Tuesday 25 July 2006


Random Joy

  1. How much do the things you’re willing to discuss with your friends vary from things you’d discuss with a romantic partner? Which ends to be the closer relationship intellectually?
    It depends on a friendship, but it doesn't need to vary - though friendships rarely have those state of a relationship conversations romantic relationships have now and then. Otherwise I can talk about everything with a friend, like I can with romantic partner. Mostly because I have no sense of decency.
    My romantic relationships are intellectually closer just because I tend to get involved men who are intelligent (Those few who can actually keep me interested longer than five minutes) and able to use it. When I get involved I take the possibility it takes my lifetime and I don't want to spend lifetime with someone who's not able to satisfy me mentally. I demand certain sort of perfectionism from my partner, as one has to be better than others as I love one and chose to be with one.
    I'm much less meticulous with friends.

  2. When shopping, do you believe that generally things that cost more are of better quality?
    In general no.

  3. How old were you when you first moved out of your parents' house? Or if you haven't yet, at what age could you see yourself moving out for the first time?
    I was 16 years, one month and few days.

  4. Do you think that voting is important? Why or why not?
    As I say: if you don't vote you're not allowed to complain.
    Importance of voting to me personally depends on elections in question.

  5. Do you keep a dream journal?
    Not regularly, sometimes I blog about my dreams. My luck is that I remember most significant dreams I've had.

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