Sunday 30 July 2006

Thingies from offline land

It seems to me that I've strained my right bicep when moving monitor couple of days back. There's bruise on the skin over my bicep, and I'm sure its origin is internal. There's another one in my elbow and I'm sure they're connected to each others.
Mostly the question is how? I've been carrying that monitor around before and never strained my muscles because of it...

In stitching front

I've 'surprisingly' been stitching quite much (in addition of doing laundry and cleaning+reorganizing (I seem to reorganize almost all the time...)) and the first quarter of bamboo border is now officially finished. It's about 12,5% of whole design.


Tomorrow is second anniversary of my separation, third year living alone begins. Time really flies when you're enjoying yourself (even I've to pay whole rent on my own, but who cares when you're happy?).


I'm actually quite surprised... I'm not having that much withdrawals from 'net (fortunately I use Semagic so I can blog even I can't update ), though I still have difficulties with my morning coffee because I'm used to read forums and blogs while sipping my coffee.

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