my overly responsible character... which makes it interesting, by the way, as they say that asthma is illness of kind people. (Kind, me? )

Happydancing dragon and on Round Robins

What do I do when I am having a fever, my joints kill me and I need to blow my nose every ten minutes? Watch movies with comment track on and stitch dragons.

(Fear not Jenna, I have cleaned my hands with fresh-up towels before getting back to stitching! *grin*)

  1. I absolutely adore the colours, but I am not fan of the fact that due constant colour changes with cotton+filament mix the back does not look too nice. But then, no one won't look in the back (except Christine, who gets this next, and Jenna).

  2. Spite of loving stitching on black the backstitching phase was rather difficult as 3371 just doesn't contrast with black that well (aren't we surprised?!). Nevertheless, I managed it too, and as said these draggies look gorgeous on black.
Based on two previous dragons and the chart of fourth I have to say that Autumn Fall probably is the most difficult of these. At least it takes more time than the previous dragons did.

(Cross posted to Solarium Sublime.)

On Round Robins

While stitching on Jenna's piece I was thinking of round robins and I think that Teresa Wenztler themed RR would be nice to participate to. I have seen some RRs which consist from different borders of designs of TW and they look great.

One of the advantages of such RR would be the fact that it had to be stitched on plainweave so no aida stitching there, and, people who stitch TWs are usually rather skilled stitchers which would lessen the worry over the quality of work on the piece.

Though I have also played with the idea of having RR consisting of Dragon Dreams' Elemental Dragons.


My mother kind of promised to knit me a shawl in December because since my asthma broke down my outer body temperature has been incredibly low. This means that I have, for example, used my winter clothes since beginning of September (it still is ~+16 °C during days) because it has been so cold...

Anyway, I promised to provide my mother a link if I find some shawl pattern I'd like, and latest Knitty had it: Muir.

And I have to get these! And THIS!

Things that disturb the disturbed

Part gazillion and one.

I had a dream about one of my course mates... it was nothing drastic, in general at one phase of one dream he wrapped his arms around me after I fell asleep (in the dream - silly really: one sleeps in a dream), but it disturbs me for some reason. Maybe because it felt good and he is so *not* my type. Maybe because I actually have a reason (or rather reasons) to believe that he has a thing for me, a thing called crush.

Which is very understandable, noticing how absolutely adorable I am...

Nevertheless, it's very confusing (Finnish men just do not usually have a thing for me, unless they are unhappily married or otherwise desperately lonely - which kind of explains why I haven't been on too many dates (read: none) with men of Finnish origin last three years).

Monday, 24 September 2007

The whateveritis has now populated my upper airways and I am developing a fever, which means that I probably have to take - again! - few sick days from the course. The timing couldn't be worse as at this point we should be looking for "work experiment" jobs (as the course is directed for people who are forced to change their occupation we have two phases when we can experiment with fields we are interested of) as the first WE phase begins in the beginning of October...

Admittedly this is rather hilarious: budesonide makes it easier to live and breathe, but it also compromises my body's ability to fight against illnesses (as does asthma in itself) being a cortisone derivative, which means that even when my asthma is in balance I may get sick easier than I used to - and be sicker than I used to.

I feel old.


Random Joy
  1. Which category of Trivial Pursuit would you say you're most knowledgeable in?
    Gosh, I haven't played the thing in ages so I can't remember the categories.... Literary was one of my bests.

  2. Did you go to your High School Prom? .What was it like?
    No hablo States... erm, not the thing in here (I 'd love to nag about the US-centerism..).

  3. If you were one of the five senses which would you be?

  4. Have you ever gone downhill skiing?
    Not actually.

  5. What's your favourite kind of nut?
    Myself, as I am allergic to nuts.

Behold, a shrubbery!

From this:

to this:

Firstly: I practically stitched this only in Sunday due an occult case of hypersomnia. (It seems to me that it has been cold induced. My sinuses don't feel very good at the moment...)

Secondly: it was great to get back together with Loy, even I got only a bit done. It's always closer to the finish, and this is one of those projects where you look at the charted colours in awe and doubt highly the choices of the designer, but, after you get some of the odd colour stitched you get the idea.
For example I had been wondering for ages those areas of 3371 in a shrub - shrubs are supposed to be green, right? - but now when I have actually stitched all the 3371 in the page four I get the idea. It would be even more obvious if I had had time to stitch the leaf under the shrub.
I think that, in the artist's mind, that shrub in the background has wooden stems which explains the "high" and very dark shadow.

And my trusty sidekick, Her Highness the Thread Guardian

Sunday, 23 September 2007

Unconscious mutterings and sleeping too much

Week 242

I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. Singles :: People
  2. Blaze :: Cartoon
  3. Sandwich :: Earl of Sandwich
  4. Outside :: Inside
  5. Gooey :: Yummy
  6. Industry :: Work
  7. Exclusive :: Designs
  8. Warranty :: Expires
  9. Magical :: The Magic Mushrooms
  10. Heels :: High

Life in general....

How has my weekend been?
To describe it with one word, and one word only: sleepy (or rather comatosed).
I slept 24 hours between Friday 6 PM and Saturday 9 PM (yes, that makes it 24 hours within 27 hours).

I never sleep that much unless I am sick. But I am not sure was I as or was it just all about the Budesonide: I had sore throat in Friday (which lead me to digest full box of "throat candy" (you know, menthol and such, relieves throat pain)), but it could have been caused by either having a cold or Budesonide.
I had unstable body temperature in Friday and in Saturday, which could have been caused by either one (because my outer body temperature is getting back to normal, after being way low for few months).

One of the possible reasons is my unusual reaction to cortisone (and its derivatives): it should cause mania, but relaxes me and makes me sleep like a baby... this time it really seems to make me sleep like a baby....

And of course sleeping too much caused a headache, which had to be cured by... you know where I am getting to with this... sleeping some more. Which means that I have spent 33 hours of last 41 sleeping...

Friday's Feast in Saturday

Long time, no FF. Here it comes again

Appetizer: What is your favorite type of art?
Ask that from a person who has got an artistic education and you won't get an answer.
I like art I find aesthetically pleasing, spite of its genre. (Imressionism, realism, kubism, expressionism, dada, pop art... you don't want that I go on.)

Soup: When was the last time you got a free lunch (or breakfast or dinner)? Who paid for it?
I assume that mothers don't count so it goes back to last year. My then-FWB, N., paid for it (all apply).

Salad: On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how emotional are you?

Main Course:Approximately how long do you spend each day responding to emails?
I don't take time.

Dessert:To what temperature do you usually set your home’s thermostat?
20 ° C, but for some occult reason it's always at least 24 ° C. But I like it, mostly.

Thursday, 20 September 2007

The colour of my passion is...

Your Passion is Purple!

You've got a ton of passion,
but you don't always wear it on your sleeve.
If something truly excites you,
you let your inner intensity shine through.

But otherwise,
your passion tends to morph into energy... which you never lack.

You're a balanced woman,
knowing when to turn on the fire in your heart.

What Type of Passionate Woman Are You?

Yup. My passionate character has been either hated or loved when it comes to partners from past. Mostly it has been loved.

Let me loose and you get a real rollercoaster drive of which you will never recover from.

Once you start shopping...

... you can't stop. Just before I had to run to the bus stop I placed an order for 50 cm x 70 cm piece of white 32 count Jobelan because I need it for the square I stitch to Cayden's quilt, and just to justify the postage I added one item from my wishlist to the order: Deco Spirits by Mirabilia.

Stash makes the world go 'round!

And I got an idea while sitting in the bus: BBA (in English, just to keep it challenging) would cater all my professional interests.
I really have to think about that.

Actually I have had in mind for some time to buy Chai (Life), but my problem with most of the available pendants is their price or the style and/or the metal used (gold is out of the question for two reasons: 1. I may be allergic to it, 2. the colour is wrong for my pale skin - gold looks good on tanned skin). Few days ago I found what I was looking for from Israel Catalog and today I rewarded myself as the Cross Stitch Expo went well on Lady's behalf.

2 cm/ 0.79', '925 sterling silver, with chain, $24.95 and in theory no postages. In theory because I also bought a David D'Or CD of which I had to pay postages. (That man has a voice (and eyes) of an angel, and I want to get all his CDs about yesterday so I decided that I can start collecting him now.)

As I have probably mentioned before I have high belief towards the power of words and the beauty of them (and alephbets are beautiful, piece of art as themselves) hence decorating myself with a word is a natural derivation (?).
And in its way ×—×™ reflects my attitue towards life.

Lethal cuteness ^^

Long time, no kitty pictures...


I just had to share these shots of their tender moment. ^^ (Her Highness has fatty acid suplement all over her head (you can guess that she does not like to take it) and Neko likes to help her with it.)

In addition to this today has been peaceful: I have experienced few Bricanyl induced muscle cramps (known side effect, I will fight against them with magnesium) and first afternoon when I am not tired when I get back home. I even had energy to stitch a bit - after two hour nap... *grin*
Budesonide is kicking in. I may actually feel like a healthy human being some day in far distant future.

(Regarding the current track: Get it (and few others) for free from O Teatro Mágico's home page (under musicas.)

Tuesday, 18 September 2007

A bit early

As I posted my Stitch-A-Thon goal to Stitch-A-Thons I decided to post it here too, so that I don't forget it.

I don’t have any specific goal, either I stitch mother’s face and body or I do some gardening and stitch the bush (in case I still remember whereI put those skeins of green I recently purchased for it :lol: ) and some other parts of vegetation behind the mother.


I also decided that what I have is an asthma attack and stayed home today... After solid eight hours of good night's sleep I dozed off to the sofa in the morning and took a short nap... and slept for five hours.

I have also grown to love my new brochodilator and cortisone. Ventolin(e) caused constant tachycardia and other nasty side effects, Bricanyl caused tachycardia after the first dose and even my second dose for the day was twice as big I have no problems with my heart.
And the cortisone... they say that inhaled cortisone shouldn't absorb into your blood stream... but, I seem to have a cortisone high which begins few minutes after taking the medication.
Not that I complain, I enjoy the feeling of happy contentness. (As I have said, cortisone is good for me.) I just hope that my adrenal gland doesn't freak out from the constant additional cortisone...

Monday, 17 September 2007


I want to curl back into my warm, cozy bed!

I slept barely four hours because I had shortness of breath and Ventoline didn't do much to it... I am tired, annoyed wreck of a human.

I want my meds. Now, or rather yesterday.

If I survive this week without needing to take a sick leave I will be very proud of myself... Honestly I don't think that I can do it. I'm too close to the edge of a complete physical collapse and the sick leave would actually be the wisest thing to do... I have to see how this day goes.

Sunday, 16 September 2007

Unconscious Mutterings

Asthma, pumpkin pies and dragons

Shocking as you find it I am still alive. *grin*
I have come to conclusion that even I have learnt to live with the respiratory impairment I am actually getting worse every day before I get my cortisone... Which is either in Wednesday (because I don't have any money on me (once again only our beloved Lady has it *grin*)) or tomorrow if local social services actually have smart enough employees to know that asthma and allergies are chronic diseases... As I know that they only give "billing contracts" for expensive and continuous medication. My medication applies to both: Firstly I need the cortisone and my allergy meds daily, secondly the cortisone I have been prescribed (that was one of the cheap ones!) will be ~46 €/ 25 days with the reimbursement from SII, add my new bronchodilator and allergy meds to the mix and sooner or later we have a HUGE bill.
And in case I take whole three months, which is the maximum you can get any prescription medication from the pharmacy, the bill will be insane.

I am just like any other cranky granny: I come from the pharmacy with a huge bill and a full plastic bag. (I'm kind of getting my mother's complaints about the price of asthma medication etc. SO much better nowadays... fortunately I get all my medical expenses reimbursed for the time being.)

Mmm... pie...

I have always loved the stuff as only pumpkin pie I have ever tasted has been made according to my mother's ye good ole recipe, but... what makes me wonder is that now, when she tried acclaimedly American (U.S.A.'an) recipe the filling is not as good as it was in past with ye good ole recipe.
So, either this acclaimedly Real Thing is directed for very spice-o-phobic people or I am a misguided soul as in my opinion The Real Thing has good amount of spices as they are the soul of a great pumpkin pie. The Real Thing is what my mother used to make when I was a kid, that one with loads of all the yummy spices.

But then, I am a spice addict. Only good gingerbreads are also made according to the recipe my mother has always used, that one which has loads of spices and not too much sugar.

Still... a spiceless pumpkin pie is always better than no pumpkin pie. (And there's nothing better than a rice flour pie crust, yum!)


Spite of the migraine I have had since Wednesday I have been merrily stitching Autumn Fall Dragon on Jenna's RR and I actually found it quite hilarious that I, like Jenna, enjoy stitching on black during a migraine attack. (Great minds etc. *grin*)

It's not done yet, but I have to say that spite the slowness of my progress I have thoroughly enjoyed stitching this so far (Though, admittedly black floss with black blending filament on black evenweave kind of got me, but fortunately there wasn't too many stitches with that combo and I love the effect) and at the moment this is my absolute favourite of all the four as it really symbolises the season it represents - and it looks gorgeous on black.

And then she lost her marbles

I still remember the day when I stumbled upon Yad Vashem's site for the first time - I was looking for Peris, because I need to know where we are from to build up my identity as no one seem to know where we come from (as far as I know my mother only knows where her father's (as some of you know I have my mother's maiden name i.e. her father's name) parents were from and that's all..) and who we are.
I typed in the surname and didn't actually expect to get any results... 'Results of search for victims whose family name is 'Peri': 61.
People who share(d) my rare surname. People, who were killed by hatred...

I have to say that I was shocked - and I am shocked. And the knowledge made me even more aggressive against all discrimination.
Nowadays... even I know now that I get hits with my surname, even I have seen those names before I cry for them because through the name they give the real face to the Shoah victims, because they give face to the hatred and ignorance of everyone killed and/or suffered from the persecution, every single person within that 9- 11 million victims (Jews, Romanis, homosexuals, disabled, communists... you know how long the list is.)

And if you believe that soul can incarnate there's something worth noticing: I have seen dreams of Holocaust as long as I can remember. I dare to say that I have had those dreams even before I even knew what Holocaust was... I became interested of Judaism before I got to know Yad Vashem and what its archives hide in them (though I have always had the curiosity towards Judaism, I just never realised that person can convert to anything - silly of me, right?)... and I don't believe in consequences.
Maybe saying this makes me crazy, maybe not. Nevertheless, I find all this intriguing. (And now you all know that I am crazy as a bus. )

Friday, 14 September 2007

One of the facts of life is that we can't please everyone and someone will always think badly of us, but still it bothers me. Or rather what bothers me is that people don't voice the issues they have with someone else to the person whom it concerns.
I know that I give the impression that nothing gets me, but still most things do.

Spending time on daily basis with people is very exhausting - even more when some have issues with you, when they jump right to judging and don't even try to see why things are as they are.
I remember why I withdrew from most social contact to begin with and I feel the reason again: humans exhaust me. All the hatred in them, all the ignorance eats me. It saddens me. And it makes me more of that person they dislike, that socially incompetent, sheltered bitch.

Thursday, 13 September 2007

It's official: I am my mother's daughter *grin*

Actually I should say almost official as I can get the final diagnose after six months of medication, but, ladies, gents and goats... (Maestro, drumroll please....) The diagnose is: asthma.

Based on how the GP (I have cunningly adopted him as my personal physician from now on) reacted when he read the charts it is rather severe case. And he was shocked on the fact that I haven't been prescribed cortisone inhaler before today... which is understandable, he saw the charts so he had to believe me because they proved my respiratory problems (my problem is that I do not look sick even if I am) and even uneducated /me could say based on that form that my lung function is far from normal. (They were shocking enough for him to ask am I sure that I have done the test correctly because there was so much instability in the results.)

I am pleased, even this means that I have to use steroids daily for the rest of my life. (Well, I am already using daily steroids in form of my nasal spray, and I take my antihistamine daily...)
At least now I know that I am not crazy (even it felt like it sometimes...) and my symptoms really are real and not just imaginary.

שּׁנה טובה

(Completely evil header... *grin*)

Anyway, my allergies have been behaving lately because I am well medicated and I stay away from allergens... but today I got an image of how bad my allergies really are.
I can't be in the same room with a plate of buns and cookies (made of wheat), not even heavily medicated (20mg of ebastine and 400mg of mometasone furoate), without getting a sinus induced migraine...

And this is "only" cross reactivity... (maybe I should reconsider that Epi-pen prescription...)

Blah, maybe I just should get back to bed and continue my nap until 6:15 tomorrow...

Wednesday, 12 September 2007


© O.Peri

I should pat myself on the back: I have studied 16 pages of Hebrew today. And I really am able to read it, I just need some serious vocabulary rehearsal - and I still need to study the rest eight pages (to get where we are starting from (approximately)) - but you can't (or maybe you can) imagine the sense of relief I had when I sat on the train on my way home and realised that I can read Hebrew, I really can, and that I do still remember the vocabulary rather well.

I have actually surprised myself today. In addition of studying I managed to tidy up my bedroom (it was a mess when I started with it), take two hour nap and I planned to do a pile of laundry... but my knee has been acting today which has lead to back pain (because I try to protect the knee) which meant that I decided that it's better to leave it to some other day.
What worries me with the pain is that I don't have the slightest idea of its origin - one possibility is that the cold I had has developed to something way bigger, uglier and meaner.

And, I got a promotion... not such you may imagine, but I became higher level moderator on one forum - less than a year after they "hired" me.
But then, I am a sucker for that kind of stuff.

I should get to bed, but I think that I can stitch few stitches to the Halloween Exchange thingy before I call it off for the day.

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Newsletters are the ultimate source of evil...

... I have found something new to buy/ want... 'Princess Swan' (she'd be beautiful stitched over one), 'Evening in Venice' and 'Lady in Red'.

I have been oddly happy for few hours and I'd really like to know why. Maybe it's just the fact that I started the Halloween Exhchange item and I love how it's turning out.
Maybe it is something else. Who cares?

Monday, 10 September 2007

It's interesting how long (five business days) it takes for one book to travel from the warehouse A of the $CHAIN_OF_BOOKSTORES to the store B of the $CHAIN_OF_BOOKSTORES within a small country like Finland - and I am dead sure that they are both in the same city, which is actually also the city where I live in...

But, at least I will finally get my Hebrew book (I will fetch it tomorrow) and can spend Tuesday evening studying on my own (Rosh Hashana begins in Wednesday so we don't have the lesson tomorrow) i.e. rewriting notes from the old book.
And maybe, just maybe, I can actually start the sampler - though I have to decide which fabric I will use for it.

It's rather curious...

How the floss I dyed for the alephbet sampler is quite close to the shade of my hair in my default user picture. You could almost think that I have some natural attraction towards certain shades of red...

Aleph, bet, gimel... it's as easy as ABC

I think this will be the final layout for the alephbet sampler (based on the Small Hebrew Alphabet by Kooler Design Studio) accompanied with the floss I dyed for it.
I was thinking of adding the vowel points, but those are so easy to learn that I think I will discard the idea (and anyway one has to learn to read Hebrew without vocalization). My main concern is the normal set and the sofits ('ending letters' - in this case the last row).

Sunday, 9 September 2007

Unconscious Mutterings

Week 240

I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. Dork :: Idiot
  2. Refurbished :: Redecorated
  3. Basket :: Case
  4. Mousse :: Chocolate
  5. Studio :: 52
  6. 8 ball :: Billiards
  7. Masking tape :: Why?
  8. Love :: these guys
  9. Wilder :: Gene
  10. Lindsey
  11. :: Lohan

Unorganised tidbits

I have had few things on my mind for a while, but apparently I am still too exhausted to ponder or maybe I just want to be an airhead for a while.
And to be honest, what I would say I have said a thousand times, what I want is also what I don't want. Something needs to find its place, but I don't know what it is and where its place is.

Maybe I am just getting too much human contact during the days and it strains me... It would be understandable, it has been years since I was continuosly in contact with big group of people on daily basis.

Stitchy front

I have a bad case of modelstitchingitis and startitis at the same time, which is not good noticing that I have one RR to stitch and send out at 15th. Though, at least I have been stitching models, which hasn't happened in few days because I have got to bed quite early.
Last September I suffered from insomnia, now it's more like hypersomnia - that means that I do not have time to stitch as when I am at home I am most likely catching up emails/ forums, cooking dinner or sleeping...

The reason?

See the second paragraph of this entry, or that is what I think it is...

Which is actually quite odd as I really crave human contact, but the contact I need is so different from what I get on daily basis.
I don't need crowds around me as I can't take the strain. I would be completely contended with one person who gets me and loves me as I am.

Which makes it even odder is that I don't actually don't crave for a relationship, but I admittedly could use all its advantages. Therefore I apparently have to say what I have said quite few times: I need another FWB. (It's as difficult to find a good FWB as it is to find a good lover...)
Or something... Actually all I need is more time, less confrontations, find out is this asthma or what and have someone who shelters me when I am tired.

...Confrontations... that may also explain quite a bit as even though the group in the course is rather good there are moments when I get anxious of the fact that people don't want to see any other point of view than their own or think outside of their minimalistic box. Or that if they wish to do so they should let the rest choose do they want to share the same box, have their own or be box-free.
When you have free spirit and lousy defenses you suffer greatly in such situations.

Maybe I should stop this now, stitch a bit and bury myself under the cats after it... (By the way, have I mentioned that I simply love my futon?)

Friday, 7 September 2007


They had lost the test form in the health centre!

This means that I have to do the two weeks test all over again, this time doctor forbid me to use the medication during the first week... Oy vey, this will be such fun.<

On a brighter note: the GP was really charming (or should I say that he was gorgeous? *grin*) and I would have taken him home with me if he hadn't be married. (But I think I found my GP... *innocent whistling*)

ETA: They just called me (I was ready to click Post entry)) and the form had been delivered to wrong doctor's room! (So, the GP will probably call me in Monday.)