...how this year will be?
|  | how you feel about yourself now (The Hermit)
You may be feeling lonely at this time or going through a period of introspection. If you are struggling to find answers to your questions give it time, they will come. This is a time for prudence and patience.If you have been unwell this is a time for rest and recuperation. |  | what you most want at this moment (Judgement)
The cards suggest, that what you most want at this time is a new start, to close this chapter in your life and have a brand new beginning. This is not a time for regret but for rejoicing. Rewards for past efforts will follow and you are sure to have many opportunities presented to you. Life will pick up a pace and the choices you make will have far reaching implications that could change your life dramatically. Any legal issues should be ruled in your favour. |  | your fears (The Hierophant)
Are you really your best counsel? Probably not at this moment in time. You are worried that you will sell yourself short and agree to something that you don’t feel morally comfortable with. For example you may really desire marriage but the offer has been ‘let’s live together’.You may be looking at a job or business opportunity but you question how ethical it is. Seek out an advisor you can trust such as a teacher,priest, parent or anyone you have respect for. They will be happy to help. |  | what is going for you (The High Priestess)
All lines are open in your telephone exchange with your intuition, and there is no better guide than your intuition. Listen, listen carefully and the secret you want revealed will be shared with you. |  | what is going against you (The Moon)
You are frozen with fear, lack of nerve and confused as to what it is you actually want. You are allowing all your fears and anxieties to hold you back when you should be opening your mind to new and unexpected possibilities. You do need to be careful however, as there are deceitful people around who may seem charming but are only out for their own gains. If in a clandestine affair beware, your secret may be exposed. |  | outcome (The Sun)
The Sun is shining on you - it's your time for success, joy and happiness.You will feel confident and full of vitality. It's a time to celebrate with friends and loved ones, perhaps enjoy a well-earned holiday, a time of pleasure and good news around children or the conception or birth of a longed-for baby. If you are not feeling this way take heart,you will enter this period soon. | |
Now, this sounds interesting... o_O
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