As seen before my goals for January and what I managed to do:
Additions:Participate Stitch-A-Thon at The Robins's Nest.Finish Valentine's Exchange stitching and finishing wise. (Send-out 1st of February!) Ready to be sent.
Do I need to explain why my goaling failed this badly? *grin*
Ravings of a solo parent, cat slave, gamer, demoness and a cross stitcher with severe case of mojoitis.
Wednesday, 31 January 2007
Goals: out of the window!
Got tagged by Angela so here comes six "weird" things about me (though I consider them idiosyncrasies), but, first...
t3h rules
Each player of this game starts with the "6 weird things about you." People who get tagged need to write in their blog of 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names.
- I don't own a vacuum cleaner. And why is that?, you may ask. Because I just can't stand the noise. It drives me crazy.
My last one broke shortly after Dan and I had decided to separate, and as my vacuumist was to move out of the house I saw no reason to buy new one. - I can't stand pale coloured bedsheets. Nor ones with flowers. I can't sleep well in them, therefore my closet is full of deep red and blue sheets.
- My surname shares anniversary with Hiroshima bombing.
- I can see connections and similarities in things others don't. This means that I can change the subject from medusas to baking, baffle the person I'm talking with and still I can give completely logical explanation about the jump from medusas to baking, step by step. Ask me draw a diagram about it, and I do that too.
- My eyes change their colour based on my mood. (This you have heard before though...) And my hair, if not dyed, changes to red when exposed to sunlight.
- I have drank coffee since I was five (yes, 5) years old.
Model stitching exhaustion
I just realised something: Monday should have been first day of Egyptian Sampler SAL with Christine. I have completely forgotten that, though it is understandable at this moment.
Actually I think I'll get back into rotating after I finish one more official model and Ring o' Roses (which I only need to stuff and close). I kind of miss doing something completely different for a change.
I think Monday could be my official Teresa Wentzler day so I can switch between Futurecast and Egyptian Sampler according my whims.
Foto Pherrets: Blue
Our word for this week: Blue
This glass rose blossoms in between my living room window (triple glass, hence the in between). Notice the colour.
Tuesday, 30 January 2007
Guess who just spent 70€ at Sewandso?
I had to order the beads, filaments and such for the Seasonal Dragons RR as we are planning to have the first mailing date in April and I have to still dye my fabric and confirm the layout.
February will be very tight month money wise because of this one.
I also bought three different dyes and the fabric (32 count Jobelan - it was cheap, you know), so we will see will I go completely crazy and dye tricoloured fabric for the dragons. (And of course I had to buy some (*cough*ten*cough*) skeins of white Venus, just to make sure that I can use all the dye effectively.
Bad, bad me.
Annoyances and Ring o' Roses
- Someone who barely knows me calls me hun.
- People who call women girl, even more those who choose to call me a girl. (I am a woman, if you really have to refer me with my sex...)
- I seem to get sick again, something I really don't need right now.
- People who assume.
- People who bathe in stereotypes and still claim to be free of them.
By the way
Stitchy update. o_O
Complimentary design to-be. (That motif is simplified from a series I'm working on.) Will be published than you think. Details to follow, I still need to stitch the another side and finish it as an ornament.
Hearty, but secret, happy dance
I finally took out my sewing machine and finished Valentine's Exchange items. (Yes, plural as I did somewhat a series: needlebook, scissor case and a pocket to store them both.)
And even I say so they look good, so I live in hope that my receiver enjoys them. (Who wouldn't enjoy linen bands and burgundy silk? o_O)
And as usual, a teaser.
Sunday, 28 January 2007
Sunday, bloody Sunday...
I overcharged my brains in the morning with Periphaeria's things, and decided to concentrate on cleaning (*gasp!*) due the fact that my brain cell needs some rest.
But now my kitchen looks like a kitchen, and Periphaeria's site is almost ready to be launched. I was even able to find free ad-free newsletter service, which is great. Things are falling into their places.
By the way, I think I have some kind of tableware addiction... I live in an apartment meant for two and still I don't have enough closet space in the kitchen... admittedly I could wine and dine seven course meal for four in any day, so, maybe I should sign up for Tableware Addicts Anonymous. (Well, they say that Cancerians are home makers....)
Unconscious Mutterings
Saturday, 27 January 2007
Happy dance, and something I thought about yesterday
Fresh out of the oven (well, you get the picture): one more model, another biscornu!
Pieces of information:
- Design: It doesn't have a name yet (so pop by and share your ideas) by Periphaeria Designs.
- Fabric: 32 count white linen.
- Floss: Cobalt Blue by Carrie's Creation.
Risks of loving, part something
"No matter the outcome, having felt love you will never feel the same. It may scar your heart and soul and leave you only memories of yesterday or it may cause every day of your life to feel like there is no need for tomorrow. But love is worth it. It is worth the risk. For all in life, it is the on risk worth taking."I came to think of it again yesterday...
Love is always worth the risk as it sets you free. It sets you free even if it was only fit to live in dreams. No matter what the outcome has been or will be it gives you wings - if you are willing to accept them.
Friday, 26 January 2007
Friday is the day for feasts
Feast One Hundred & Twenty Eight
Appetizer: If you could take lessons to learn any musical instrument, which would you want to learn?
Flute! I have always wanted one as I love the sound of it (though I know it's difficult instrument).
Soup: Have you ever mistaken a person for someone else?
On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how well do you keep secrets?
Main Course: What's the closest you've ever been to a dangerous animal?
Define "dangerous animal". Humans are dangerous, I was close to one... yesterday.
Dessert: When was the last time you lost your patience?
It happens so often I can't recall... ok, not really. I really can't remember.
ETA: My dear feasters, please leave your blog's url so I can pop by to enjoy your servings.
This little piggy went home...
I just heard that my partner at EMS' Biscornu Exchange has received her parcel, and loved it (^^), so here it comes!
Pieces of information:
- Design: Nita's Lace by Periphaeria Designs
- Fabric: 32 count Lavender Bliss Belfast linen
- Floss: Misc. free gift from CS.
Allow me to say that I like this one too.
Thursday, 25 January 2007
If I were red...
You Are Apple Red
You're never one to take life too seriously, and because of it, you're a ton of fun. And although you have a great sense of humor, you are never superficial.
Deep and caring, you do like to get to the core of people - to understand them well.
However, any probing you do is light hearted and fun, sometimes causing people to misjudge you.
(Cross posted.)
It's in the weather...
It has to be. It has been like this for few days...
...and I'm sleeping much better (though a lot (7h+5h/d)) and I actually have any interest towards household chores. I even stitch faster. o_O
Though my creativity has been hibernating, but then... you can't be inspired 24/7 (and still I can get something done almost every day - if nothing else just one motif sketch).
By the way, I have never seen rainbow in winter (I know it's possible as I do know what causes rainbows, nevertheless I find it interesting), hence the picture of that one I saw day before yesterday.
Behold, a biscornu!
I got mail from France! Jeannine was my sender in Biscornu Exchange at EMS (surprisingly I was paired up with a co-moderator) and she stitched this pretty one for me using motifs from Kissy's Flower Sampler.
Merci Jeannine!
Nowadays this little one is hanging in my place of pride between living room and kitchen (it's good to have no doors between living room and kitchen, you can use space more effectively) with other hangable exchange items.
SBQ: Hand-dyeds
Stitching Bloggers' Question
was suggested by Danielle and is:- What company produces your favorite hand-dyed fabric? Are there any companies whose hand-dyed fabric you do not like? If so, why?
Wednesday, 24 January 2007
Foto Pherrets
Our word for the week is: Cat.
(This was so easy!) Let me introduce: Neko-san. Cat with a figurative name.
Like any other disease it sneaks into your life and gets you when you don't expect it...
I found myself today from DIY/haberdashery shop (I was in search of thin, tan felt, but no... neither blue or red, which might have also worked in the piece I need it to) fondling "candle cuff" and think how wonderful those leaves would look in a crazy quilted piece. o_O
I bought it, as I bought some bugle beads to go with it. And actually I know what I'm going to make out of them. It'll be a P-I-F item, which I intended to do in some other method, but thought that I might want to give crazy quilting a try with this particular one.
This is just what I need, another addiction.
It comes with the age
Her Highness is losing her hearing.
It occurred to me when I was typing with bits_2_whole about one of our mother's cats who is about the same age than HH (actually HH is about six months older) and has apparently lost (most of) her hearing.
I have been wondering for a while why HH is so cranky and doesn't let me go anywhere in the apartment without yelling like someone going to slaughter... apparently the reason is that she doesn't know that I am at home, as she can't hear me, and she gets worried where I got all of the sudden.
Fact is that she is 13 years old (turned about month ago) cat with blue eyes, so, what else could it be? (Taking that her fur is shiny and soft, she eats well for a cat of her age and she's still relatively active.)
How I know she can't hear me? Snap your fingers behind cat's head. If there's no reaction the cat doesn't hear you. I only get a reaction from HH when I snap my fingers right next to her ear.
And she has been much more quiet lately as now when she cries I let her see me. It ends it, always.
Tuesday, 23 January 2007
Dear Mr. Sandman
Could provide me enough sleeping sand to sleep 10 hours in a row, if that is what you want me to sleep daily, instead of two five hour sessions? I hope you take this issue under consideration, it'd be much appreciated.
Thank you.
Yours truly,
Stitching wise...
I'm, once again (and not in anyone's surprise), working on a model of mine. Though it's working name is/was Missing You I think I need to change its name. It reminds me way too much of Delftware, partly because of the colours used: cobalt blue on white linen.
Nothing much to show as I just had to frog half of the border due miscalculation (don't you just hate it when you're one thread off?).
I have signed up for another one: this time item has to be stitched over one and finished as a stitcher's tool. And I don't have slightest idea of the recipient, so it makes it difficult to choose the design and finishing method. Fortunately the deadline is 15th of March, so I do have time still. Maybe I just choose the design and decide what it wants to be after the stitching is done.
Talking of over one projects I think I have to concentrate on my Valentine's Exchange project tomorrow, as the deadline is nearing...
Monday, 22 January 2007
Mr. Warhol said it...
...and if you want your fifteen minutes in fame: 2000 bloggers. Only requirement is to have your picture somewhere in your blog.
I left a comment about a minute ago, as you may have guessed by now.
Shamelessly stolen from engelmeine:
Your Slanguage ProfileThis equals 125%, by the way.
Aussie Slang: 25%
Canadian Slang: 25%
Prison Slang: 25%
Southern Slang: 25%
Victorian Slang: 25%
British Slang: 0%
(Cross posted to my test blog.)
For once public healthcare seems to work effectively: I already got an invite from the Skin and Allergy Hospital for my next appointment. And as I thought, I'll have another round of epicutane. Fun. Great fun. Not.
Talking of allergies... last months I have been joking how I am allergic to carbohydrates, but honestly, what else can you say when you get killer migraine just because you happened to eat rice noodles? As I know that I am not allergic to rice - and this seems to happen every time I eat "normal" amounts of carbohydrates (You'd be shocked to know how much protein my diet contains). Carbohydrate intolerance? *grin*
Fortunately that migraine seems to be over now, I need to be at my best at 11:00 (I'm having that job interview).
And, ah, AlegrÃa has been liked, which makes me one very happy camper.
Sunday, 21 January 2007
TAST: Week 3 - and UM
Lady has a migraine, lady can't sleep so lady got up and begun to TAST.
Week three
In week 3 our stitch was detached chain stitch, aka. as lazy daisy. Good stitch, as I love these buggers.
My favourites are those little ones with beads, though I'm also rather fond of those generic flowers. And now, one part of my Stitch-A-Thon goal is done.
Unconscious Mutterings: Week 207
I say ... and you think ... ?
:: Acting
This wasn't what I intended to do...
... during my SAT, but, nevertheless, we had a happy dance in first minutes of Sunday.
Pieces of information:
- Design: AlegrÃa by Periphaeria Designs (AlegrÃa stands for happiness.)
- Fabric: 32 count Cheerful Cherry Lugana by Polstitches Designs
- Floss Passion Flower, overdyed by Needle Necessities
- Beads: by Mill Hill
Friday, 19 January 2007
Shock and awe, I have job interview in Monday. o_O
And just to make you go Aww! ^^ some Neko close-ups...
I actually had half a happy dance today (of an exclusive freebie for business-not-yet-to-be-named - I have two versions of same design, and I can't decide between them so I model stitch them both, and, apparently, finish them as... a biscornu! How did you guess? (I actually designed it to be more of an ornament (as it is small, only about ~35x35 stitches), but this is not bad effect)), but the picture I took doesn't want to look good, so I will keep you waiting...
Friday's Feast
Feast One Hundred & Twenty Seven
Appetizer: Which television shows do you just refuse to miss?
I don't watch TV so there's no such thing.
Soup: Who did you last speak to on the telephone?
Ermm... my dermatologist, I think.
Salad: How many pillows do you keep on your bed?
Do cats count? Depending on my mood etc. anything from one to four.
Main Course: Name one addition to your computer (software, hardware, etc.) that you'd love to have.
One?! Choose one: bigger hard disk/ laser printer/ WLAN adapter/scanner...
Dessert: What is your favorite foreign food?
Erm... in my books there is no such thing as foreign food. I guess that makes me a freak then.
The question was... this year will be?
It's *that* time again!
TRN's monthly Stitch-A-Thon is in coming weekend so it's time to set some goals. This is my plan:
- Valentine's Exchange item (at SBEBB) stitched and finished
- I try to get back on track with Take-A-Stitch Tuesday and
- Stitch half of the other side of the biscornu for the exchange.
Thursday, 18 January 2007
I have a dream...
... and... the light is green!
I had a chat with "rehabilitation counsellor" today (I had an appointment) and she said that as long as it is not an official business I can do it. I can do it if I am part-time freelance designer... You know... I can do it! Gosh, I feel so, so, so good!
The thing is that our legislation doesn't allow unemployed person to have any kind of official business, as in their books you are a business owner and therefore you have a job. End of case.
But, this is where "freelancing" comes in: if it's occasional, if it's not official business, if it doesn't prevent you taking a job if one's offered to you... you are allowed to do it. It falls in selling your own products at a market place category, according to her - and of course I agree.
Tax authorities don't give a d*mn as long my sales don't exceed 8?00 €/ a - and if they ever exceed that I should consider making it official as my income would be big enough to make it (with some help from SII (as my income would still be low enough to receive housing allowance))...
And to continue on good news, or positive possibilities... if I get official report from my doctor that I can't practise my profession SII will most likely pay me another degree. In second level (we have ~three levels: mandatory school, second level and third level (university and its kind)) though, but it's a start. It would mean housing allowance and rehabilitation allowance, plus, as far as I know, welfare officials shouldn't have any reason to nag about me applying for my monthly allowance from them...
In other words: my income wouldn't be any better it is now, but it would be enough as it would be secure. I would get the allowance from two to three full years without any questions.
I have my next appointment in April, but she recommended that I'll make an appointment with vocational guidance counsellor to clear few things - and according to the RC VGC's opinion is greatly appreciated when SII makes the decision will one get full government support for one's studies...
What can I say? Oh mi gosh! Things may get better... really.